Pirate Family

Chapter 327 Demagogues and Artisans


Lorne himself was also in a state of bewilderment, did he get into big trouble?

"Although this Gus is powerful, he is not impossible to target. We can completely create a powerful weapon to get rid of him secretly."

Lorne glanced at Lola, and the cute little girl nodded slowly.

"But the reason why we didn't do that is because standing behind this Gus is the man who can manipulate animals, and the powerful Sihuang Shiji."

"If you kill Guts, Skee's army will come over immediately. By then this Loxo Island will be destroyed."

"Just like a year ago, he drove the animal riots in the northern forest and destroyed several small villages."

The old man said with a sad face.

"You are the one who was rescued by little Lola. I didn't expect that little Lola rescued a big man."

"But this matter is not something you can handle alone."

Next to the old man, the last of the three craftsmen, a bearded man said in a loud voice.

So they were worried about this, Lorne mused. The name of the Four Emperors is so resounding in the New World that even Gus and his gang are able to humiliate these residents at will.

However, Lorne has a doubt, that is, don't the residents of this island read newspapers?

Otherwise, they should know that Shiji has fallen.

"What should I do? I'm dying?" Among the craftsmen, a man with a Mediterranean look and dark brown overalls said with a sad face. He seemed to have a high status among the craftsmen, and the remaining craftsmen were infected by him one after another.

However, it's about time, it's time to guide everyone's emotions, the bearded man took a deep breath, he remembered what the mysterious force said to him a few days ago, finally made up his mind, turned to the craftsman they said.

"We've been enslaved for far too long."

"It's been so long that we have lost our blood and become puppets to be bullied. Have you had enough of this kind of life?"

Before the craftsmen could answer, the bearded man said to himself. "I've had enough anyway."

"I want to make the machine I like! Not this boring and simple gun!"

"Umi, I remember you like making clocks and watches the most, so how long has it been since you touched the hands?" the bearded man said lightly to the overalls.

"We're going to fight back!"

"Better die standing than live kneeling!"

"Roxor's son is no coward!"

The bearded man's words were very contagious, and since no one is a natural slave, all the craftsmen raised their hands in unison and roared angrily.

"We will resist!"

"We will resist!"


Lorne stared blankly at this scene. He didn't expect that his random action would resonate with the Roxor people, making them dare to resist the exploiters.

Lola also stood there at a loss. She knew that as a master craftsman, she should say something at this time, but she was a technical nerd after all, and her mind was blank at this time.

But at this moment, she remembered what Lorne said when he walked up to Pierce. Subconsciously repeated.

"Everyone is their own hero!"


After the Square Declaration. The craftsmen immediately returned to their homes and actively prepared their weapons. Although he knew that his resistance was useless when facing vicious pirates.

But the words of the bearded man completely touched their hearts.

I would rather die standing than live on my knees! Roxor's son is no coward!

Lola took Lorne back home. At this time, a little girl about eight or nine years old was sitting on the table looking at the design drawings.

Lorne knew that this little girl, her name was Coco, was Lola's younger sister, and it was she and another child who brought Lorne back.

"What happened? It's so noisy outside!" Ke Ke rubbed her eyes and said sleepily.

"Did the bad lord increase my sister's workload again?"

"It's nothing, go to sleep." Lola didn't want her sister to be caught in the war, but when she casually glanced at the blueprint on Coco's table, she was stunned.

"Did you make this thing?"

A huge mechanical butterfly is drawn on the blueprint. The internal structure of the butterfly is extremely complicated, and countless parts are precisely integrated together, like a work of art.

"This thing," Ke Ke took out a finely crafted black butterfly and said shyly. "I picked it up at the place where the giant shark was lying on its stomach. It should belong to the big brother. I thought it was fun so I kept it."

The black butterfly in Coco's hand was a broken "Dead Dream Butterfly". Lorne guessed that it should have been swallowed by a saber-toothed shark before the sword of Damocles fell down.

And when Lorne casually glanced at Coco's hand-painted drawings, he was shocked. The drawings drawn by this little girl were not much different from the design drawings of "Dead Dream Butterfly"!

You know, this thing is the technical crystallization of the Vinhill family!

"This thing!" Lola glanced at Lorne, and after getting his consent, she quickly sat down and began to examine it carefully.

At this time, she was not that soft and cute girl, but a serious scholar.

"This is simply amazing. It is incredible to be able to condense such a sophisticated mechanism into such a small thing!"

Lola said blankly, as a master in the mechanical field, of course she knows how difficult it is to achieve this level.

First of all, there must be advanced technology. If there is no theoretical support, it will be a toy when it is made.

Secondly, precise instruments are required to arrange so many parts in a butterfly's body.

Finally, there had to be a hard material, and Lola stroked the black butterfly, whose black surface reflected a soft light, a material she had never seen before.

"Really." Lorne said lightly, even he was a little proud when he heard someone praise his family's things.

Although Gage was beaten to pieces by Vegapunk, Vegapunk is a person who is ahead of the times after all, and it is already remarkable that Gage can catch up with him.

"Dead Dream Butterfly" is the crystallization of Jiazhi's theory. If it weren't for the deadlock of the "blood factor" theory, it would have reached that threshold and almost reached God's forbidden zone. Then what Gage created was not a mechanical butterfly controlled by Lorne's mind, but a new species with life.

"However, the fly in the ointment is that the designer of this butterfly seems to have made a mistake."

Lola pointed to the blueprint and said regretfully.

"The person who drew up the blueprints must have been lazy or for other reasons. The design of this thing is very rigid in many places."

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