Pirate Family

Chapter 419

As if afraid that the audience would be blocked by the dazzling sunlight, Huo Huan deliberately built a sunshade over the square.

The clown on the stage was performing hard, while Huo watched coldly with a cigarette in his mouth. From time to time, he randomly took out a large stack of Baileys from his clothes, and threw them down the stage casually, attracting countless people to loot them.

"Only ants who have never left land would regard a drop of water as the ocean."

Huo said sarcastically, at this time, the surrounding crowd moved out of the way, and a man with long braids and bright lipstick came over, followed by a group of pirates holding long guns and cannons.

"The two kings of Sri Lanka, are they finally going to a decisive battle?" A sharp-eyed person recognized who was coming, and just wanted to escape, but found that the surrounding square had been surrounded by a group of vicious pirates. Surrounded.

They were reduced to fish on the chopping board!


With a gunshot, a bullet hole appeared in the middle of the forehead of the clown performing on stage, and he fell to the ground powerless.

Beside Suen Kert, a pirate with dreadlocks was smoking from his gun, and he looked innocently at the people around him.

"I'm sorry, my subordinate seems to accidentally go off fire."

"I'm sure you don't mind, Mr. Huo." Sun Kete played with the long whip in his hand and looked at Huo with a mocking face.


At this moment, the onlookers screamed, but a few gunshots immediately made them shut their mouths again.

Huo put away the exquisite revolver in his hand, and said calmly.

"Of course I don't mind pulling, but," Huo raised his eyebrows and said in an apologetic tone.

"However, my gun seemed to accidentally go off."

The brows of the pirates around Sun Kert also had several bullet holes, and they fell down weakly. His eyes were full of disbelief.

They couldn't imagine that this Huo actually dared to make a move!

"You're looking for death!" Sun Kete's pupils shrank, and the long whip in his hand rushed towards Huo like a red snake.

And when it was about to approach Huo, several branches suddenly separated, surrounding Huo as if alive.

"I am the whipman who ate the whip fruit, and the long whip in my hand is my weapon." Seeing that the blow was successful, Sun Kete said proudly

After the whip binds the opponent, it will absorb the vitality of the opponent, and eventually die of dehydration in pain.

This is where his nickname "The Tormentor" comes from!

He has defeated countless opponents with this move, and this Huo is no exception. He can already imagine the scene of this arrogant man dying powerlessly.

But what surprised him was that Huo's physical skills were so bad that he couldn't even dodge his tentative attacks.

"Is this your strength?" Huo was entangled in the blood whip, and he felt his strength flow towards Huo continuously through the blood whip.

"Good ability, I am a little bit reluctant to treat you as fertilizer."

Bang bang bang!

Before Huo finished speaking, the pirate next to Sunkert picked up his spear and pulled the trigger on Huo's head.

After so many years in the sea, they certainly understand one truth, that is, don't give the enemy any chance.

But these bullets didn't explode Huo's head as he wished. A tall figure with blue skin stepped in front of Huo and blocked all the bullets with his own body.

"Moonlight Moria!" Su En Kete yelled, he didn't understand why Moria, a peak pirate, would be willing to be Huo's dog.

Is his ability to manipulate people's hearts really so incomprehensible?

But now is not the time to think about these things, Sun Kete's other hand turned into a long whip, and flew towards Moonlight Moria

Anyone who is entangled by his long whip will lose his fighting power.

"Shadow, shadow." Moria murmured to himself, his eyes glazed over. He opened his hands, and countless bats flew out of his clothes. Covering the sky and covering the sun, the whole sky became dark.

Upon closer inspection, these bats are not real bats, but a black shadow.

After Huo defeated Moria, he subdued the opponent through his ability.

Then he hunted and killed many pirates in Paradise and the New World, subdued all the ones he could control with his own ability, and captured all the ones he couldn't control, manipulating Moria to plunder their shadows.

At this time, nearly a thousand shadows of strong men were stuffed into Moria's body.

Moria waved his hand, and all the shadow bats seemed to have heard the order, and Sun Kert and the others rushed over.

"I want everyone's shadow!"

These bats turned into bloodthirsty devils. Ordinary bullets have no effect on them, only attacks covered with domineering will work on them.

But the swarm of bats is simply too many to be endless. Suen Kerter's side gradually became difficult to support.

"Ah, ah, don't!"

A pirate was accidentally attacked by a lone shadow bat. The bat turned into a black shadow and penetrated into the pirate's body through the pirate's wound.

The huge pain caused him to struggle on the ground limply, his skin became extremely pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Like a corpse.

When the zombie just stood up, he was still a little sluggish, but the moment he saw Moria, he seemed to think of something, and immediately rushed towards his companion next to him.

The moment those pirates were thrown down, the surrounding shadow bats took advantage of the gap and invaded their bodies.

This is the ability of Moria's "Shadow Fruit", which can manipulate the opponent by manipulating the shadow.

Scenes like this kept happening under Suen Kerter's hands. If things go on like this, it won't be long before all the people brought by Sun Kert will become Moriah's puppets!

At this time, Huo's black curly hair had lost its luster, and most of his vitality was sucked away by the blood whip.

Seeing his subordinates keep falling down, Suen Kert knew that he couldn't delay any longer.

"Kill Huo first!" Su En Kete shouted at the pirate with dreadlocks beside him. He retracted his hands, and the long whip suddenly shortened, and he wanted to pull Huo Ji over directly.

But a big hand pinched the long whip. After absorbing so many shadows, Moria's strength is infinite, which is not comparable to Sun Kert. He lifted Sun Kert up by lifting him up.

Can't go on like this!

Sun Kert knew that if he was pulled by Moria, he would definitely be in a very disadvantageous situation, but the long whip that bound Huo could not be loosened.

He gritted his teeth and shouted at the audience who had been stunned for a long time.

"I agree to your terms, get rid of Huo first!"

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