Pirate Family

Chapter 161 Ariel

The Red Earth Continent, the Theocracy of Balaam.

There can be no perfect holiness anywhere but heaven. Even the Theocracy Balaam is the same.

In a corner of Balan, there is a high tower surrounded by steel fences, which is specially used to detain the criminals of the Theocracy.

This tall tower is called the Tower of Imprisonment.

In order to show the mercy of the Holy God of Truth, the Theocracy does not have the death penalty. No matter how serious the crime is, they will only be caught in the Tower of Imprisonment to spend the rest of their lives.

At least, that's the case on the surface.

At this time, a woman wearing a white robe with a hood over her head came to the tower of imprisonment.

Watching the guard see the woman's pass and step aside to let her go.

Inside the Tower of Imprisonment, a tall fat man was nailed to a cross.

In the scriptures of the Holy Truth, those who died on the cross, unless they were devout believers of the Holy Truth, would never go to heaven.

This is the church's highest level of judgment on heretics.

But the fat man didn't seem to care about the torture, but suddenly spoke up.

"Hey, is there anyone? I'm so hungry."

"Death row prisoners also have human rights, don't they? Even Jinjin City isn't as extreme as you."

"Is there anyone, it would be nice to give me something to eat."

The fat man's cry echoed in the empty and dark tower, and the echo echoed back and the whole tower buzzed.

"Stop barking."

An old voice sounded next to him. He seemed a little weak and coughed a few times.

"Ahem, unless you are starving to death, they will never give us anything to eat."

"Hmph! These cowards, at worst, I promise not to kill them after eating!"

"It's really hard to be hungry!"

The fat man wanted to struggle a few times, but the nails in his hands gave off a disgusting breath, and his whole body was weak.

"It's useless." The old voice continued,

"You can already feel it now. This is a stone nail specially prepared for capable people like you and me."

"It's so annoying!" the fat man complained,

"You have to know that you won't eat that fruit in the first place! It's unpalatable, and there are many restrictions!"

The fat man struggled a few times, then gave up, and instead chatted with the old man.

"By the way, old man. How did you end up here?"

"Before you ask others questions, why don't you introduce yourself without knowing it? What a rude little guy." The old man's words were scolding, but there was no trace of anger in his tone, which made people feel like a spring breeze. feel.

"Me?" The fat man thought for a while, "The boss asked me to protect a bishop back here, and they arrested me not long after."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." The old man said calmly.

"I used to be a member of the church, and I have heard a little about church affairs. Although they are pedantic, they will not arrest people without a reason."

"Huh? Old man, have you ever been a member of the church? Why haven't I heard from you before?"

The fat man said in surprise that this old guy was the only person he could chat and joke with after he was imprisoned here.

"It's all old things," the old man continued with some emotion in his tone.

"Should we continue to talk about your business?"

"Oh?" The fat man thought for a while, then continued.

"At the beginning, people in the church entertained me with good wine and good food. But after a while, I found that their attitude towards me had changed. I couldn't even meet the bishop I was protecting! If the bishop A little accident happened, how can I explain to the boss?"

"But this is not the worst!" The fat man said angrily.

"The worst thing is, they didn't even give me food at the end! They even sent ten knights to attack me!"

"Ten honorable knights." The old man corrected.

This is one of the ultimate forces of the church, with a distinguished status, second only to the pope, the vice pope, and the three central archbishops.

The strength is strong, and there are even a few devil fruit ability users among them.

This is the Church's weapon against heretics.

"Yes, it's the Ten Knights of Glory." Fatty seemed to have remembered something unpleasant, and said angrily, "At the beginning they even singled me out, and if they said they would capture me without a fight, they would spare me."

"But after I injured two people, this group of scoundrels actually surrounded and beat me!"

"The meaning of their existence is to fulfill the orders of the church. Although they are called glory, it is common to use unscrupulous means to achieve their goals."

The old man could see clearly.

"But after you said this, you still didn't explain why the church is against you."

"How would I know that?" The fat man said indignantly, "Is it because I ate too much of their food?"

"It's impossible," the old man asserted,

Although the Theocracy Balaam is not a well-known and wealthy place, it can still be called rich due to the large number of believers.

It's okay to feed one person.

So the problem is definitely not here.

Well, the old man suddenly thought.

"You said that the reason you came here was that your boss asked you to escort a bishop?"

"Yes." Fatty nodded, that was his mission.

"Then who is your boss, and who is the escort back?"

After the old man finished speaking, the fat man was silent for a while. After a long time, he spoke slowly.

"My boss is named Vinhill Lorne! He is the man who will conquer the world!"

"And the bishop I escorted is named Ariel, the bishop of Adela!"

When he left Adela, Lorne said it in the family.

He was tired of living in hiding and incognito.

There is an old saying in the country of flowers, if it does not sing, it will be a blockbuster; if it does not fly, it will fly, and it will soar into the sky.

He has been dormant for so long, it's time for the family's name to resound throughout the sea!

Therefore, Fat Tiger has no intention of hiding Lorne's name.

Men can never conquer the world by hiding.

"Ariel? I haven't heard of it. It should be a newcomer who has just emerged."

After hearing Fat Hu's words, the old man frowned and began to think.

"However, the name Vinhill. I have heard of it a little."

About twenty years ago, this name caused a bloody storm in the sea.

The old man seemed to recall something, and said to Fat Tiger with a smile.

"With such a reputation, it's no wonder Ratzinger treats it so cautiously."

Ratzinger Benedict. It is the name of the current Holy Truth Pope.

Fat Tiger shook his head indifferently. In fact, he had never heard of Ratzinger's name, so he was not afraid.

He just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, he was arrested, and Miss Ariely didn't know what was going to happen.

If the bishop is hurt in any way, Fat Tiger feels sorry for the boss.

Da da da da.

Suddenly, the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the stone slabs resounded on the floor of the tower.

A white figure passed through the darkness and walked up to Fat Tiger.

The hood was lowered, revealing the long black hair inside.

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