Pirate Family

Chapter 323 Twin Island

Great Route, New World, Loxor Sea Area, Loxor Island.

This is a twin island, consisting of two islands.

The small island in the north is densely forested, like a primeval jungle. Known as the animal museum, here you can find almost most of the species you know. But these animals are like being cast by magic. When they grow to a certain size, they will not grow again.

Compared with its overseas counterparts, its body is relatively small. So it is also called the mini zoo.

The small island in the south is a small city full of technology. In the center of the city, there is a huge gear clock that keeps turning. The residents here are all masters of mechanics. They manufacture sophisticated instruments and export them to other small islands in exchange for supplies.

Therefore, it has the reputation of "machine island".

Only the new world can perfectly combine this barbaric primitive and a sci-fi island.

On the west coast of Loxo Island, a child with curly brown hair who is about ten years old is sitting on the shore, with his chin propped on his hands, looking at the sea level with a look of fascination.

"Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi, I finally found you." At this time, a little girl who was about his age and wearing a floral dress came to Xiao Qi out of breath.

Because she is too immature, she still has some baby fat, but from her delicate facial features, it can be seen that this little girl must be a rare beauty when she grows up.

"What are you doing here?" The little girl sat down next to the boy called Xiaoqi and asked innocently.

"You won't understand, Keke." Xiao Qi looked at the distant sea with a firm expression on his face.

"This sea is the place I'm about to conquer!"

"I heard that the people on the sea are vicious adults. How can you conquer the sea if you don't even dare to catch a pet in the northern forest."

The little girl named Coco poked her partner's scar mercilessly. Because of its proximity to the famous "mini zoo", people in Loxo Island like to catch some cute little animals as their pets.

At that time, she wanted a cute bunny and begged Xiaoqi to help her get it back, but Xiaoqi refused righteously.

She can remember this grudge for a long time.

"Those animals are too small, it's no fun to keep them as pets!" Xiao Qi said without changing his expression.

"If I want to raise, I must raise the biggest one!"

"For example?" Ke Ke asked curiously. When she grew up on Roxor Island, the animals she came into contact with were very miniature and cute. What does the "biggest" in Xiaoqi's mouth refer to?

"For example, for example." Xiao Qi was just a teenager at heart, bragging for a while, but he didn't expect that Ke Ke would be so inquisitive. At this time, he suddenly thought of what he heard those adult sailors say when he was playing on the pier.

At that time, the strong sailor was bragging to his companions.

"Some time ago when we went out to sea, we encountered a group of saber-toothed sharks. The ten-meter-long shark was about the size of a small boat. Take a look and leave."

"I'm going to catch a saber-toothed shark. The ten-meter-long gigantic shape, combined with its sharp teeth, is what a man should have as a pet!"

Xiao Qi was in high spirits, as if he had imagined that he was sitting on the back of a big wild shark. A picture of galloping across the sea.

"The saber-toothed shark you mentioned, is this it?" Ke Ke pointed at the beach and said blankly, pulling Xiao Qi back from his fantasy.

A shark the size of a boat burst out of the sea and came at them both.

"Is it going to eat us?" Coco called blankly.

The two little guys were so frightened that they couldn't move, but fortunately, the monster stopped at a place about three meters away from them, opened its big mouth, and spat out a bloody person.

This is a very young black-haired man. He is wearing a gorgeous black cloak, which looks extremely expensive at first glance.

However, the cloak was extremely tattered, and he was covered in horrific wounds, and there was even a huge gash on his chest. It looks like a fierce battle.

The little girl had never seen a dead person before, so she burst into tears after being frightened. And Xiao Qi boldly climbed up in front of the man, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his nose.

"He's still alive!"


When Lorne woke up, he found himself lying on a big white bed, surrounded by tables filled with various mechanical creations. But judging from the pale pink walls and the bear dolls on the bed. This house should belong to a woman.

Lorne touched his chest. The wound on his body had been healed, and his whole body was covered with bandages. Just a slight movement caused severe pain.

"Have you been saved?" Lorne said to himself. I really have a relationship with the saber-toothed shark. At a critical moment before, he found an adult saber-toothed shark on the bottom of the sea. Without even thinking about it, he manipulated the saber-toothed shark to swallow him, and then swam towards the nearest island.

Life and death depend on God's will.

Lorne touched the bandages all over his body, and said with a smile, it seems that the gods are more favored by him. He struggled to get out of bed, but the sharp pain all over his body stopped him.

Feeling my physical condition, the bones of the whole body were basically broken, and the internal bleeding was massive. It was a miracle to be alive. If he wanted to return to his previous state, unless he met a genius doctor with excellent medical skills, or with his current physical condition, even if he could recover, he would still be left with hidden wounds.

Is this the price of overdrafting? Lorne didn't take it to heart. With such a serious injury, Jhin will never get better.

Besides, Lorne smiled slightly when he thought of what he had gained in this battle. I already understood how to go the real way. He has the qualifications to be "king"!

At this time, two people quarreling suddenly came from outside.

"Lola, I have given you many opportunities. This batch of 'goods' must be completed on time, otherwise you will know the consequences!"

A man said grimly.

"After all, those things are what the lord wants, and they are related to the life and death of the entire Loxor Island!"

"Isn't it enough for three people? Why did you add two more people this month?"

A female student said in surprise, her tone was soft and sweet.

"This is the adult's decision! Do you want to question it?"

The man said coldly, with some sourness in his tone. "Besides, I heard that your sister just brought back a trash, and you rescued him and let him live in your house. It seems that you have a lot of time!"

"Then next month, add another serving!"

After speaking, he looked at the woman, and Lorne seemed to be able to hear him swallowing.

"Of course, it's not impossible if you don't want to do it, as long as you..."

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