Pirate Family

Chapter 190 Sister and Sister

But no matter how hard they tried, the boy in front of him was like a mountain, motionless.

Lorne looked at Garrett helplessly, and found that the little girl was holding the little angel, puffing her cheeks angrily, and looking at Lorne without saying a word.

"I'm sorry, girls."

Lorne broke free from the girls' arms. Said in a slightly apologetic tone.

"Although I really want to drink with you, but I have more important things to do now, and I can only live up to the kindness of the girls."

"What's more important? Is there anything more important than drinking with us?"

"Yeah, Mr. Pirate, if you're drunk, you can do whatever you want!"

Seeing Lorne like this, the girls hurriedly said.

You know, their income is determined by the pirates they cheated. If there are too few pirates cheated, they will even have problems eating.

"Of course it's a very important thing," Lorne walked towards Garrett. Then, under her astonished gaze, he slowly hugged her up.

"Of course to make my girl happy."

The girls froze in place, speechless.

After a long time, he turned around silently and returned to his original position.

This dog food is sweet enough!

Lorne let Garrett down after all those in the way had left.

At this time, the girl's face became extremely red, she complained.

"You, you, what are you hugging me for?"

But deep inside, there was a tinge of warmth.

Brother Lorne really cares about my thoughts, right?

"Is there anything wrong with brother hugging his sister?" Lorne helped Garrett tidy up her clothes.

Then stretched out his hands to the little angel?

"Come on, Anxi, give me a hug from brother."

Anxi, who was in a drunken state, stretched out her little hand in a daze, and was lifted up by Lorne.

He fell asleep peacefully in Lorne's arms.


Garrett snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Lorne you bad man, bad man!

Can't even coax people!

But Lorne has no intention of chasing Garrett at all.

The little girl is angry, and she will be fine after a while.

As for danger? Lorne wasn't worried at all. No matter how weak Garrett was, she was also one of the Four Emperors, the daughter of Charlotte Lingling, who came from the New World.

At the entrance of this paradise, there are almost no people who can threaten her.

What's more, with the blessing of the fruit of perception, Lorne's knowledge and knowledge almost enveloped the entire Whiskey Island, and if something happened to Garrett, he would rush over there immediately.

After all, a baby bird never learns to fly if it grows up under the wings of an eagle.

Lorne bought some necessary supplies first, and then went to the boat and waited for her to come back.

In a tavern in Whiskey Hill, a young man with blond hair got very drunk.

He is hugging left and right, holding a large glass of beer in his hand, and is happily bragging about his adventures with the girls in the town.

"At that time, the pirate asked me."

The tone of the yellow-haired youth became hoarse. "Are you that undead dragon Cassie? It's a pity that I will get up here today."

"This is how I answered him," the yellow-haired youth named Cassie recovered his voice.

"It's a pity, it's a pity that your head will become a stepping stone to my fame!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Master Cassie is really amazing!"

"Cheers to our heroes!"

After the girls heard Cassie's words, they all raised their glasses and persuaded Cassie to drink.

And this young man has long been lost in the gentleness, he picked up the wine glass in his hand and drank it down.

What a paradise this great route is! Cassie thought so.

"Uh uh, I'm sorry, the hero may have to go to the toilet first." Cassie suddenly felt his stomach turn upside down, and he said a little embarrassed.

"When I come back, I will continue to give you the battle between me and the brigadier general of the navy branch, and that will make you bloody!"

Then he hurried out the door.

"Master Cassie, the toilet is over there!"

A girl pointed in one direction of the bar, but Cassie had already rushed out the door by this time.

"Hahahaha, Cassie is an idiot."

At this time, a dark and strong man sitting opposite Cassie burst into laughter. He put his arms around a young girl with a perfect figure, and said in a deep voice.

"Now let the Tiger of the South China Sea tell you a real adventure story."


Cassie randomly found a place to meet his needs, but when he turned around to go back, he found that he could not find his way.

Just as she was about to ask someone to ask, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of her head, and Cassie knelt down powerlessly.

A strong man holding a giant stick looked at him indifferently. After confirming that Cassie had fainted, he unhurriedly took out a phone bug from his arms.

"Cassie, the undead dragon with a bounty of 28,000,000 (28 million) Bailey, has been captured. What's going on with you?"

On the other side of the phone bug was a middle-aged girl with a hoarse voice, she replied slowly.

"The tiger with a bounty of 26,000,000 (twenty-six million) Bailey here is almost drunk, and I'll get rid of it quickly."

This kind of plot was being staged in all four places of Whiskey Hill at the same time, and many newcomer pirates who couldn't figure out their own weight stumbled here.

Garrett walked alone for a while, and her anger had almost subsided, but when she turned her head, she found that Lorne was not behind her at all. There was a trace of anger in the heart that had just calmed down.

snort! Stinky Lorne, Lo Likon, don't love Garrett anymore!

Ignore you!

She was going to walk alone for a while and let Lorne come to find her.

But at this moment, she found a woman leaning against the shadow of a building.

The woman didn't seem to be very strong at drinking, and was blowing cold wind to sober up.

When Garrett found her, the woman also found Garrett.

The two looked at each other for a while before the woman spoke first.

"You are also a pirate who just came to the great route?"

Before Garrette could answer, the woman asked and answered by herself.

"It seems to be the same. The people on this small island are crazy as if they have taken the wrong medicine. There is no place in the world that welcomes pirates so much."

The woman reminded kindly.

"I think there is something weird here, be careful."

This is no nonsense, Garrett rolled her eyes, she has never heard of such a place since she came all the way from the New World.

Here it is clear to bully newcomers.

However, the woman's reminder still gave her a little warmth in her heart.

Just as she was about to speak, there was a sudden noise from the house next door.

Then a resident of Whiskey Island was kicked out.

After struggling on the ground a few times, he fell powerlessly.

"You guys want to take the head of me, Steel Haral?" A drunken man staggered out of the house.

He wore a glove and said indifferently.

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