Pirate Family

Chapter 156 Becoming a Fear

"Why don't people dare to challenge those legends in the sea, and come to trouble me."

Lorne asked back.

"Because you are too young," Anilu thought for a while before giving this answer.

"Your youth makes those speculators in the sea feel that there is an opportunity."

"They want to take your head to the sky."

"What made them so bold?" Lorne asked himself as his expression gradually turned cold.

"It is not enough that we have given the world enough fear! Our name is not enough to scare these wishful speculators."

Lorne's words were like a thunder that struck everyone's hearts.

The black-haired boy opened his hands, as if hugging something, and said to himself.

"If we instill fear in the world to the point of making them kneel when they hear our name."

"How wonderful that would be."

"Just now you were still saying that the bounty hunter's mind was not very bright." Enilo patted Lorne on the shoulder and pulled him back from his fantasy.

"Now it seems that you are the real lunatic."

"Isn't it good to be crazy?" Lorne's mouth cracked, "People like crazy people."

"Brother, what are you talking about?" An Xi tilted her head in a daze.

"Will the whole world be afraid of my brother? Like Anxi, afraid of my brother?"

In her mind, fear equals love.

"Yes." Lorne smiled and touched the little angel's head.

"I will be the fear of the world."


Several people quickly bought the supplies back to the Admonition.

"Where are we going now?" Enilu said calmly while standing in front of the rudder while charging the Proverb.

Now he has become the helmsman of the Proverb.

Lorne put the things away, pointed to the distant land, like a red earth continent blocked by a huge wall, and said with a smile to Enilo.

"where to."

That's where the life card points to.

"Use the Proverb's secret weapon."

As a super bounty criminal who was rewarded by the world government, of course Lorne couldn't go to the Red Earth Continent through normal channels.

So he urged Agatha to build the Proverb, even if it was not fully completed, he would force it into the sea.

Because the Proverb is completely tailor-made for Enilo, to be precise, it is tailor-made for Enilo's Thunder Fruit.

The power of thunder and lightning can not only drive the Proverb to sail on the sea.

You can also use the characteristics of lightning to make the Proverb fly!

The purpose of Lorne's creation of the Proverb was never to need a durable ship.

Because if one's own strength is sufficient, no one would dare to provoke him even if he was on a wooden boat.

Instead, a flying ship is needed!

"Then I'll try it!" An enthusiastic smile appeared on Enil's face, and the thunder surrounding him became more concentrated.


However, the whole ship trembled slightly for a day, then stopped moving again.

"Uh, is this ship not yet fully designed?" Enilo said with some embarrassment.

But he saw that Lorne's expression was unprecedentedly dignified, as if he was waiting for something.

"No." Lorne took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"Someone is here."

The sea around the Proverb was completely frozen at some point, and the Proverb was frozen by the ice and could not move.

And a slender ice road connects the ice next to the Monument. The cold air was released, forming ice fog, making it difficult for people to see the end of the ice road.

Time and time again, the sound of the chain turning came from a distance.

A tall man with curly black hair and a green eye patch on his forehead. A man in a white suit vest and a dark blue shirt rode a bicycle down the ice road.

He seemed to have just woken up, and his eyes were a little lazy. Raising his head slightly, he happened to meet Lorne who was standing on the deck.

"He is very strong." Mooreman put his hand on the hilt of the famous sword Dark Red Blood, ready to strike at any time.

"Who is he?" Enilo felt the terrifying aura emanating from the man in front of him.

As if he could crush himself easily.

"Aokiji, Kuzan." Lorne revealed the name solemnly. "I didn't expect to meet you here."

Aokiji Kuzan, a natural ice fruit capable person, one of the three new navy generals, is also known as a monster along with the yellow ape Polusalino and the red dog Sakaski.

Aokiji placed the bicycle on the ice next to the Monument, then lightly jumped onto the splint of the Monument.

The cold air radiated from him, freezing the wooden boards under his feet into ice.

"Are you Vinhill Lorne?" the admiral said lazily.

"Your arrival means that the navy is preparing to fight me?" Lorne said calmly.

But his heart was turbulent, because he couldn't feel the emotional fluctuations of the man in front of him at all.

This is the first failure of the fruit of perception!

"A decisive battle?" Kuzan said to himself. "maybe."

The tall man stepped out one by one, and the ice spread from under his feet, freezing the entire ship in an instant.

"Okay, so strong." Mooreman spit out a sentence, still maintaining the movement of drawing the knife.

But his legs had been frozen by the cold. The cold air rushed through his body, making him almost unable to move.

The situation of Anilu was much better. He shattered the ice that froze him through thunder and lightning, and finally regained consciousness.

On the other hand, Lorne had the foresight to hug Anxi, and jumped up at the moment when Kuzan froze the Proverb, defusing the invisible attack.

"The response is good." Kuzan breathed a sigh of relief and said approvingly.

"Informative?" Kuzan asked. Then shook his head quickly. "It's not the foresight of the knowledgeable, but the quick reaction ability, which reacted the moment I made a move."

"Is this your ability?" Kuzan smiled slightly, and disappeared in front of the sleepy face.

How could it be so fast! Lorne Lorne's "micro-sensing field" ability was fully activated, frantically looking for Kuzan's trace.

But I found that I couldn't keep up with his speed at all!

"Here." A lazy male voice came from behind Lorne, and Lorne looked back. Kuzan held an ice skate in his hand, raised it high, and swung it towards himself.


Lorne's hands turned black, and the use of armed color winding and hardening at the same time was able to defend this attack.

But the ice layer and the floor under Lorne's feet were completely cracked.

"The cultivation of armed color is fine." Qingzhi threw the ice skate away casually. Hands turned black.

He also used Armor Color Coil!

"How about your physical skills?" Aokiji asked with a smile, and punched Lorne directly in the chest, knocking him into the air.


Lorne hit one of the ladders on the plywood, smashing the whole ladder.

"Physical skills are not very strong." Aokiji frowned and said.

"I'm starting to wonder now how you beat that guy Dogman."

"You'll know!"

Lorne got up from the ruins, a strange light flashed in his eyes. He stared at Aokiji.

Hallucination Killer!

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