Pirate Family

Chapter 326 Counterfeit and Disaster

People dispersed one after another, and a young man with a cane appeared in the square.

"Who are you?"

Gus stared at Lorne coldly, and spoke slowly after a while. He has ruled Loxo Island for so long, and in his memory, there is no impression of this man.

"Aren't you the trash raised by Lola's family?" At this moment, Pierce remembered that he had seen this man at Lola's house.

Pierce said with a mocking face.

"Why, your injury is just right, so you come to be a hero? Do you know who is sitting in front of you?"



A gunshot fired, and a bloody hole appeared between Pierce's eyebrows, and he fell down unwillingly. Behind him, a guard soldier raised his double-barreled flintlock with fanaticism on his face.

There was still a faint smoke from the muzzle.

"Everyone is their own hero." Lorne's face was calm, and he walked forward step by step, although his steps were faltering, but he was extremely firm. Lorne walked slowly through the crowd to the center of the square, in front of the high platform.

"Also, do you know that you are very noisy? You are obviously a villain with sarcasm, and you don't know how to keep a low profile when you meet the protagonist?"

"Do you know what you just did?" Lola held Lorne's hand, lowered her voice and said anxiously.

"That belongs to one of the Four Emperors..."

"Don't be afraid." Lorne gently lifted Lola's white palm and said slowly.

"I am here."

These words seemed to calm down Lola, who had been a little flustered by Pierce's death, like a magic needle. Looking at Lorne's not tall back, she suddenly felt extremely at ease.

This mysterious man might really be able to rescue Loxor Island from the abyss.

"Very good, very good." Gus stood up slowly, his skin turned into dark green scales, his neck became extremely slender, and his eyes also turned into strange golden vertical pupils.

"It's been a long, long time since I've met someone like you who dared to challenge Lord Shiji's authority. Are you a newcomer who just arrived in the new world?"

Gus subconsciously regarded Lorne as a newcomer who had just arrived in the new world, because only those newcomers did not understand the horror of the Four Emperors.

Gus is a devil fruit ability user of the animal department, snake fruit · hydralisk · form. Facing Lorne, a mysterious opponent, he activated the animal transformation immediately. And he was very cautious, trying to get some information from Lorne with words.

"Newcomer? Maybe." Lorne said to himself. He has only been in the new world for a few months, so he is indeed a newcomer.

"But it's enough for you."

"Arrogance!" Gus's weird vertical pupils shrank slightly, he had already obtained key information.

Since the enemy in front of him is indeed a newcomer, he has nothing to worry about, because the biggest difference between Paradise and New World is the popularity of domineering. Since this man has just arrived in the new world, it is impossible for him to master domineering than himself, or even domineering at all!

Gus's legs were close together, turning into a snake tail, with a scarlet core spit out from his mouth, which was extremely ferocious.

He has turned into a snake man.

"Snake Fist One Blow Winding!" Gus's snake tail exerted a little force, and the high platform collapsed instantly as if it couldn't bear his huge strength. He jumped up high, his arms were covered with jet-black armed domineering, and he smashed hard at Lorne's head.

He saw the dark-haired young man gently raised his arm, the thin arm was no different from a match in his eyes. More importantly, there is no black mark covered with armed colors on his hands.

Sure enough, he doesn't know how to be armed and domineering, Gus is determined, and there is a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth.

No matter what your purpose is here, you are not a hero, young man!

"Pay for your arrogance, rookie!"

Gus's arm wrapped around his armed domineering body collided lightly with Lorne's fist.

The huge impact of Gus's high jump hit Lorne fiercely, and a shock wave ring spread out from the collision of their fists.

The craftsmen watching around closed their eyes, unable to bear to see this cruel scene.

Lola, on the other hand, was stunned in place.

Could it be that the hope that was finally raised was shattered at this moment?

Lola tightly covered her mouth, forcing herself not to make a sound, while praying in her heart.

Don't worry, I don't want anyone to sacrifice.

"Ah!" came a man's scream. Gus fell to the ground, holding his right arm, and said incredulously.

"Don't you know how to be domineering? Why are your fists so hard?"

His right arm was dripping with blood, bent into a strange arc.

And Lorne shook his arm in amazement. "It turns out that this is the feeling of domineering crushing."

The most extreme attack power can easily tear apart the thick armor of the enemy. Is this Flow Sakura?

The artisans looked at the scene before them in disbelief. Master Gus, who was so lofty, fierce and almost invincible, lost like this?

"Who the hell are you?" Gus looked at Lorne who was approaching step by step, kept backing away, and said stiffly at the same time.

"I am the vice-captain of the third team of the Golden Lion Pirates. I was imprisoned on the sixth floor of the city of advancement! I have a life-threatening friendship with Lord Shiji!"

"If you moved me, prepare to accept the punishment of Lord Shiji!"

Lorne originally had doubts about Gus's identity, but now that he said that he was once a prisoner on the sixth floor of the city, he chuckled.

Unfortunately, Lorne knew most of the prisoners in Infinite Hell, or at least some of them were familiar with each other, and there was no trace of this man among them.

Lorne turned around slowly and walked towards Lola. Gus thought that his scheme had succeeded, and shouted triumphantly.

"Are you afraid now? If you kneel down..."

"What are you doing!"


Bang bang bang bang bang!

Numerous guard soldiers surrounded Gus. He pointed the double-barreled flintlock gun in his hand at his head. Gently pulled his trigger.

"It's over." Lorne said slowly, opening his arms to the craftsmen.

He has a holy face, like an angel who came into the world. After being a priest for so long, Lorne is very good at playing a magic stick and mobilizing the emotions of ordinary people.

The forces ruling this place are really stupid. They have so many highly skilled craftsmen, but they only know how to order them to make simple firearms.

It's just a waste of money.

But now, this country has fallen into his own hands, and Lorne will definitely make good use of it. After all, Lorne, the craftsman leader who was passive and sabotage in the family, had a long history of grudges.

"Thank you for your help." Among the three craftsmen, an old man with a gray beard walked out of the crowd, first thanked Lorne, and then said with a sad and desperate expression.

"You've got yourself in trouble."

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