Pirate Family

Chapter 144 The Best Sister in the World


Although Lorne had expected this for a long time, he was still a little surprised when it came out of Agatha's mouth.

"Yes, Crocodile the Sand Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai, has declared war on Whitebeard Edward Newgate." Agatha said in a deep voice.

"As the second Shichibukai to declare war on the legend, this time the world government may restore the majesty loss caused by the defeat of Moonlight Moria."

"The Naval Headquarters is shrinking and may reinforce Crocodile."

This is Agatha's judgment,

"So now the Navy Headquarters can't spare us to deal with us, which is why only an ordinary lieutenant general is sent over."

Lorne had already told Agatha about the news that Dogman Dogman was about to attack.

Now the whole Vinhill family is getting ready.

"No, the navy will not reinforce Crocodile, at least not on the surface." Lorne thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice.

"Not to mention the group of people in the Navy Headquarters, who have never regarded Wangxia Qibuhai as their own. They hope that this group of so-called legal pirates will be killed and injured sooner."

"It's that they don't dare at all. The situation in the new world has not stabilized yet. Pirates are engaged in continuous wars in the new world."

"But the current new world, after all, still belongs to the territory of the pirates. If the navy intervenes and starts a war against any party, it may be attacked by the pirates."

"With the current Marshal Buddha's Warring States personality, he would not make such a risky decision."

"So there must be something wrong with the Navy." Lorne's eyes were stern, but he still had something to say. He had a deep feeling that what happened at the Navy Headquarters might have something to do with him.

"Let's put aside what happened at the Navy Headquarters for now." Agatha quickly understood the crux of the problem.

"How should we deal with this fighting dog Dogman?" Agatha didn't say a word.

She was ready to fail, and if any accident happened, she would abandon everything about Adela and take Lorne away.

This is the responsibility of being a "sister".

Dougman the Pitbull, the Eagle of the Navy, is known for his absolute toughness.

His body is full of marks left by the battle, and he will never show mercy to pirates.

The navy headquarters sent him here, maybe it didn't mean to confront Lorne head-on.

But they couldn't imagine that after this period of development, Lorne's power has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"How to deal with it?" Lorne smiled, his expression became firm.

"If he wants to fight, then he will fight."

"Compared to this, I care a little more." Lorne suddenly changed the subject.

"What's going on with Khalil?"

As a core member of the Vinhill family, Khalil's role is extremely important. Jointly in charge of the family's internal affairs with Kofir.

However, due to some problems with Beihai's customers, he had to go to Beihai to stabilize the morale of the army.

"The situation over there has stabilized."

The North Sea is also known as the Sea of ​​Chaos, because it has been in chaos all year round. If it weren't for the Vinsmoke and Don Quixote families, it would have become a completely lawless area.

Agatha paused and continued.

"The Don Quixote family doesn't seem to be interested in these small troubles. After Kalil passed by, they haven't sent anyone to contact them."

"The Vinsmoke family seems to have developed some secret weapon, and it has a tendency to dominate the North Sea."

Lorne nodded in approval. Vinsmoke, that is, the figure behind the Grizzly Bear Pirates that Lorne had just crossed over.

They obtained Vegapunk's experimental body material through the pirate, and they don't know what kind of benefits they can get from it.

The Wensmoke family in the original book did indeed complete the feat of dominating the North Sea with the help of the Clone Warrior Legion.

I just don't know what kind of changes will happen in this life with Lorne as a butterfly.

"Order the factories below to digest the laser weapons I brought back from Bika Island."

A weird smile appeared on Lorne's face.

"I'm going to give Gage a big present."

After taking care of all the chores, Lorne began to exercise daily and practice his abilities.

Becoming a strong person depends on water grinding kung fu, no one can reach the sky in one step.


The new world, seas of all nations.

A girl with burgundy curly hair tiptoed to the boat she secretly prepared, ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" Just as she was looking around to see if she had been spotted, a girl came from under her feet.

She stepped on a mirror, and in the mirror was a young woman with purple hair talking.

She has a delicate appearance, but there is a huge wound on her face from the right forehead to the left cheek, which destroys her overall beauty.

Make her a bit hideous.

"So it's you, Sister Bree." The burgundy-haired girl breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the person coming.

Sitting on the boat and hugging her calf, she said softly.

"I haven't been out for a long, long time. I want to see the outside world."

"Aren't you there at every mother's tea party?" The woman called Bu Lei crawled out of the mirror and said with a smile.

"Besides, because of that incident at the beginning, my mother no longer allows us to run around casually."

She is the eighth daughter of the Charlotte family, a mirror fruit ability user, Charlotte Bray.

She is also Charlotte Katakuri's younger sister.

"Sister Bree, don't talk about this. It's been many years since that happened. I have grown up and can take care of myself. My mother has been a little moody recently, and many brothers and sisters have been scolded by her."

The girl with burgundy curly hair said with lingering fear, "Also, what I want to go to is the outside world, the outside world beyond all nations."

"Is that brother Lorne who wants to meet you?" Bree said with a smile while sitting next to the wine-red curly-haired girl.

"What is his family background and strength? You must know that my mother always likes to marry with a powerful family. We are just chips in her eyes."

As he spoke, Bree's eyes dimmed a bit. With her face ruined, she is not even qualified to be a bargaining chip.

"I don't know." The burgundy curly-haired girl was a little lost. She only knew that the advance city was suddenly breached and the prisoners escaped from it, including Vinhill Lorne.

Afterwards, I never heard from brother Lorne again, as if this person had disappeared from the world.

"People with no background are not allowed to interact with the Charlotte family. This is the rule set down by my mother back then." Bree said seriously.

"As a sister, I have an obligation to prevent you from jumping into the fire pit. It is my responsibility as a sister to supervise my sister not to run around."

"But if that's the case," Jia Lei said urgently, but she felt a little helpless.

Mom is a mountain that the Charlotte family cannot climb.

They cannot disobey their mother's orders.

"But," Bree said with a smile, looking into Garrett's dark eyes.

"I just want to go outside now, do you want to go with my sister?"

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