Pirate Family

Chapter 152 Undercurrent

Why is the strong strong?

It's an enduring problem with One Piece.

talent? effort? fruit?

Lorne couldn't give an answer.

But for a man like Karp who bears the title of hero.

Maybe the word "justice" behind him is the reason for his punching.

For this, he was even able to make enemies with his own son and grandson.

Lorne didn't know about the battle on the island, whether Garp was there, or whether he knew that such a tragedy would happen.

But this matter, if the hero knows, will leave a crack in his state of mind that cannot be healed.

Can a hero who begins to have doubts about his persistence shake his invincible fist?

Lorne looked forward to it.

A little girl is a little girl after all, and after her grief, Luna bounced back.

"Luna wants to become the strongest knight in the world! She wants to be the pride of Grandpa Wu Luoluo!"

"This is Luna's dream!"

The little knight sat on the palm of the angel, and said with a firm face.

"But, what is a dream?" An Xi asked in a daze, her small head could not understand such advanced vocabulary.

"Don't you know this? The dream is," Luna just wanted to say her good friend, but found that she couldn't accurately describe the meaning of this simple word.

"The dream is, it is." Luna thought for a while, and said anxiously. "Dreams are what you want to do in your dreams!"

"What do you want to do?" An Xi thought for a while, and suddenly said happily.

"Then Anxi also has dreams!"

"What is Anxi's dream?" The little knight looked up at the little angel and asked curiously.

"Anxi's dream is to grow up quickly! In this way, others will not be able to touch Anxi's head casually!" Anxi thought for a while, and said proudly.

"How is it? Anxi's dream is amazing!"

"Really, amazing." Luna nodded. Looking at Anxi with hope,

"Then let the two of us fulfill our dreams together!"


Adela, the capital of the kingdom, three unexpected guests came to the east port.

They were unusually tall, and they walked towards the palace in white suits.

The most striking thing is that their faces are all wearing strange masks, covering their original faces.

"Is this the place where Vinhill Lorne is hiding?" Walking on the far left, the tallest masked man said hoarsely.

"It should be here. Not long ago, he gained the right to rule this country." The masked man on the far right, wearing a top hat and putting his hands in his trouser pockets, said casually.

"However, according to intelligence, he left here on a golden ship some time ago."

"Hmph, the golden boat, he's really flamboyant." The tall masked man snorted coldly, "Wouldn't it be better to stay here and wait for us to deal with it? You have to run around."

"Did he think he could escape death?"

The masked man in the top hat said lightly.

"The brats of the new era are so ignorant of the heights of the heavens and the earth. What he offended was..."

"Shut up." At this time, walking in the middle, the masked man who had been silent all this time said suddenly.

"We don't need to take care of the above matters. All we have to do is to catch that kid from the Vinhill family."

"Then take him to Marie Gioia."

He was tall and thin, but with a terrifying domineering aura.

If Lorne was present, he would be able to tell the difference when he saw the outfits of these people.

This is one of the most mysterious organizations in the Pirate World, cp0.

The Tianlong people who only obey the orders of the world's rulers are extremely powerful, but no one has ever known their true colors.

"But Lorne is not here." The tall masked man said, "Should we wait for new information from above, or..."

"No need," the skinny man said calmly. "According to intelligence, the ruler of this country is under Vinhill Lorne."

"We just have to walk over and ask."

The three walked straight to the gate of the palace. The residents of Adela felt the terrifying aura of these masked men, and they were scared to hide at home and dare not come out.

When the soldiers of the kingdom wanted to get rid of these masked men who wanted to provoke Adela's majesty, they found that their weapons seemed to have lost their sights, and no matter how they aimed, they couldn't attack these masked men.

"You're so boring." The tall man said hoarsely, "Isn't this kind of trash slapped to death? Why are you showing off your broken ability?"

"Because, after all, we now belong to the world government and belong to the side of 'justice'. Killing innocent people indiscriminately is not a good thing after all."

The man in the top hat said casually, a laser beam flew in front of him, but he had no intention of dodging at all, as if he was sure that the attack would not hit him.

"Hehe." The tall man dismissed this. He looked at the towering and majestic gate of Adela Palace in front of him, and said hoarsely.

"How about I say hello to this king?"

"Use the 'official' way."


A certain small island in the New World has a long history.

In the beginning, there was a group of frustrated pirates who settled down here because they couldn't bear the huge waves of the new world and didn't want to return to a weak place like the Four Seas to spend the rest of their lives.

Later, by chance, some pirates came here. After continuous development, it has become a small island purely composed of pirates and their descendants.

Pirates are here to have fun, and occasionally meet a few newcomers who have just arrived in the new world to have fun.

It can be regarded as a rare peaceful zone in the new world.

It is also ironic to say that in the chaotic sea of ​​the New World, this small island composed of pirates is actually more peaceful than most of the countries that joined the world government.

But today, the false peace here is broken,


A beautiful woman in a leather jacket and leather pants, both wearing a cowboy hat, holds a revolver and shoots at a fat man strapped to a target.

"Hey, I missed it again." The woman in the cowboy hat put the smoking revolver back into her pouch, and said regretfully.

"Please let me go, I can say anything." The fat man tied to the target almost cried.

My hands and feet were fixed on this target, and I couldn't resist at all.

And this woman with a gun would pick up her hand and shoot herself every time she felt bored.

And she will definitely close her eyes!

Just now, the bullet was about to stick to his inner thigh. He could almost feel the temperature of the bullet, which was glowing hot from rubbing against the air!

"Are you going to tell me?" The woman in the cowboy hat took out another pistol and fired another shot at the fat man. "But I don't want to hear it, what should I do?"

This shot hit his crotch directly, and it was only a hair away from making him unable to be a man again.

"Boss is still waiting for news," a man with a sword sitting next to the woman said indifferently at this time.

"Stop playing. Miss. Valentine's Day."

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