Pirate Family

Chapter 189 Whiskey Hill

After Lorne made a decision, the whole Adela began to operate like a sophisticated machine.

Countless materials and equipment were transported to Adela from various parts of the sea, and then the spaceship was driven by Enilo and sent to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Through the arms business, the Vinhill family accumulated a lot of wealth.

If possible, Lorne can conquer many countries through countless Baileys and strong military strength.

But because of the existence of the world government, all this is empty talk.


Two months later, the waters near the entrance of the great sea route.

A small boat came from the second half of the park, like a leaf floating on the sea.

Finally wandered here.

Lorne came out of the cabin and stretched.

He was wearing a white shirt and shorts. Looks like a big sunny boy.

But only a strong man with outstanding knowledge and knowledge can discover the powerful strength hidden under the sunny face of this boy who is like the brother next door.

After Lorne made the plan to build the empty island, he immediately announced that he was going to the North Sea.

Some grievances, after all, have to be resolved by themselves.

The only followers are Garrett whom he regards as his younger sister, the little angel navigator Anxi and her knight Luna.

Well, the three girls are all younger sisters.

Lorne selectively ignored Agatha's almost murderous eyes when he boarded the boat.

On the bow of the boat, a young girl with wine red curly hair was fishing. When she saw Lorne coming out, she turned around and smiled.

"Today's harvest is good, I will make fish soup for you later."

After staying in Adela for a few days, Bree felt relieved that Garrett was here, and he left and returned to the new world.

In her eyes, he already regarded Lorne as his family.

Because she knows her mother.

Charlotte Lingling would not reject such an excellent marriage partner as Lorne.

What's more, after leaving my brother for so long, my brother will be worried, right?

With a plop, Garrett's fishing line began to shake, she lifted it slightly, and a small fish was pulled out of the sea by her and fell into a small bucket.

This small bucket is filled with fresh sea fish, which are the fruits of her afternoon.

"Almost enough," Garrett smiled with narrowed eyes, seeming to be in a good mood.

Looking at Garrett's happy face, Lorne felt relieved.

That's why he brought Garrett out. After coming out of the promotion city, Lorne has been burdened with too many things.

This was the impetus to push him forward, but it almost crushed his shoulders.

Only in front of these ignorant younger sisters can Lorne find rare relaxation.

"Are there so many fish?"

The little angel happily ran to the little barrel, and the little knight stood on her shoulder drooling.

"You can drink delicious fish soup tonight."

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on the boat, permanently recording this scene.

Lorne may never have imagined that this moment is the most relaxed and happy moment in his life.

After a simple dinner, Lorne reckoned that there was still some distance to reach Reversing Mountain, so he started his daily practice.

Strength is accumulated bit by bit.

And Garrett watched from the side, she was only fifteen years old, her body bones were not fully developed, and she was not suitable for strenuous exercise at all.

What's more, with Charlotte's bloodline, she doesn't need any training at all, and she can have a physical fitness far superior to most people in this sea.

After all, her mother was Charlotte Lingling!

Talent is never fair.


Near the entrance to the Great Passage, there is a small island with huge cactuses called Whiskey Hill.

Even in the middle of the night, the island is still brightly lit and full of people.

At this time, a small boat came to the port of this small island, and a few boys and girls got off the small boat.

"A foul smell of alcohol."

When Garrett first set foot on this small island, she frowned and said.

Because of her isolated island experience, she hated alcohol very much.

If it wasn't for the boat to replenish some necessary supplies, she would never set foot on this small island.

Little angel Anxi even blushed after smelling the smell of wine in the air for a while, and her eyes became a little blurred. If it wasn't for Garrett holding her little hand, she would have fallen down countless times up.

The three of them are walking in the small street like this, like a family of three?

If possible, Garrett hoped that the time would pass slowly, so that she could enjoy the exclusive time with Brother Lorne.

"It turned out to be this place."

Lorne smiled. After scanning his surroundings with his perception ability, he suddenly remembered that this place had appeared in the original book.

This small island, called the Isle of Welcome, was the first island that the warriors of the sea arrived at after the great voyage.

The residents of the island have a long-standing custom, that is, they will welcome every pirate group that arrives on the great route.

And hold a grand banquet for them, and enjoy free food and wine.

Then after these pirates got drunk, they looted all their treasures and sent them to the navy in exchange for a bounty.

Countless newcomers, deceived by the enthusiastic appearance of the residents, naively thought that the great route welcomes pirates very much, thinking that they are the heroes of this sea. So he ruined his dream on this small island.

Right now, there's a party going on on this Whiskey Hill island, because a couple of new pirates have just started their adventures.

"Hope they don't do something stupid."

Lorne laughed.

He has little interest in the weak.

"Excuse me, are you a pirate?"

But as if the heavens were going to oppose Lorne, at this moment, a girl holding flowers came over with an excited expression on her face.

Pass the flowers in your hand to Lorne.

"I'm your fan! It's really nice to meet you here!"

The girl looked sincere, with a trace of fanaticism on her face. It's like a fan who really met an idol.

If Lorne hadn't felt the malice in her heart through his perception ability. They were almost deceived by her.

"Do you know who I am?"

Lorne did not take the flowers from the girl's hand, but asked instead.

In fact, the answer is already obvious. If she knew that Lorne was a super bounty criminal with a bounty of 1,000,000,000 (billion) Bailey, she might not even have the courage to come over, let alone so lightly .

"You are the son of the sea, a true warrior! Master Pirate!"

The girl was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized, with a hint of cunning in her eyes, she said softly.

Then she beckoned gently to the dark place, expressing that she needed help.

A group of scantily clad girls trotted over quickly, grabbed Lorne's arm, and rubbed against Lorne with their youthful bodies, trying to drag him into a house.

"Master Pirate! We have prepared fine wine, let's get drunk tonight!"

Thank you book friend Zixiao Weeping Willow, whether it is still your 4 monthly tickets.

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