Pirate Family

Chapter 151 Disaster

The frantic rotation of the record pointer generally only represents one situation, that is, something happened to the recorded island, which made the original magnetic field of the island become disordered.

It's like Punk Hazard Island after the decisive battle between Sakaski and Kuzan, which has become Ice and Fire Island.

"Never mind," Lorne thought for a moment.

He's not Luffy's stupid young man who only thinks about taking risks. Lorne hates trouble.

Besides, the safety of Ariel and Fat Tiger is unknown now, and Lorne has no time to linger.


Half a day later, Lorne looked at the almost razed island in front of him. His brows were furrowed.

They tried, and unless they turned back, no matter which direction they went, the pointer was in chaos.

According to Anxi, the navigator of the little angel, it may be necessary to go to that island and record the location before getting the direction of the next island.

"What's going on here?"

Anilu stepped on the island and stepped on a piece of charred wood. The dead wood could no longer bear the weight and broke suddenly.

This small island was almost razed to the ground by an unknown force. Through the remains of the ruins, it can be vaguely seen that the trees here were once dense and lush.

But now lava and ice are intertwined and spread all over the small island, and unknown giant animals have left huge paw prints on the land.

After the ice melted, it turned into water and accumulated in the palm print, forming a small pond.

"This may be the trace left by the natural ability user after the battle." Lorne said seriously.

The scene in front of him was no different from Punk Hazard.

The ability powerful enough to change the terrain is the terrifying destructive power of a natural ability user.

"Is this the trace left by the human battle?" Enilu couldn't believe it, "Are you kidding? This island is almost destroyed by them!"

As a natural-type ability user, Enilo certainly knows the strength of the natural-type.

So he couldn't believe all of this at all. Can this kind of terrifying destructive power really be possessed by humans?

What is the pride of my past in front of this kind of power?

Enilu took a few steps back in a daze, stepped on a stone and made a sound.

This stone is made of unknown material, but it is still intact in front of this mighty force.

"What's going on, so noisy?" The little knight got out from the angel's wings and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

She just felt the abnormal bumps and noises, which made it impossible for her to sleep well!

Although Luna is cute, she still needs to sleep!

"Wow, why did you step on Luna's house?" The little knight saw the stone at the foot of Enilo with sharp eyes, and immediately exclaimed, jumped off Anxi's body and ran over, picking up the stone.

"Does Luna live in this kind of place?" Anxi bent down and asked curiously.

"Yeah!" Luna said excitedly, "There is a cave under this rock, where Luna and her family live!"

"Let me find the entrance..." The little knight looked around, but was stunned.

Because the scene in front of her and the hometown in her memory are completely two places!

Lava flowed across the river, and trees were reduced to ashes. It was hell!

"Where is the entrance!" Luna was about to cry, and she started looking for the entrance everywhere. The small body was running on the scorched ground.

"I'll help Luna too!" Seeing her good friend like this, Anxi anxiously helped her find her.

"Luna's clansman, I'm afraid." Enilu said a little bit unbearably when he saw the two little girls like this.

"Yeah." Lorne nodded and didn't continue.

The lava flows downhill like water, which is a complete disaster for the little people living in the cave.

According to Lorne's estimation of the little people based on Luna's strength, these little people are just stronger than ordinary humans.

, not as good as Tokushima's Dongtata family.

There is no way to deal with this kind of natural disaster.

Moreover, Lorne, who has the ability to perceive, did not feel any signs of life around them except them.

The entire island seemed to be a piece of dead land!

The two were silent for a while, and Anilu couldn't help but speak first.

His tone was a little bitter.

"Is this really something human can do?"

"Yes." Lorne nodded, "And I probably already guessed who wrote this scene."


"The two admirals now." Lorne said slowly.

"Akainu, Sakasky."

"Aokiji, Kuzan."

"They are teaming up to fight against the enemy, but." Lorne paused for a while, his tone somewhat uncertain and unbelievable.

"I feel like they're being suppressed!"


After all, Enilo is still a teenager, even though he suddenly possesses great strength, his mind is still pure.

In his cognition, this level is almost close to the limit of human beings. Such a strong person will be suppressed, or the two will be suppressed together!

"Maybe it's not just them," Lorne recalled the words of Dana, an intelligence officer of the previous World Government.

"There is also the last general in the navy, Kizaru Polusalino, and there may even be Garp, Sengoku, and Cyborg Kong."

The Naval Headquarters conducted a war in this area under the guise of a military exercise.

It should be besieging someone.

But according to Lorne's current judgment, the navy's siege should have failed.

"These names you mentioned are all strong people of this level, or even above this level?"

Anilu's emotions eased, and he completely transformed the shock into a desire for power.

After seeing Lorne nodded slightly, Enilo's eyes became firm.

"I suddenly felt that following you to Qinghai seemed like a good decision."

"Lorne," Enilo suddenly called out Lorne's name.


"Do you want to own an Isle of Ray?"


It wasn't until it was getting late that Luna found a cave among the ruins.

Then hurriedly ran in.

After a few minutes, he came out in silence, with some tears on his small face.

After she sealed the place, she erected a stone tablet, and after paying homage a few times, she got into Anxi's wings and hid.

"The dead rest in peace." Lorne bowed slightly to the tombstone, and then made a simple salvation with the ritual of the Holy Truth.

They returned to the Proverb and prepared to continue their departure.

The little people have no habit of keeping vigil for the dead. The passing of life is sad, but life must go on.

However, it can be seen from Anxi's wet wings that this little girl has not really let go.

The cheerful little knight became taciturn, and even the little angel was extremely depressed.

Lorne didn't bother them, he was only thinking about one question now.

Those who claim to protect justice, if they know that their battle will hurt the innocent, will they choose to do so.

Now, can they still bear the word of justice?

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