Pirate Family

Chapter 160 Shameless

"Shameless!" Gion looked at Lorne and spat.

But now there is no time for him to change clothes, so he can only take advantage of it.

After Gion saw through Lorne's hallucinatory killer, the real battle began.

"The response was quick."

Lorne stood up slowly and praised.

Gion is the second person to defeat his hallucination killer with his own strength.

"Your ability is also good." Gion said coldly,

"Why didn't you attack me just now? Did you look down on my female status?"

Lorne shook his head without answering.

There has never been an invincible ability, and any seemingly powerful ability has its drawbacks.

For example, the dark fruit needs to bear double the pain, and the poisonous fruit has to bear its own severe poison, and has diarrhea all day long.

And one of the disadvantages of Lorne's "Illusion Killer" ability is that.

If the enemy's will is not too weak.

When the opponent acquires this ability, once he is attacked by others, he will instantly wake up from the environment.

Even some knowledgeable people can feel a sense of crisis that is incompatible with the illusion before the attack falls on them.

Thus breaking the illusion.

"I want to know what other tricks you have." Gion held his sword hilt with one hand and said coldly.

"No more, this is already the strongest move I have developed."

Lorne spoke the truth.

"Then prepare yourself to die."

Gion pointed Jinpiro at Lorne, and the blade wrapped in the armed color was as black as ink.

Her domineering aura of knowledge and knowledge is fully activated, and it is absolutely impossible to get tricked this time.

"But I'm going to go." Lorne said seriously.

A thunderbolt penetrated the cabin, revealing a large hole to communicate with the outside.

At this time, the Proverb was sailing side by side with the Navy warship. Enel and the others are now on the deck of the Proverb, facing Lorne far away.

They've taken the Proverbs back


Gion didn't realize it for a while, what did Lorne mean by this?

Don't all the pirates fight the navy to the death while shouting for freedom and dreams?


A steel cable shot from the deck of the Proverb just landed in Lorne's hand.

Lorne grabbed the steel cable, turned around and said to Jinyuan with a smile.

"You should already be clear, right? You can't stop me, and you can't catch me for a while."

The steel cable pulled Lorne back to the Proverb, and Lorne laughed loudly from the golden ship.

"Perhaps you can try and chase me across the ocean naked."

"The nakedness of the beautiful Vice Admiral of the Navy seems to be a good sight!"


Gion watched Lorne leave gracefully. He wanted to stop it, but in the end he gave up.

Lorne's strength is not much different from his own, and with his subordinates, I'm afraid I really can't catch him.

"Boss, are you leaving just like that?" Mooreman said unwillingly as he took back the famous sword Heihongxue, which he hadn't seen for a long time.

After all, it is a pity that I did not see the true strength of a top swordsman like Gion.

"There will be opportunities in the future. Now we should go to our original destination. Too much time has been delayed. I have a bad feeling." Lorne waved at Enilo.

Hearing this, the latter snorted coldly. Then he stood in front of the rudder of the ship and transmitted his lightning power into the ship.

The entire Proverb slowly left the sea and turned in one direction. He flew towards the Red Earth Continent.

Lorne was holding Ariel's life card in his hand, and the white note was beating wildly, as if foreshadowing something.

Lorne felt annoyed for no reason.

Is this a hunch of sentience?

Lorne didn't know, but it was always a good thing to get there early.

The longer the delay, the more variables there will be.

It wasn't until the Proverbs vacated that Gion really gave up. Lorne heard her roar from the sea below.

"I will definitely catch you!"

Gion stood in the cabin, holding a golden pira in one hand, with a face full of humiliation.

"She's really strong."

On the Proverbs, Moorman also heard the unwilling roar of the garden, and sighed.

This beautiful woman is the second strongest swordsman he has ever seen, far more powerful than the previous Vice Admiral Dougman, second only to the black swordsman who defeated him in the Chambord Islands.

"Of course." Lorne said, "She is Gion after all."

Even in the navy, he can still be photographed in the top ten.

In terms of real strength alone, Lorne had to admit that he was not this woman's opponent.

In the battle just now, she seemed to have the upper hand, but in fact it was entirely because she didn't understand her abilities.

But even so, he only left some minor injuries on her body.

She lost to the peculiarity of "Illusion Killer".

If she had prepared earlier, the result would have been completely different.

After destroying the ability of Lorne's "Phantom Killer" in the garden and starting the real battle, if Lorne does not have the support of Enel and others, it may not take long before he will lose.

After all, the destructive power of a top swordsman is not comparable to that of a fighter like Lorne.

It's a pity that there is no if.

"The strength of this swordsman is still within the acceptable range." Enelu, who was at the helm of the Proverb, said suddenly.

"The man who used the ice before is the real monster."

Enel's expression was solemn.

Aokiji's strength is too terrifying, that kind of overwhelming strength makes them completely unable to see the slightest possibility of winning.

This also gave him a deeper understanding of people with natural abilities.

"I made a mistake." Lorne said with some self-blame.

Going to the Chambord Islands for resupply was already planned.

On the one hand, it was because he and the others were going to the unknown land of the Red Earth Continent, and they didn't know what would happen.

On the other hand, Lorne wanted to see what the island in the original book looked like.

The development of the Vinhill family in the past few years has been too smooth, and they have easily defeated Vice Admiral Dogman before.

It made Lorne swell a lot.

He thought that in the original book, when the protagonist group first arrived in the Chambord Islands, they encountered the admiral and the PX, the latest weapon of the naval scientist unit, to transform the pacifist.


It's just a matter of bad luck, and the plot needs it.

But I didn't expect it to be so close to the Navy Headquarters!

If it weren't for Kuzan's mission, Lorne and his gang might have died there.

"No one can always be right." Mooreman said.

"Just like a knife can't cut on the enemy forever, there are right and wrong, that's life."

"Yes, brother, Anxi doesn't blame you."

The little girl patted her wings, flew to Lorne, held Lorne's hand, and said softly.

"Anxi is not afraid at all!"

"Good boy." Lorne patted Anxi's little head, then turned to look at the distant Red Earth Continent looming in the clouds and mist.

The eyes are firm.

"This time, there will be no more surprises."

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