Pirate Family

Chapter 333 Revolutionary Army

Lorne manipulated Breed to release all the people under his control. The fighters of Roxor were okay. The first thing they did after they got their freedom was to apologize to those who were betrayed by him.

The pirates brought by Breed stood up one after another after the emerald green collars on their necks were broken, and walked towards Breed slowly, with a bloodthirsty light in their eyes.

Pirates are the occupations that most yearn for freedom in this sea. Breed's enslavement to them is a great shame to them!

If it wasn't for Lorne's stop, Breed would have been swallowed alive by these furious pirates.

"You can't treat me like this. I am the captain of the third team under Master Shiji. If you kill me, Master Shiji will never let you go!"

Breed was standing under the clock in the square, his whole body was tied up, and at this time, he still didn't forget to speak harshly.

The identity he pretended to be the captain of the third team was his last straw.

Even the Qiwuhai under the king would not dare to easily offend the Four Emperors, right? Although this four emperors have been missing for a long time. Breed thought so. But what responded to him was a stinky rag.

"Woo woo woo..."

Lorne looked at Breed who was stuffed with a rag and couldn't speak, and suddenly felt that his ears were much cleaner.

"If your intelligence is relatively well-informed, you should know about my relationship with Shiji."

Lorne lifted Bridella up, hung it on the clock, and said lightly.

"Ski's flag? What is it?"

After awakening the domineering look, Lorne finally understood what Doflamingo meant by the mind and courage. At this time, he only had the highest position in his eyes.

Anyone who is his enemy, even if the pirate group with a white beard is in front of him, Lorne dares to hit him.

Breed opened his eyes wide, staring blankly at the boy in front of him. Such contempt for the four emperors, is this a man with some qualifications to be king?

Breed looked at the back of Lorne who turned around, as if he saw the man who conquered the sea and started another era before he died.

Is this the king?

After Lorne finished all this, a pair of white and tender hands grabbed him. Lorne turned around and saw Lola winking playfully at him.

"Finally defeated the big villain Breed, the big guy is going to have a banquet, let me let you know."

"Our hero must participate!" Lola said with a smile, holding Lorne's hand.

"Also, more! Grandpa Luka wants to thank you very much. After he heard that you wanted to recruit craftsmen, he decided to talk to you."

Luca is the name of the white-bearded old man among the three craftsmen. The mechanical beast he made is still fresh in Lorne's memory.

By the way, among the three major craftsmen, the name of the bearded man is Ulala, a very feminine name, and he will be angry if anyone calls him that.

"Invitation code?" Lorne lowered his head and pondered. He was not interested in the banquet and was ready to leave with Lola.

But since this Luka is going to have a talk with him, it doesn't matter for Lorne to stay here for another two days.

If he could take the opportunity to take down this Lockxor Island, Lorne would have his own craftsman team.


On a lonely place not far from Loxo Island, a woman with short lavender hair and bold clothes put down her binoculars, thought for a while, and then picked up a phone bug,

"Blue, blue, blue."

"What's the matter, Betty, isn't that Breed even you can handle?"

A middle-aged man's rich voice came from the other end of the phone bug.

"This Breed is a piece of trash. If it weren't for the weird fruit ability, he wouldn't even be able to enter the new world."

Betty frowned, as if she was dissatisfied with her boss belittling her.

"However, this mission should be regarded as a failure for me. Breed was defeated before I even had time to appear in front of the Loxo people."

Betty said mockingly. "Now, in the eyes of the Loxo people, our revolutionary army should be regarded as liars."

"Nothing is easy," the man on the phone reassured.

"But there is one thing I have to confirm. Are you saying that the Roxor beat that Breed by himself without you making a move?"

"Yes," Betty nodded, "I know it's unbelievable, but there is one more thing I have to say."

"In this incident, someone else appeared," Betty continued after taking a breath.

"I saw Vinhill Lorne, and he's alive."

"The Vennhill Lorne who fought against Jhin?"


"He's still alive," the voice of the phone worm was a little surprised, but also expected.

"But it should be like this, who told him to be that person's son!"

"You can still laugh!" Betty frowned and said coldly.

"Now the whole world knows that Lorne and Jhin have formed an endless hatred, and he and the other four emperors hiding in Hell Island, Shi Ji, have some grievances, and because of the relationship between Lord Caesar, Tianlong People also see him as a thorn in their side."

"And, just now, I saw him use the domineering color domineering, you don't know what it means, do you?"

"I have a hunch that in the near future, he will set off a storm on this sea. At that time, no one can be alone."

"Including us."

"You mean, he might sabotage our plan?" There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone bug,

"But Lord Caesar is kind to us, I can't do anything to his son."

"I understand what you mean," Betty was also silent. They and the Revolutionary Army were originally gathered together to save this corrupt world. Among them, Lord Caesar paid a lot, and his beliefs were even stronger than any of them. Everyone is firm.

It is indeed a bit cruel to shoot Lord Caesar's son.

"There must be no surprises in that incident. However, if Lorne knew about it, he would definitely get involved. As soon as Kaido and Shiki follow closely behind, all our plans will be disrupted. Betty thought for a while, "Unless something happens that first attracts their attention."

The two were silent for a while, and after a while, the other end of the phone bug spoke slowly.

"Find a chance and tell Lorne about the BIG.MOM Pirates."

"Once Lorne gets entangled with the BIG.MOM Pirates, there will be no time for other places."

"It can only be the."

Betty said slowly, but at this moment, she suddenly felt the sharpness on her back, and a killing intent locked on her firmly.

Betty turned around and saw a fat man who was a few meters tall and as fat as a meat mountain walked behind her at some point, looking down at her.

"Let me make sure again, did you mention the name 'Lorne' just now?"

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