Pirate Family

Chapter 418 Yangmou!

He should be hiding something, otherwise neither Shanks nor Mihawk would be at the mercy of Huo,

Lorne was puzzled, what was the source of Huo's self-confidence?


"That person has arrived."

Shanks drank a large glass of rum in one gulp, and when he hugged the fat man who was eating barbecue next to him and was about to punch, a silver-haired man smoking a cigar suddenly said.

"Which one?" Shanks said drunkenly, and suddenly punched the fat man beside him.

Just now, while he wasn't paying attention, he secretly replaced the rock with scissors. If he hadn't discovered it in time, he would have almost been tricked by him. This bastard would even throw a punch.

"The man with the black knife on his back." The silver-haired man took a deep puff of his cigar, and then exhaled a puff of thick smoke.

"Do you want me to meet him first?"

"Beckman, if you dare to attack him first, I will definitely not let you go!" Shanks stumbled to his feet.

"Let me meet the strongest swordsman in the world."

His back was very domineering, but before he reached the door, he tripped over a stone and fell to the ground.

"Ahahahaha! Captain, you still want to challenge Hawkeye?" The entire red-haired pirate group laughed loudly. Only a very harmonious relationship can make such a joke.

But the sniper Jesus Bu couldn't stand it anymore, so he walked over to help Shanks up, but at this time, the man who threatened to fight Hawkeye had already fallen asleep snoring.

"What an unreliable team leader."

Beckman held his head and said helplessly. I heard that the original One Piece Roger thought that the captain was the most similar to his personality, so he passed on his close-fitting straw hat to Shanks.

So how did the Roger Pirates endure their captain's temper?

"Send him back to sleep first." Beckman said helplessly.

"As for the duel, we can only inform Hawkeye that it has been temporarily postponed."

The aftertaste of the Summer Dragon Festival is still there, and there is another thing that makes the residents of Sri Lanka excited.

The pirates who were quite stingy in the past showed kindness and wanted to hold a ceremony.

The residents of Sri Lanka were skeptical, but many decided to check it out because they were poor and had nothing to fear losing.

The square in Central City was crowded with people, and a group of actors danced paper dragons on a high platform. Crowded.

Little Nana stood on tiptoe and looked around curiously. But because I was too short, I couldn't see anything.

She looked at the man with the black knife with some fear. Although this uncle had a fierce face, after a few days of getting along with him, she knew that this uncle was actually a good person who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Seeing Little Nana's pitiful appearance, Mihawk frowned slightly. In fact, he doesn't like to get along with others, because too many distracting thoughts will only slow down his swinging speed.

But the little girl's experience made him feel a little pity. She still doesn't know that the brother she has been waiting for is dead.

But just when Mihawk began to hesitate whether he should help the other party, he seemed to feel something, his eyebrows twitched, and when he turned around, he found a knife light flashing away outside the city.

Is this an invitation to fight against yourself?

A smile appeared on the corner of Mihawk's mouth, feeling the intensity of this knife light, this rookie named Shanks is indeed qualified to challenge himself.

He stroked the black knife on his back, then broke through the crowd and walked slowly towards the outside of the city.

"Uncle, where are you going?" Little Nana cried out in panic when she saw Mihawk turn around and leave, thinking that she had done something wrong.

At the same time, there were tears in the eyes. May flow out at any time.

"Wait here for me." Mihawk said lightly, "If you want to walk around by yourself, feel free."

He said casually, and the black knife let out a humming sound, as if he was excited because he had found his opponent.

Mihawk went retrograde all the way, and there were fewer and fewer pedestrians, and he became more and more excited, and the blood in his body boiled for a long time.

When he walked out of the city gate, he found a red-haired man in a black cloak sitting on a stone man, as if he had been waiting for him for a long time.

Beside him, a group of pirates exuding a strong aura were looking at him curiously.

However, Mihawk didn't care how many people the opponent brought, and he didn't care whether the opponent's duel was for victory or defeat, or for life and death.

Because he's always going to win, no matter what. This is his confidence as the world's number one swordsman!

"It's him!" Shanks knew at the first sight of Mihawk that this man was definitely the strongest swordsman he had ever seen.

He pulled out his western knife and said softly.

"Knife name, Griffin."

Hawkeye Mihawk pulled out the black knife on his back, and said solemnly, "Black knife, Ye."

Then without further ado, the two swordsmen decided to use their swords to speak.


The two long swords collided together, and a dazzling knife light flew up towards the sky. Then split the cloud directly above them.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like the sky has been split in half!

"Is this the destructive power of a top swordsman?" A small boat appeared in the waters of Sri Lanka, and Lorne squinted, looking at the split sky in two, and couldn't help but marvel.

He knew many sword masters, such as Mooreman, Gion, Sakura Miya Rika, the swordsman of death who pushed the city, and even the golden lion Shiji, but no one could give Lorne such a shock .

Lorne licked his lips, Shanks and Mihawk's Skee had been revealed, and he was looking forward to what Huo was hiding.


A few minutes ago, in the central city of Sri Lanka, a pirate immediately reported to Huo after seeing Mihawk leave.

The man smiled coldly, waved his hand, and said softly.

"Now that the bait has been hooked, our planning can almost begin."

"Keter is on his way with his men, do we want it?" The pirate made a gesture of slitting his throat.

"The puppet planted among them is meaningless. Let him be our nourishment."

Huo looked up and saw the sky that had been split in two, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"What a trembling power, but it will belong to me soon." He clapped his hands, and a tall figure behind him took off his robe, revealing his light blue skin and bloated figure. He looked at Huo blankly.

"I heard that you were able to compete with Kaido when you were in "Thousand Shadows". Now, there are thousands of pirates and countless civilians in Sri Lanka. Don't let me down."

"Moonlight Moria!"

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