Pirate Family

Chapter 149 Next Step Plan

"Behind the great route?" Agatha frowned and said with some concern.

"Why are you going to the New World?"

The Red Earth Continent divides the Great Route into two parts.

The first half is called Paradise, and the second half is called New World.

When Lorne said to go to the back of the great route, Agatha immediately thought of the terrifying sea area.

Now the new world has become a place of complete chaos, not under the jurisdiction of the world government.

Besides, Lorne, as a top bounty criminal, had already fallen into the eyes of those monsters.

When he left, Agatha was very worried.

"Many things have to be faced." Lorne knew what Agatha was thinking, and he gently held Agatha's hand, comforting him.

"Besides, I'm not going deep into the new world this time."

"I just want to visit the Red Earth Continent."

"I have been unable to contact Ai Ruili and Fat Hu, I am very worried."

Not long after Ariel returned to the headquarters of the Holy Truth Church on the Red Earth Continent, she lost contact.

And after Lorne came down from Sky Island, he heard from intelligence agent Dana that Dogman was about to attack.

Now that Dogman's matter has been dealt with, he can free up his hands.

Although he believed in Fat Tiger's ability, the Red Earth Continent was still an unknown land for Lorne.

He couldn't tolerate any surprises in his family.

"I understand." Agatha nodded. She knew Lorne's character best. Once a decision was made, it would never change.

But it's this steadfast personality that makes him so attractive.

"I'll arrange it right away. The Word of Lei Zhou will produce the finished product as soon as possible."

"Leave the family affairs to me," Agatha suddenly lowered her head and said with some jealousy.

"Go and fetch your little bishop back."

"Ariel is my little bishop," Lorne brushed away the lavender hair from Agatha's ears, stared at her blue pupils, and said with a smile.

"But you are also my little queen."


By the time the Proverb was launched, five days had passed since Lorne defeated Lieutenant Admiral Dogman.

This time he only took away Enilo, Mooreman and Anxi, and left the other members of the family in Adela.

After all, this is his base camp and needs to be guarded.

Besides, I just had a battle with the Vice Admiral, so I was afraid that something might happen.

"This boat is really good." Enilu stood on the plywood, holding the rudder with one hand, and said comfortably.

This ship made of steel has an extremely heavy hull, and can sail normally in most sea areas without being swept away.

Ordinary shelling can only leave a mark on the ship.

And Lorne also ordered the craftsmen to plate a layer of pure gold on the hull in a very coquettish manner.

Sparkling and dazzling.

But it is also the reason why it is purely made of metal. The Proverb is not a traditional three-sail ship, sailing with the help of wind.

Instead, more advanced electricity is used as power. And this generator is Enilo who ate the thunderous fruit.

"I really want to drive this ship to infinite land." Enilo stood in front of the rudder, on top of a black metal floor.

Thunder continued to flow out of Anilu's body, drilling into the black metal.

"When this sea is completely ours, I will build you a fleet of golden ships. Let you take the fleet to the moon."

Lorne said with a smile, he was lying on the deck basking in the sun, resting his head on the body of the ancient saber-toothed tiger, feeling very comfortable.

And the beast was also dozing on the deck, and didn't seem to care about Lorne's behavior.

The last time in the Colosseum, Lorne conquered this beast with absolute strength. Now the ancient saber-toothed tiger is no different from a domestic cat.

"Forget it, just a golden ship." Enilu smiled lightly, "If there are too many of these things, it won't be domineering at all."

The long voyage was very boring, and the two chatted without saying a word.

In addition to exercising, Lorne just sat down and calmed down to feel some of the surroundings.

Integrate what you have learned.

The strength is slowly increasing.

As for Enel? Continuously using the ability to use the fruit to drive the mantra is a kind of exercise.


In the middle of the night, Lorne, who had just finished practicing and was going to sleep, was woken up by Anxi hastily shaking him.

"There is a water bottle running on the ocean!"

What water bottle runs on the ocean?

Lorne rubbed his sleepy eyes and walked out of the cabin. It was found that Enilu also looked at the sea somewhere in the distance with some surprise on his face.

Lorne followed his gaze, and sure enough, there was a glass bottle about the size of an adult's fist tumbling in the sea.

"I didn't lie to you!" Little Anxi said with a smile on her face, looking at the bottle with wonder in her eyes.

Little kids love fancy toys.

"No, it's not a bottle." Lorne took a closer look. With the fruit of perception, his eyesight was far superior to that of ordinary people, and he saw at a glance that the bottle was not rolling in the sea by himself.

Instead, there was a villain as small as a baby's fist running hard with his eyes closed.

"It's a small human race." Lorne said affirmatively.

"Little people?" Anxi became even more curious after hearing this word. She flapped her wings and flew up, heading towards the glass bottle.

"Will there be any problems?" Enilu looked at his sister who was going away, a little worried, and Thunder was condensed in his hands, ready to strike at any time.

Lorne didn't answer.

According to the plot, the villains are generally relatively simple in nature and are easy to be deceived. So Doflamingo was able to fool the Dong Tata clan easily.

But even a saint can't guarantee that his descendants will not be scumbags. So Lorne couldn't guarantee that the villain in the glass bottle would have no evil intentions.

The distance is too far to feel his emotions. But Lorne's "Illusion Killer" is ready, once this little human has any unreasonable thoughts, Lorne will never let him go.

Anxi soon came back with a glass bottle. Put it on the deck and fall out of a little human in armor. The golden hair is tied into a ponytail, and a miniature sword is worn at the waist, looking like a little knight.

At this time, she was still running, and hit the ground without paying attention.

"Ah! It hurts so much!" The little human complained while touching his head.

But she soon realized her situation. Looking at the few people around him, his eyes were full of vigilance.

"Wow, the little human race is so cute." Anxi squatted on the deck, touched the face of the little human female knight with her fingers, and giggled.

"You rude adult! Don't touch Luna's face!" The female knight was furious after being touched by Anxi, and she drew her sword and took two steps back.

"Oh oh oh, I'm sorry." Anxi quickly apologized when she saw that the female knight who claimed to be Luna was angry.

And fumbled in the pocket for a while. Just took out a piece of candy.

"This is the caramel my brother gave me. I've been hiding it for a long time!" Anxi hesitated for a while, handed the candy to Luna, and said with a sweet smile.

"Can we be friends?"

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