Pirate Family

Chapter 150 The Little Female Knight

Lorne looked at Luna who was gnawing on the candy, and suddenly remembered a sentence said by the sages in the previous life.

The essence of human beings is indeed X Jingze.

Anxi looked at Luna with a smile, and said happily after the female knight finished eating the candy.

"Can we be good friends now?"

"Mom said that if you receive the favor of a drop of water, the spring will repay you." Luna wiped off the sugar that stuck to her mouth. Then he continued.

"So, I allow you to be my friend!"

"Really! Anxi has made a good friend!" The little girl seemed a little excited after hearing Luna's words.

"But I still have a mission that must be fulfilled," Luna said with a regretful expression. "So, my friend, we must leave it at that."

After speaking, I was ready to get into the glass bottle.

However, a pair of white and slender hands picked her up.

"Do you want to leave after eating?" Lorne grabbed the little human in front of him.

Who said that the little people are pure and kind, but this one in front of him is a fine person!

"No, no!" Luna, who was found running away, was a little embarrassed, and she smiled embarrassingly.

"I really have a mission!"

"Then tell me about your mission?" Lorne held Luna's head with both hands, as if holding a toy.

"I'm actually a fighter." Luna struggled for a while, then gave up after finding that she couldn't get rid of it, and said slowly.

"The purpose of my going to sea this time is to prove to the tribe how brave a real warrior is!"


Through his perception ability, Lorne felt that the little knight was not telling the truth. Then he walked to the side of the ancient saber-toothed tiger, making a gesture to throw her into the saber-toothed tiger's mouth.

"Then, my dear little soldier, will this big tiger be handed over to you?"


At this time, the saber-toothed tiger just woke up and yawned with its mouth wide open.

"Wow, wow, no!" Luna hugged Lorne's fingers in fright when she saw the ferocious saber-toothed tiger.

"Luna says everything, don't throw Luna in, woo woo woo."

"I actually saw the newspaper dropped by the big bird with the newspaper, and I knew that the outside world was so wonderful."

"Luna wants to see if the big names in the newspaper are as powerful as the legends say!"

Lorne put the female knight in the little angel's palm and said playfully.

"Then who are the big names you know?"

"I'll count," Luna bowed her head and began to think.

"Grandpa with a white beard!! Uncle with blond hair! Very tall, with horns!"

"And auntie with pink hair!"

"The weird uncle with the black knife, the pervert in pink..."

The little knight counted one by one, but Lorne was speechless.

He guessed that the little knight only remembered the features in other people's photos.

"By the way, there is one more!" The little knight said suddenly.

"Some time ago, I saw a big brother with black hair and a priest's robe. The newspaper said he was a demon!"

"I remember his name is Vienxi..." the little knight stared blankly at Lorne as he spoke. Suddenly, she yelled loudly, and got into hiding behind Anxi's wings in fear.

"Wow! You are that demon Lorne!" Luna sobbed as she spoke.

"Don't eat me! I'm only a little older, I don't taste good at all!"

"Wooooooow, I want to go home, Grandpa Wu Luoluo, I miss you."

"Demon Lorne?" Lorne said with a smile. "So this is the nickname given to me by the Navy?"

After Lorne defeated Dogman, his identity was completely exposed.

On this sea, I only thought of Lorne, a man of the age a few years ago.

The man with the highest initial bounty has finally returned.

Lorne was sure that the Golden Lion Shiji must be sitting somewhere in the new world, laughing with a newspaper about himself.

Then wait for yourself to challenge him.

Just wait, it won't be long.

"Don't be afraid, you are my friend, my brother will not eat you." Anxi took Luna off her wings and said warmly.

"You, you, are you really Lorne?" Luna stood in Anxi's palm and said tremblingly. "Wynhill Lorne?"

"There are indeed many people pretending to be me now." Lorne said with a smile. "But I am Lorne himself."

"That, that, that." After making sure that Lorne would not hurt her, the little knight jumped off Anxi's palm and ran to Lorne's body.

The little blushed and said excitedly.

"Then can you keep Luna? Luna is a powerful warrior!"


In this way, Lorne gained his first admirer, although he was a dazed little human.

Through communication, Lorne found out. What does Luna mean by being powerful? As a small human, she is surprisingly powerful, and she can easily lift things dozens of times her own weight.

Even though she doesn't weigh too much.

And the speed is extremely fast. If Lorne doesn't use the "micro-sensing field", it will be difficult to catch Luna's trace.

But such a mighty little girl knew nothing about sailing. With her passion, she put herself in a bottle and went out to sea.

But he couldn't tell the direction at all, so he had to run around on the sea.

If I hadn't met Lorne and his party, I'm afraid they would be lost in this sea in a short time.

However, Luna, a living treasure, was added to the boat, which made it a lot more lively.

She often stands on the shoulders of her good friend Anxi, and the latter takes her to soar in the sky.

Or hide in her wings and sleep beautifully.

And her appearance also broke one of Lorne's inherent thinking.

Many of Lorne's previous layouts were set according to the original plot.

So cognition is also somewhat rigid. For example, he thinks subconsciously.

The murloc must come from the murloc island, and the fur clan must have come from the back of the elephant master. The little people must be the Dongtata clan of Tokushima.

However, during the communication with Luna, he discovered that this little knight didn't know the existence of Tokushima at all.

Her hometown is Paradise!

For example, the yellow race in the previous life must have been in Asia, and there are also yellow race people in Millikin.

When watching One Piece in the previous life, Lorne still had some doubts. That is the small human race, the performance of the fur race in the plot is so strong, why the price in the slave market is not much different from that of ordinary humans.

The manpower and material resources required for the slave hunting team to go to Tokushima and Elephant Island to capture the little people and fur tribes are far greater than to capture ordinary humans.

It is only now that I understand that the two islands in the original book may be just one of the gathering places of these two races.

These two rare races were scattered all over the world, which gave the slave catchers a chance.

"Brother, brother!" Anxi was tired from flying in the sky, and slowly landed on the deck. The record pointer in his hand was shaking wildly.

As a navigator, she said with a solemn expression.

"There seems to be something wrong with the island in front."

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