Pirate Family

Chapter 324 Lola

Lorne silently listened to the conversation between the two, and already roughly knew their identities.

A woman is the one who saved her own life. Her voice should be a soft girl, but she is quite capable. After all, not everyone can do the job of three people for five people.

And men are probably the exploiters of this island.

Lorne didn't have any feelings for these exploiters at first, but who told him that he was unlucky, not only bullying a girl, but also making such an obscene voice.

"Really, disgusting." Lorne struggled to stand up, wanting to crush the disgusting man to death. But as soon as his legs touched the floor, Lorne felt a sharp pain in his body, like countless fine needles rubbing in his body, his legs couldn't move a little, and he fell directly to the ground.

At the same time, his head was extremely chaotic, which was the sequelae after the fierce battle, and Lorne fell into a brief faint.


"What happened?"

A girl with light blue curly hair hurriedly opened the door, saw Lorne who had fallen on the ground, and quickly helped him onto the bed, saying worriedly.

"Your injury is serious, and you need to rest for a while."

"Is this that trash?" A wretched middle-aged man with a Mediterranean goatee outside the door smiled contemptuously when he saw Lorne.

"With such a serious injury, it is a waste of resources to raise it. But since you like raising a little boy, then it's up to you."

The man turned around to leave, but when he walked out the door, he seemed to remember something and laughed.

"It should cost a lot to raise such a waste. I heard that your savings are running out, and you often go to the black market to pick up private jobs."

"However, I'm a generous Pierce. If you need anything, you can come to my manor anytime after nine o'clock, my big craftsman!"

The girl Lola didn't pay attention to Pierce's obscene words, but after helping Lorne to bed, she took out a bowl of medicinal soup from the table next to her and fed it to Lorne.

The medicinal soup tasted bitter, and Lorne frowned and finished it. The severe pain in the head eased a lot. Only then did he carefully look at the girl in front of him.

The girl is only a little over 1.6 meters tall, and she is relatively petite in this sea where giants with a height of 2 or 3 meters walk everywhere. She was wearing a "Light of the Stars" shirt made in the South China Sea and "Auspicious Brand" jeans, showing off her proud figure.

However, the clothes and trousers were washed a little white, and it could be seen that the girl's life was a bit embarrassing.

The body full of youthful vigor is extremely attractive, which is why the man is salivating. In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the girl was one of the "Three Great Craftsmen" of the Loxo Craftsmanship Guild, the man would have already taken down this beauty by his own means.

"Is it better? I bought it from Duke Pharmaceutical Company in Nancheng. The price is..."

The girl realized her gaffe and didn't continue, but Lorne understood when he heard the word "Duke".

In the eyes of ordinary people, Duke is just the name of a larger pharmaceutical company, but in the eyes of higher-level forces, Duke is the name of a person who has a famous nickname in the underground world.

"Pharmaceutical King!"

Now that it has been connected to the underground world, its price will definitely not be cheap.

At least, it's not something that Lola can easily afford at this time.

It seems that I owe a big favor.

"You're finally awake," Lola said happily, taking the bowl containing the potion.

"Do you know how horrible you looked when you were sent over by Ke Ke and Xiao Qi? You were covered in blood. I thought you were dead!"

Coco and Xiaoqi, Lorne secretly wrote down these two names.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I said the wrong thing." How could she curse others to death? The girl patted herself on the head cutely before continuing.

"You take a rest for a while, and you will get better."

"I would like to borrow your good words." Lorne said noncommittally, as long as he returned to the family, whether it was Gage's clone warrior healing vessel or the healing ability of Anxi's angel fruit, Lorne's injuries could be easily repaired.

Lorne just needs to stay here quietly, waiting for the family members to find him along the life card.

But before that, he had to settle some things.

"What happened to that man just now?" Lorne said coldly.

The girl in front of me is so cute and kind, and she is also her savior, how could she be bullied by that kind of pig-like guy?

"You mean Pierce?" Lola's eyes darkened when she mentioned Pierce.

"He's the mayor of Roxor Town."

Lola explained that this Loxo Island was originally a place where artisans exchanged technology. Later, because of the war, artisans gathered here to defend against foreign lands, and slowly developed into a small town.

Later, the era of great pirates came, and countless powerful pirates came to the new world. If these small islands did not submit to their command, they would be destroyed and forced to do so. A pirate flag was also hoisted on Loxo Island.

Fortunately, the flag they hoisted belonged to a powerful pirate, and the pirates who came to invade here fled after seeing that flag.

Unfortunately, this flag belongs to one of the Four Emperors, Shiji the Golden Lion!

At that time, Shiji was in full swing, and he didn't take a small Loxor in his eyes at all, and only asked the island of Loxor to pay tribute on time. This condition was extremely ample at the time, and the Loxor people had found a shelter in the wind and rain.

But the good times don't last long, and Pierce, who was originally a rogue in Roxor Island, sees an opportunity. He said to the cadres of the Golden Lion Pirates that Roxor's people are skilled craftsmen and are good at making all kinds of weapons. Shi Ke also developed the war potential here, and ordered Pierce to be the mayor here and provide him with war weapons on time.

"In the past, Roxor's clocks were very famous in this sea, and everyone was studying how to make the clock's time more accurate." Lola said with a wry smile. "Since Pierce took office, everyone's time has been encroached on by this damn task, and they can only get a little supply every month, and most of the money has gone into his pocket."

Lola, as the youngest craftsman, got mixed up to the point where her clothes were washed white, so what she said was true.

In fact, the situation of Roxor Island is also the situation of most islands ruled by pirates in the New World.

The pirates conquered the new world by virtue of their powerful force, and after seeing no hope of conquering the great route, they became emperors in the new world.

Extremely luxurious, exploiting the ruled civilians to satisfy their own desires.

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