Pirate Family

Chapter 332: The Past

Breed stared tremblingly at the man in front of him.

Black hair, teenager, supercilious.

His image gradually coincided with the man called "the devil" in his memory.

In the information, the world-renowned Roxor battle only mentioned that Jhin returned to Wano Country in embarrassment after paying the price of one hand and one eye.

As for Lorne, his whereabouts are unknown.

The desert island where they had a decisive battle was not far from here, and the man in front of him seemed to be seriously injured again.

Breed swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and stared blankly at Lorne with his glasses, he had begun to believe it. This man is that "devil"! This time, I may have kicked the iron plate!

"Looking at you, you seem to believe it." Lorne looked at Breed playfully.

"How, are you ready to escape?"

"Asshole! Who do you think you are?!" Seeing Lorne's smile, Breed felt angry.

"Why did you let me run away?"

Humans are such a self-righteous race, and it is precisely because of this inferiority of human beings that Breed believes in pets even more.

Breed had planned to run away, but Lorne's words completely angered him.

"I am one of the Four Emperors, the captain of the third team of the Golden Lion Pirates! You are a mere king of Qibuhai, dare to be an enemy of the Four Emperors?"

"Besides!" Breed patted the pirate who was serving as a chair under his crotch, and the burly pirate stood up reluctantly.

But after seeing Lorne's face, he froze for a while, and slowly became fierce.

"Even if you were lucky enough to escape from the hands of Yan Zhuangjin, how much strength do you have at your peak now that you are seriously injured?"

"Can you deal with my most vicious pet?" There was a trace of madness on Breed's face.

"Come on, Wild Dog Zero! Tear up the man in front of you, even if you bite off his hands and ruin his self-righteous face!"

He was already crazy, and Lorne frowned slightly as he looked at the short man with a mustache.

At this time, Wild Dog Zero, the pirate who was originally called Dan, rushed towards Lorne with a roar.

His arms were thick and powerful, and extremely long, the chains were thrown out from his clothes, flying in the air.

"I'm going to kill you, you ruined my life!"

"Inexplicable." Lorne avoided the man's attack casually, and the chain flew past the door on his left side. Lorne could even feel the heat from the friction between the chain and the air because of the high speed.

Killed? Lorne looked at the man in front of him. Although he didn't understand where his inexplicable hostility came from, since he shot at him, he was an enemy!

"Die! Die!" Dan's blow failed, his left hand slightly bent, and the chain that had already passed Lorne suddenly turned around and flew towards Lorne from behind.

"Small tricks." Lorne said disdainfully, even without the domineering arrogance of knowledge and the fighting intuition of the "micro-sensing field" that just came out of the sword and fire, Lorne could figure out the attack of this strong man and easily dodge it.

Is he Breed's strongest "pet?"

The iron chain flew past Lorne's right waist and was heavily stuck on the ground.

The chain flew over Lorne, just forming a semicircle, enveloping Lorne inside.

Dan's right hand turned a few times out of thin air, and the chain was wrapped around Dan's fist. A triumphant smile appeared on his face.

"Now you have nowhere to escape!" Dan pulled hard, and the chain in his left hand tightly wrapped around Lorne.

And the right hand aimed at Lorne was a heavy punch.

"If it wasn't for you, how could I have met the yellow ape! If it wasn't for you, I should be sailing in the new world with my friends now!"

"I'm going to kill you! You man who changed my life!"

Lorne raised his head slightly, with a sarcastic smile in his eyes. He has already seen through this pirate's moves. The reason why he doesn't dodge is because he is extremely confident in his arrogance on the one hand, and on the other hand, his current physical condition does not allow him to do intense exercise.

But at this time, Lorne finally understood why the pirate hated him so much.

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. In order to catch me, Polusalino squatted on Anxia Island in the paradise for a while. He captured many pirates who had just arrived on the great route."

Lorne clearly remembered the man who personally sent himself into the city of advancement.

"You should have been caught by Huang Yuan at that time."

Lorne looked at Dan, then glanced at Breed next to him, and said playfully.

"But since you were able to escape from his hands, why did you become a slave to that kind of thing?"

"You don't need to worry about this kind of thing!" Dan punched Lorne's head hard, but it seemed to hit a wall, and Lorne didn't move a muscle.

"What's going on?" Dan didn't believe in evil, and punched Lorne on the head a few more times, but none of them had any effect. Lorne looked at Dan lightly as if nothing happened.

"Why can't I hit you!"

"You, don't you understand?" Lorne cut off the chains wrapped around himself with a knife in his hand.

"A fist without faith cannot defeat the enemy! Think about it carefully, it is me you should resent, or Breed who is hiding behind you and manipulating you!"

"Yes, yes..." After Dan was pointed out by Lorne, he suddenly realized that what he resented most should be Breed who treats himself like a dog every day!

"Breed!" Dan turned around with difficulty and roared angrily. Seeing that the situation was not good, Breed spread out his hand, and an emerald green ring appeared on his hand.

"Inferior species are inferior species! I didn't expect you to betray me even after wearing a pet ring, so I'll really turn you into a dog!"

Breed made a gesture, trying to crush the ring in his hand, but found that his right hand was frozen in the air, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't control it!

At this time, Lorne had passed Dan and walked in front of Breed.

"What the hell did you do?" Breed yelled in despair, losing the ability to manipulate the pet ring, he was just an ordinary person. Facing an enemy of Lorne's level, he has no ability to resist.

"It's just cutting off your perception of your own hand." Lorne said lightly, people control their bodies through nerves. Lorne cut off Breed's perception of the right hand nerve. In Breed's brain consciousness, his right hand does not exist, so how can he control the non-existent right hand?

At this time, Breed had already entered his shooting range, and Lorne could easily control this kind of weak-willed opponent.

"I said, I will hang you on the clock in Roxor Square." Lorne said calmly.

"I will do what I say."

Thank you for the monthly ticket of book friend Chunqiu Wangshi!

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