Pirate Family

Chapter 148 The Illusion Killer

Die like this?

Dogman himself was a little unbelievable, he thought that this Vennhill Lorne would at least symbolically resist a few times.

After all, this is the man who planned to advance the riots in the city!

But I didn't expect it to end so smoothly. Lorne's head rolled to the ground, showing that the journey of this arrogant super bounty criminal has come to an end.

Dogman bent down to pick up the fallen head, Lorne's smile made him feel very uncomfortable. Then he turned and said to the soldiers behind him.

"Clean up the corpses of these pirates, we are going back."

But in the next moment, he was stunned. The soldiers did not have the joy of victory, but all stood there sluggishly.

Just like statues.

At this time, he remembered Lorne's words before he died.

"Haven't you found out yet?"

What did you find? What the hell is he talking about? !

Cold sweat oozed from Dougman's forehead. He sensed that things were out of his control.

"Looks like you've finally figured it out."

The head in his hand suddenly spoke, with a hint of sarcasm and disdain.

"Aren't you dead?" Dougman threw Lorne's head to the ground. Hastily stepped back a few steps, and said as if facing a formidable enemy.

He knew that Lorne was a devil fruit capable user, but according to intelligence, Lorne's ability was a tasteless ability similar to that of knowledgeable domineering.

Doesn't help at all in combat.

Moreover, Dogman has never heard of a devil fruit that can bring people back from the dead!

"What a rude guy." Lorne walked over slowly with his headless body, picked up his head, and put it around his neck.

The fracture was instantly connected together, without even a trace!

"What kind of monster are you?" Dogman was silent for a moment before trembling.

His rich combat experience is not enough for him to deal with the weird situation in front of him.

"Think about it carefully, when did you feel something was wrong?" Lorne stared into the vice admiral's eyes and said calmly.

When did it feel wrong?

Dogman began to recall that when he repelled the swordsman holding the black and red long sword, he seemed to have looked at Lorne.

From this moment on, I couldn't feel the anger of my soldiers and pirates anymore.

"Remember?" Lorne clapped his hands, and the world in Dogman's eyes instantly shattered.

The surrounding soldiers and pirates recovered from their statue state.

However, all the soldiers were tied up, and their faces were still a little dazed, not knowing what happened.

The swordsman he "killed" was dozing boredly beside him holding his sword. Jody stood beside her, looking at her body.

It's like watching a clown.

Dogman followed his gaze, only to realize that a knife had been inserted into his body at some point.

There are still many scars on his body, the most eye-catching is the qualification fist mark on his abdomen.

"Your trick is a bit interesting." Thunder condensed into a boy's shadow beside Lorne, and Enilo said slowly.

After Dogman and Lorne looked at each other, the whole person seemed to be crazy and crazily self-mutilated. All the large and small wounds on his body came from himself!

"It's just a further use of ability." Lorne nodded.

The development of Superhuman Devil Fruit is different from the other two series. This is more of the ability of some concept series, and the development depends entirely on one's own imagination!

And Lorne had already started to study the method of confusing the opponent's perception before, and after continuous training, he finally fully mastered this technique.

Disturb the opponent's five senses and put him in an illusion. Be invincible by yourself.

Your perception can deceive you sometimes.

Lorne calls this technique "the hallucination killer."

This battle with Dougman was the first time this "illusion killer" was used in actual combat.

The success is entirely due to Dogman's pride, and he is too murderous towards Lorne, ignoring the changes in the environment.

If other people with a little more determination, or other knowledgeable and domineering people can grasp the shortcomings around them, Lorne's skill will be self-defeating.

"How to deal with him now." Jody stepped forward and said. It was a bit embarrassing that such an old opponent of his was defeated in such a muddle-headed manner.

"Take him back, heal him, and lock him up." Lorne said with a smile.

"He is an important bargaining chip in our negotiations with the Navy Headquarters."

Lorne turned and left. He had just taken a step when he suddenly remembered something and said back.

"Almost forgot, after collecting the contents of the warship he brought, he blew it up for me."

"I said, let it sink here, and it must sink here."

"Anyone who provokes the Vinhill family will end up like this."

Yawusi and others were stunned, at a loss. It wasn't until Lorne and the others left that a raging fire ignited on the warship before he regained his senses.

"What happened just now?" A pirate swallowed and said blankly.

"I don't know." The other pirate replied, he just remembered the navy with guns pointed at them, and was suddenly tied up.

The extremely arrogant lieutenant general suddenly started to self-mutilate crazily.

"Shut up!" Yaus yelled. As the group leader, he still has some prestige.

As soon as he spoke, the pirates really quieted down.

He was also at a loss, but this time he seemed to understand a truth.

That is to follow the Vinhill family, which may be the most correct decision he has made in his life.


Dogman's attack came quickly, and it was resolved even faster.

When Lorne detained the vice admiral from Adela's secret port, those who stayed in the family couldn't believe it.

You must know that the admiral of the navy can't see the end, and the rank of vice admiral is already the highest combat power of the navy that they can contact.

"Little brother Lorne, you really exceeded my expectations." Agatha ordered her subordinates to arrest the navy one by one before appearing in front of Lorne, and said with a smile.

Lorne waved his hand, but he just did an insignificant thing, so there's no need to care about it.

"How long is the construction of the new ship?" Lorne asked suddenly, walking side by side with Agatha.

"Are you talking about the Proverbs of Thunder Boat?" Agatha thought for a while and replied.

"According to the drawings you brought back from the empty island, the boatmen have made a preliminary design, and it may take about half a month to produce samples."

"Enough." Lorne nodded and said.

Thunder Boat Proverbs is Enilo's dream ship in the original book, able to use the power of his thunder fruit to fly in the air.

"Pack up some basics and get ready to hit the water."

"Is it in such a hurry? I just got in touch with the boatmen's union in the capital of seven waters. It won't take long for the Proverbs to be completed."

The capital of seven waters is the most famous ship factory in One Piece World, where the ships of One Piece King Roger and the protagonist Luffy are all built.

Agatha contacted the capital of seven waters through Adela's diplomatic ability, but she didn't want Lorne's ship to have even the slightest regret.

"No problem." Lorne looked up, a gleam of light in his eyes. "I'm going to go to the back of the great route to have a look."

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