Pirate Family

Chapter 188: The Sky Belongs to Vinhill

"How can it be an empty island?"

A Luowen, who had been silent all this time, asked excitedly.

He is nicknamed "Ghost Fox" and is known for his resourcefulness. He has supported the decadent Jeffrey family alone for ten years, which shows his ability.

After being captured by Lorne, he also successfully persuaded Lorne with his own wisdom to join the Vinhill family and be free.

Now he is one of the heads of the Wien Hill family's intelligence organization, "Dark Moon".

The family can develop to what it is now, and he, Hill Allowin, can say a large part of it.

He knew that his status was not pleasing at home, so he was only lowering his sense of existence. It was only when Lorne announced this decision that he couldn't help it and asked.

In his opinion, moving to Sky Island is a stupid decision that can no longer be stupid.

"According to the information at home, there is an extreme shortage of supplies on the empty island, and even the soil is a rare thing."

"In addition to the inherited laser weapons, their only commendable Bei culture cannot be preserved in Qinghai for a long time."

"So I don't understand why Sky Island."

Alvin said in a low voice. In this family, Lorne's decision is everything, and everyone will implement it unconditionally.

But they are entitled to know why.

"The raw materials you said are not enough, do you mean the weapon processing factory?"

Lorne smiled in relief, then asked back.

"Since when are the weapon processing factory and the family headquarters bound together and inseparable?"

This sentence made everyone present stunned for a moment, unable to answer.

There has never been a reason why the weapons processing factory and the family headquarters must be bound together.

"But why?" asked Agatha.

"Why choose Sky Island."

"Compared with Adela, this place has no advantages other than symbolic significance."

"You're wrong." Lorne shook his head, "I chose Sky Island after careful consideration."

"At present, what is the most important thing for family development?"

Lorne asked, then answered himself.

"It's a laser weapon from Sky Island. This weapon helped us quickly gain a foothold in the arms market."

"And the source of these laser weapons comes from the blueprints I brought back from Sky Island. It was the craftsmen of the family who thoroughly understood those blueprints after research."

"So, our research department is the family's greatest wealth."

Lorne said slowly, and no one present refuted.

"This Adela is destined to be a battlefield and a stage."

"At that time, even I will not be able to take care of these craftsmen."

"And the lives of craftsmen are too fragile to withstand a little accident."

Lorne remembered that even Doflamingo in the original book was so powerful that he controlled the entire Tokushima.

But when he met the protagonist and his gang, his hometown was taken over by a pot, and all his business and dreams turned into a ball of bubbles.

Lorne didn't want to put all his eggs in one basket. If he failed in the future, there was no room for turning around.

Although he was supercilious, Lorne still understood a simple truth.

Consider victory before defeat.

"So I'm going to move the family's research office to the empty island."

Lorne said slowly.

"Build the sky into a country that completely belongs to us!"

"Two questions."

Agatha had been persuaded by Lorne at this time, but still stretched out two fingers.

"The first one, the empty island you mentioned is too far away from Adela. It is not convenient to transport supplies."

According to the data, the empty island is located in the sky above Gaya Island in the Adumanda Sea, which is half a month away from Adela.

And Sky Island is a place where materials are scarce, and all the things needed for the experiment must be transported from Adela.

Manpower and material resources are consumed too much.

"the second."

Agatha held out a second finger.

"You once said that there are only two ways to go to Sky Island."

"The huge current and the top of the western sky."

"The former only has two outcomes: all arrival and all death, while the latter is like gambling. I don't know how many people out of a hundred people can reach it."

"The risk factor is too great." Agatha shook her head. It's not that she doesn't like adventure.

Instead, I feel that this kind of behavior is no different from simple death.

"Is such that."

Lorne said. "There are mainly two kinds of clouds in the sky island, one is called sea cloud, and the other is called island cloud."

Enilu nodded, as a Sky Islander, he naturally knew these things well.

"As the name suggests, Haiyun is just like the sea water in Qinghai. There are all kinds of fish living in it, and those with abilities will lose their abilities after unfortunately falling into it."

"And Daoyun. It can be directly regarded as the unique soil of Sky Island. The ground they usually stand on is made of Daoyun."

Everyone nodded to express their understanding.

"Sky Island has a unique place called Qieyun Factory, which is specially responsible for processing clouds."

"And my thoughts are," Lorne pointed to the ceiling. Said with a frenzied face.

"I am going to create a kingdom of clouds above Adela!"


This is the evaluation of Lorne by everyone present. Only a complete lunatic would think of creating an island by himself.

But it was Lorne's crazy temperament that attracted them.

"We're standing at a height of 10,000 meters in Adela, overlooking the sea. Sounds good, doesn't it?"

The corner of Lorne's mouth cracked and he said with a smile.

"Then comes the second question, how to get to the sky. After all, both roads may cause a lot of casualties."

"Every one of you is my family. I don't want to see any of you get hurt."

Lorne said calmly, but with a hint of domineering.

"My answer is, the Proverb."

The Proverb is the golden ship that Lorne was on before. With the addition of Enilo's ability, he can fly freely in the air.

"My plan is to build a light ship, and then transport craftsmen and raw materials to Angel Island and Bica Island through the ability of Enilo."

"Those two places are now my territory."

"Through the unique cloud cutting factory there, a large number of island clouds are produced. Then they are transported to the sky above Adela."

"I'm going to build an island there."

"Then move all the important things in the house to that island in the sky, the whole Qinghai is our processing factory!"

"And while building a small island, I will also find a more convenient and quick way to build a channel connecting the sky and the sea!"

Lorne finished his plan in one breath, and the whole room was silent.

This is the idea of ​​a lunatic, and normal people can't keep up with his thinking.

However, everyone present started laughing.

It's more fun to follow such a madman, isn't it?

At the end, Lorne said calmly.

"The sky belongs to Vinhill!"

Calm tone, mighty!

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