Pirate Family

Chapter 157 Kuzan

Create illusions by paralyzing the opponent's perception.

As long as he falls into the illusion, the opponent's life and death will naturally be controlled by Lorne!

After Lorne used this move, the tall man who ruled the ice suddenly stopped moving and stood there blankly.


Lorne got up panting, but there was no slack on his face.

If the admirals were so easy to deal with, they wouldn't be called the world's highest combat power.

"It's beyond my expectation." Kuzan said with a hint of approval as if he had suddenly come to his senses.

"Dougman lost to your move." Kuzan said, walking slowly towards Lorne.

"Ray Punishment!"

Ai Nilu, who was next to him, had accumulated strength for a long time at this time, a thunder pillar as thick as a water snake descended from the sky, and slashed at Kuzan.

The thunder struck Kuzan like it was on a piece of ice, and Kuzan's whole body turned into ice slag and shattered.

"Did it work?" Enelu said surprise on his face.

"No," Lorne said with a bitter expression. "He's still alive."

"It seems that you still don't remember one thing." The ice slag slowly gathered on the ground, and Kuzan stood up unscathed, with a regretful expression.

"Thunder cannot defeat ice."

"It's like, you can't defeat me."

Is this the general's strength? Lorne asked himself that facing most lieutenant generals, he would not be at a disadvantage.

But when he really faced Kuzan, he felt this overwhelming strength gap.

Can't match.

Back then, Wei lost a bit unjustly. If it was in his heyday, even if Lorne was ten times stronger, he would not be able to hurt him at all.

It's a pity that before fighting Lorne, he had one arm broken by the old Bach, and his physical strength broke through the limit several times.

All of these add up to make Wei hate this.

"The new advance city has been built." Kuzan said suddenly, "The world government needs a prisoner to wash away the reputation loss caused by the advance city being taken away by Shiji."

"So I was chosen?" Lorne sneered, then relieved.

Of course, the old advancing city was lost because of Lorne, so the best candidate for the first prisoner in the new advancing city is of course Lorne.

This is cause and effect.

"Then let's try."

Now that the two sides are already in an endless situation, there is no need for negotiation.

Kuzan nodded. Now that the opponent has made up his mind, words have lost their meaning.

Just use your fists to solve the problem.


The Red Earth Continent, the Theocracy Balan, is located in a white tower in the central city.

A woman in a white cassock leaned against the window, looking out.

Suddenly, there was an unreasonable entanglement in her calm heart, as if something bad was happening.

This made her frown.

The bishop's robes of the Holy Truth Church are divided into two types, one is the red robe that symbolizes the supervision of a country, and the other is the honorary bishop stationed in Balan, the white robe.

The girl's clothes change from red to white, which means there is only one meaning.

Up and down.

Her expression was a little dazed, and she didn't know what she was thinking. Staring blankly at the outside world.

The believers below are like ants, busy in the Theocracy, devoting themselves to their beliefs.

Live a fulfilling and wonderful life.

"You haven't decided yet, alright? Bishop Ariel." An old nun in a black robe came over and caressed Ariel's soft long hair.

"You've never been like this before. Did that criminal shake your faith?"

"Lorne, he's not a criminal!" Ai Ruili wanted to defend, but she didn't know how to say it in the middle of the sentence.

"He was a very gentle man."

"Gentle?" The old nun withdrew her kind expression and snorted coldly.

"Then look at the report of the World Government!"

"The behind-the-scenes driver of the Prison Break in Advance City!"

"The blood of that evil family!"

"And this one!" The old nun handed Ariel a brand new newspaper.

It was written in a huge headline.

"The devil is back? Vice Admiral Dogman is defeated!"

The accompanying picture is the scene of Lorne wearing a black cloak and taking the navy soldiers into custody.

"You can't explain this!" the old nun said viciously. "He is the incarnation of the devil, and he is the mortal enemy of the church!"

Ariel stared blankly at Lorne's photo in the newspaper, at a loss.

This is the first time she has seen outside news since she was placed under house arrest.

Since she returned to the Church, the kind elders in the past seem to have changed. First, they planned to arrest the fat tiger who followed her, and then put herself under house arrest in this tower.

Not allowed to communicate with the outside world.

She feels that the current church has become very strange.

And during this period of time, people from the church sent people to cover their words from time to time.

At the beginning, she was still hiding and pinching, which made Ai Ruili confused.

Let’s talk about it later, the Theocracy has been envious of Adela’s wealth for a long time. Want to control Adela's power through Ariel.

How can this be!

Of course Ai Ruili refused, and she was not Adela's controller, so how could she agree to such a thing instead of Agatha?

Besides, Ai Ruili thinks that the current residents of Adela live and work in peace and contentment, which is quite good.

"Adela has fallen into the control of the devil, and needs the power of the Holy Truth to purify it!" the old nun said indifferently.

"Adela is not like this!" Ariel exclaimed, isn't Adela now under the rule of Queen Agatha very good? Why change?

As a little girl who grew up in the church, she has heard many stories about the church.

Demons appeared in a country, and the church sent believers to purify them.

Every story has the same ending, that is, the demon is destroyed and the church wins.

This is justice. Every nun hears great justice from childhood.

But Ariel didn't want Lorne to become the demon in the story.

"This is the church's decision. I just came here to let you know. As a member of the church, I should contribute to the church."

The old nun snorted coldly, and retracted her wrinkled hands into the nun's robe. Turn around and leave.

"The demon Lorne has offended the world government, and it is only a matter of time before he is wiped out. The church is bound to win Adela! I advise you to be prepared."

Ariel sat there blankly like a puppet, as if she didn't hear the old nun's words.

After a long time, she let out a long sigh, as if she had made a major decision.

Ariel got up and took a box out of the package.

Opening the box, it contained a white fruit like a banana with a strange spiral pattern winding on it.

This was given to her by Lorence before she left. Said that if it came to a dangerous moment, eat it.

Ai Ruili thought for a while, finally made up her mind, and bit down on this strange fruit.

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