Pirate Family

Chapter 372 Entanglement

Enilu is shirtless and holds a thunder sword, just like the legendary god who controls thunder and lightning.

"Oh! Ah! It hurts!"

Lei Jian cut off the middle head of Heitan Serpent from top to bottom. Heitan Serpent was pampered and had never been wronged like this before, rolling all over the floor in pain.

The picture freezes at the moment when the blood of the black charcoal snake splatters, and Enilo opens his arms to accept the bath.

"Su Ge Ming Zun!" Sleeping Crazy Lang screamed in a daze.

Suge Mingzun, the legendary Susano.

The scene in front of me is surprisingly similar to the legendary Ukiyo-e in which Suge Mingzun used fine wine to lure Yamata no Orochi.

Is he the one who wants to end Wano?

"What Suge Mingzun, I don't understand." Enilu scratched his ears and said disdainfully.

"However, there is one thing I do understand."

The Thunder Sword in Anilu's hand dissipated and turned into several Thunderbirds surrounding him.


"That's right, you've crossed the line!" Enilu waved his hand, and the Thunderbirds flew straight towards the sleeping maniac with a roar.

"Those who cross the border must die!"

The man in front of him gave him great pressure, even surpassing this black charcoal snake. After he appeared, Enilo understood a little bit.

That is, if you don't defeat the swordsman of the Wano country, you can't solve the Heitan Orochi.

"No, he's not Su Ge Mingzun, but he's a bit similar." Sleeper Kushiro calmed down quickly, and pressed the hilt of the famous sword Onimaru Tsuna with his hand.

For Lord Heitan Orochi, even if he is facing the real Suge Mingzun, he will kill him without hesitation.

"One day first-class · Unintentional Slash!"

Sleeper Kushiro closed his eyes, and at the moment when these Thunderbirds were about to approach him, a frightening saber light burst out from his waist and collided with Thunderbirds.

Then there was a violent explosion, the smoke cleared, and the two stood at both ends of the hall, facing each other coldly.

In this short fight, they have already discerned that the other party is no less powerful than themselves. If you are not careful, you will lose.

Jhin's roar and the sound of fists colliding could be heard in his ears, and the battlefield on the other side also entered a fiery stage.

The moment the sound was heard, Sleeper Kushiro and Enilo moved at the same time, the battlefield on the other side had entered a stage of anxiety, and Jhin and Lorne were entangled.

In other words, the winner of the two of them will be able to determine the outcome of the other battlefield.

Sleeper Kushiro drew out his long knife, and his arrogance instantly covered the blade, silently and swiftly like thunder.

He is confident that as long as he is given a chance to get close to the opponent, he will definitely be able to defeat him with his well-trained sword skills.

And Enilo also started to move at the same moment that Sleeper Kushiro acted, but he chose to retreat.

Having been in Qinghai for so long, he clearly knows how terrible the destructive power those top swordsmen have in close combat, and his half-way elementalization in advance may not necessarily be able to evade his attack.

So at the beginning, Enilo didn't give Sleeper Kushiro a chance to fight in close quarters. In the state of incarnation of Thunder, Enilo's speed has an absolute advantage.

He fights and retreats. Constantly use Thunderbird to harass Sleep Kuangsilang's physical fitness, and use the advantage of speed to fly his kite.

Just like how he dealt with Thaddeus before.

Because he has absolute confidence in Lorne, the last confrontation between Lorne and Jhin, the one who can survive must be Lorne!

All he needed to do was to hold back the sleeping maniac so that he wouldn't harass Lorne.


Cake Island, Ring.

Snag, who was wearing the "oily armor", was completely pressing down on Garrett. In front of this layer of slippery armor, the girl's powerful destructive power was completely useless.

Boom boom boom!

Snug directly knocked Garrett out of the air with one punch, and fell heavily on the ring.

The arena seemed unable to bear the huge impact any longer, and finally shattered. Garrett lay motionless in the ruins.

"Huh, is it finally over?"

Snug took a deep breath. Exploding such a force requires enormous physical strength. At this time, the duration of his "explosive grease" is less than two minutes. If he is dragged down by little Garrett again, he will You may quit the state of "explosive grease" early because you can't bear the huge consumption.

"I advise you to surrender..."

But just as Snug walked in front of Garrett, the girl lying in the ruins suddenly opened her eyes.

"The entanglement of blood!"

The blood stains she splattered all over the ring gathered from all directions to form a cage, locking Snugg inside firmly.

"I'm sorry, Brother Snug, I can't lose yet!"

"At least I can't lose now!"

"Because he hasn't come to me yet!"

Garrett slenderly held the blood spear in her hand, and threw it at Snug who was bound in mid-air. Just like the god-king in mythology, stepping down from his throne, riding his invincible eight-legged horse Sleipnis, revealing his victorious Gungnir to the enemy.

"Declaration of the Great Blood God!" Garrett let out a righteous roar, and the blood spear in her hand suddenly spun and rubbed against the air. With the sound of piercing the sky, he rushed towards Snag.

With this trick, she once defeated a pirate Pirate Supernova in the Chambord Islands.

This time, she was also sure of winning, because after waiting for a long time, she was waiting for her own blood to spill over the entire arena.

At this time, she is the invincible Odin!

Snug's face changed drastically, he tried to struggle, but the blood and thorns completely restrained him, making him unable to escape.

He could only watch helplessly as the blood spear gradually moved towards him.

"Mom save me!"

At this moment, Snag couldn't hold back any longer, and cried out in despair.


The mirror world, in a room full of mirrors. The three women, Agatha, Bree, and Violet hid here and watched the battle outside through the mirror.

The battle between Lorne and Jhin was as fast as lightning, and even they could see their movements clearly. As for Sleep Kushiro and Enilo, they are also one-sided.

The sleep madman held a long sword and kept chasing Enilo.

Because their strength is too weak, it is impossible to intervene in this level of battle. So I can only hide in this room and pray for them.


A loud noise came from the last mirror. Everyone saw that Garrett actually induced Snug with blood, and waited for a chance to turn defeat into victory. Can't help applauding her.

As long as she is alive and well, Lorne's contribution will be meaningful.

"So you are here."

But at this time, a man's voice sounded from behind them.

A door appeared in the void, and then a pale man walked out of that door.

He looked at the women blankly.

Thank you book friend Hidden with the Wind for the two monthly tickets!

Today is really a bit of a headache, forced to go down the quality is too bad, so please take a day off, one chapter is missing tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to make up.

I'm sorry!

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