Pirate Family

Chapter 158

The great seaway, the paradise, the port of the Chambords.

The sun at this time is obviously very dazzling, and the sunlight is evenly sprinkled on the earth.

The residents of Chambord Island are wearing summer clothes, ready to go to the beach to bask in the sun for a while.

But I felt a chill for no reason.

Near the harbor, a ship made of gold was frozen in ice.

A tall man in a light blue suit stood on the deck.

His eyes were a little lazy, and he retracted his hand casually. In front of him stood a block of ice as tall as a human being, and a person was sealed inside the ice block.

A boy in a black cloak, ready to attack someone.

"Ha." The tall man let out a breath of cold air, ready to resist the ice cube away.

"You, don't go!" A shirtless man next to him struggled to get up.

He was covered in scars, but his eyes were full of unyielding.

Thunder and lightning wrapped around him like a god.

"Up to now, don't you understand the gap between us?" Ku sighed in admiration and said regretfully.

"Before you fall, who can judge the outcome?" Enilu roared, and his whole body turned into lightning and rushed towards Kuzan.

"Thunder Tiger!"

Leiden condensed into a fierce tiger, opened its bloody mouth, and bit Kuzan's head.

However, the admiral was unmoved, he shook his head, and gently stretched out his right hand, entwined with black domineering aura.

Then he grabbed Lei Hu by the throat, and a cold air emerged from his hands.

This thunderbolt was actually frozen directly!

It became a block of ice and fell to the ground.

After finishing all the enemies, Kuzan sat down on the deck for a while. A naval warship broke through the ice and headed this way.

"Thank you, Kuzan." A beautiful woman with spider tattoos on her long legs walked onto the boat, saw this scene, and said to Kuzan with a smile.

"Almost let this Vennhill Lorne get away."

"I just happened to pass by." Kuzan shook his head and said lazily.

"I have another task. I will leave the task of escorting him to you, Lieutenant General Gingyuan."

"Fulfilling the trust." The beautiful woman called Gion said with a smile, and waved her hand, and the soldiers moved the ice that sealed Lorne's group to the warship.

"Their ships are quite fancy." Gion looked at the gilded Monument and said with a smile.

"But now it belongs to the Navy."


As the night deepened, a warship pulled a golden boat sailing on the sea.

Inside the cabin of the warship, there were several pieces of ice placed in the cages for prisoners.


Somewhere in the inconspicuous part of one of the ice cubes, a tiny crack appeared.

The crack was getting bigger and bigger, and it was about to split the entire ice cube in half.

"don't want."

Among the ice cubes, Enilu turned thunder into a knife and cut the ice cubes vigorously. When he was about to succeed, a man's voice suddenly came from his ear.

Even if he was frozen in ice, Lorne could still use the ability of "whisper" proficiently.

Knowing Enel's doubts, Lorne explained.

"The new advance city has just been built, and the world government must have a lot of troops there in order to prove its majesty."

"So on the way of escort, this is our chance."

"Aokiji is lazy and arrogant. I don't know if it's because he is too confident in his own strength, or for some other reason. He didn't choose to escort us personally."

"This is the opportunity for us to break the game."

"There are pieces of Hailou Stone in the cage, which are designed to restrain capable people like you and me. Even if this ice block is broken, we won't be able to get out for a while."

After all, that woman is Gion!

"If you act rashly, you will only scare the enemy. We must move quickly, so fast that the enemy has not reacted before it is over."

Just like the Prison Break in Advance City. Under the command of Lorne's "whispering", the prisoners on the third and fourth floors were successfully used to contain the guard forces advancing the city.

At the same time, through the mutiny on the fifth floor, the promotion city was caught off guard.

The multi-pronged approach made it impossible for Jinjin City to assign any manpower for a while, and could only watch helplessly as the prisoners on the sixth floor were released.

On a naval warship, a female soldier suddenly felt a little hungry. I got up and wanted to go to the kitchen to find something to eat.

As a foodie, I'm already familiar with this kind of thing.

But today, she felt something was wrong. Why did the road to the kitchen become farther away?

Why go down the stairs to the kitchen?

Is it because I am too hungry that my consciousness has become confused?

The female soldier shook her head, her consciousness was confused, so she should eat something quickly!

But when she walked to the door of the "kitchen", she found that the "kitchen" kitchen was locked at some point.

Is it specifically to guard against me?

The female soldier was a little angry. She fumbled around for a long time, and finally found a bunch of keys.

"What are you doing?" At this moment, a woman with long legs approached.

She is the Vice Admiral known as Gion.

Just now she was about to fall asleep, but she felt a soldier sneaking into the cabin where the criminals were held within the scope of her knowledge.

Regardless of changing into her military uniform, she rushed out in her pajamas.

"Ah?" The female soldier replied blankly, she just came to steal something to eat, why did she provoke Lord Gion.

But the key in his hand had already opened the lock.

A block of ice inside suddenly shattered. Eneru, who was surrounded by lightning, walked out of the crushed ice.

Thunder is like a snake, swimming wantonly.


Gion turned into a gust of wind, and instantly appeared in front of the female soldier, protecting her behind her.

The armed color is wrapped around the pajamas, barely resisting a thunder column as thick as a bucket.

Enilu didn't succeed in a blow, so he didn't care, but gathered the power of thunder on his hands.

Lightly touched the two ice cubes next to it. Rescued his teammates.

"It's really bitingly cold." The boy in a black cloak moved his body stiffened by the cold, and said with a smile to the long-legged beauty in pajamas in front of him.

"I'm sorry, but you seem to be unable to catch me."

"That's not necessarily the case." Gion pushed the female soldier away, and pulled out a slender sword from somewhere.

The Famous Sword, Jinpiro!

As a swordsman, she wants to wash away her shame with her sword,

As a navy, she will use justice to defeat the enemy!

"It's a bit difficult." Lorne said to himself.

This woman named Yuyuan is codenamed Taotu. That is, one of the admiral's substitutes more than ten years later.

Because the position of general is not enough, he can only temporarily serve as lieutenant general.

Note that it is because of insufficient positions, not insufficient strength!

The present Qiyuan is still very young, without the precipitation of years, his strength may not be as strong as later.

But it must not be treated with the attitude of ordinary lieutenant generals.

"This sea area is under the surveillance of the Navy Headquarters." Lorne and Gion looked at each other and said slowly.

"Then let's make a quick decision."

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