Pirate Family

Chapter 145 Colosseum

Adela Palace, Secret Colosseum.

A shirtless young man is confronting an ancient saber-toothed tiger up to three meters high.

This sabre-toothed tiger is almost as tall as a person just because of its teeth, and its hair is smooth and shiny, with terrifying muscles hidden in it, but such a ferocious beast looks at the little one in front of it like an enemy.

This saber-toothed tiger was captured by a group of pirates from an ancient island where dinosaurs existed on the great route.

For this, they paid the lives of most of the pirates.

Lorne bought the beast from them with 100 million Baileys and raised it in the palace.

This time, Lorne decided not to use abilities and fighting moves, but to fight with pure physical strength.


Finally, the ancient ferocious beast couldn't hold back its patience, roared, and rushed towards Lorne.


In the stands, a little angel with wings exclaimed. He was so frightened that he covered his eyes, and his small body kept trembling.

"Don't be afraid," said a sexy woman sitting beside the little angel. She was wearing a crown at one side, and her slit long skirt exposed her slender and toned thighs.

She gently squeezed the little angel's little hand and said with a smile.

"Your brother Lorne is very strong, how could he lose to this beast."

"And, even if there is any accident, you are still here."

The woman gently stroked the little girl's long white hair, and said caressingly.

"You are the angel doctor at home, little Anxi."

The little angel called Anxi finally let go of her nervous mood. She clenched her little fist tightly and kept pumping herself up.

Anxi, don't be afraid, Anxi, you are the best!

Brothers need Anxi's medical care!

"Hmph!" Beside them, sat a man with short blond hair who was also topless.

His earlobes are surprisingly long, which makes people notice at first sight.

"If Lorne can't even deal with this beast, he might as well die in the Colosseum."

Anilu grabbed a bottle of water and poured it on himself, wiping the sweat off his body.

Just now he defeated a beast similar to the ancient saber-toothed tiger with pure physical strength.

Lorne is right in saying that no matter what route you take, it doesn't matter whether it's swordsmanship, physical skills, or ability.

Physical fitness is the most basic.

Without physical fitness, everything is empty talk.

A man and a beast on the field were fighting, and Lorne was faintly suppressed by this ferocious ancient saber-toothed tiger, and his body was covered with scars from being scratched by it.

The power of the ancient saber-toothed tiger was extremely ferocious. If an ordinary person was lightly patted by it, he might vomit blood and die. Thanks to Lorne's strong body, he survived after being caught by it for so long.

Perhaps it was because the fighting time was too long, the beast's patience was completely exhausted, and the attack became fiercer, staring at Lorne's vitals everywhere.

"The latest information has arrived."

At this time, the gate of the Colosseum was slowly pushed open, and a hook-nosed man with braids walked in.

This is the previous supporter of the Jeffrey family, Hill Allowin, who had just surrendered to the Vinhill family!

He is currently the deputy commander of the "Dark Moon" intelligence organization of the Vinhill family.

He held a few pieces of information in his hand, and handed them to Agatha with a gloomy expression.

After reading the information, the few people sitting in the auditorium became silent.

"What's written on it!" An Xi was not tall, so she had to fly up with her wings to read it.

"Lorne, stop playing." Eneru put away the information and yelled at the Colosseum below.

"Fix it quickly."

After the teenager in the Colosseum heard Enilu's call, he switched from defense to offense, and the situation on the field changed instantly.

The saber-toothed tiger, which was still fierce just now, was directly lifted by Lorne's teeth. He fell heavily to the side.

The saber-toothed tiger was in pain, and just about to get up and continue fighting, it met Lorne's indifferent eyes.

"Lie there obediently and don't move, wait for me to come back."

Its whole body was startled, as if it remembered something, and it really lay down on the ground, not daring to move.

"What happened, so flustered?" Lorne picked up a towel to wipe off the sweat on his body, and then walked over.

"There are thirteen pirate groups stationed on the small islands around Adela, and they act as our eyes and ears."

Agatha said, and passed the information in her hand to Lorne.

This was Lorne's decision to subdue the pirate group and let them station around this sea area. The pirates harass the surrounding countries and passing ships from time to time, creating a scene where pirates are raging in this sea.

Only Adela under Vinhill's rule has been in peace and prosperity.

This huge contrast made the residents of Adela very grateful to Agatha.

In this way, the rule of the family will be stronger.

"According to this information, four of the thirteen pirate groups have lost contact. When our people went to check their errrr station." Agatha continued, her face heavy.

"It's all in ruins."

"So the fighting dog Dogman is finally here?" Lorne smiled, "He didn't come to me directly, but started to trouble those pirates first, he really can't tolerate a single one in his eyes." Pirates."

"He wants to catch us all," Enil said coldly, "Let us become a meritorious service in his chest."

"It depends on whether he has the ability," Lorne said nonchalantly.

"My life is very valuable, he can't afford it."

I don't know how many pirates in this sea want to kill him and become famous in one fell swoop. If they care about it, Lorne would have been bored to death.

"According to the location of these disappeared pirates, Dogman swept along the route."

"What an arrogant guy." Lorne opened the chart, which marked Dogman's route.

"If we don't respond for a long time, the group of pirates below may have a different heart." Agatha said, and began to think.

"After all, those pirates are not safe guys."

"Then use absolute power to shut them up." Enilu said as the blue lightning flashed on him.

"You violent madman." Agatha looked at Enilu who was full of fighting spirit, and couldn't help feeling a little headache.

There are some violent guys in the family, so is Jody, so is Mooreman, and so is this newly joined Enilo.

Little brother Lorne was spoiled by them!

If Lorne knew that Agatha thought so, he would definitely laugh, because he was the biggest violent man in the family!

"According to his route, the next island that Dogman will arrive at is Lillis Island." Lorne pointed his finger at a small island on the map, with a fanatical and crazy smile on his face.

"How about we sink his warship there?"

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