Pirate Family

Chapter 420 The third king descends to Shichibukai!

In the auditorium, a tall figure with red skin slowly stood up, he waved his hand, and a water bomb shot out of his hand.

"Murloc Karate · 4KW · Water Bomb!"

The water bomb directly hit Moria's body, and then Moria's body burst open, and the huge force made Moria take two steps back.

Just as Moriah was about to catch it again, a blue-skinned murloc rushed towards him from the auditorium like a cannonball. Make him take a few steps back again.

And separate Moria from Blood Whip.

"I just said, why do you have the confidence to attack me? It turns out that there are reinforcements."

Even if he was in a desperate situation, Huo didn't panic at all. A cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the tall figure with red skin.

"I don't know what conditions this Sun Kert gave you, but I can give you double."

"The leader of the Sun Pirates, the murloc hero, Fisher Tiger!"

Tiger didn't pay attention to Huo, and what responded to him was only a ball of water bombs.

This is the unique fighting technique of the murlocs, which can maximize the strength of the murlocs.

"Shadow, shadow." Moria yelled, subconsciously wanting to save Huo. But the murloc in front of him hit him directly in the stomach with a flat straight fist.


"Murloc Karate Five Thousand Wazheng Fist!"

Moriah's stomach was completely sunken. Then spit out a mouthful of blood.

"The bounty of 76,000,000 (seventy-six million) Bailey's Haixia Jinbe, it seems that the world government still underestimated you."

"This bounty does not match your strength at all!"

Huo's legs moved slightly, and he walked in the direction of Sun Kert. With the continuous loss of physical strength, he could hardly hold on anymore.

"Only rookies can judge their strength by offering bounties!" Jinbei said disdainfully, he turned his head to look at his boss Tiger, and glanced at Sun Kert.

"Can you really trust that person?"

"Murloc Karate Water Meteor!" Tiger waved his hand, and countless water droplets shot towards Huo's men like bullets. The water bounced off the body, making a bang bang bang.

"Mr. Kurt promised me that if we help him get rid of this evil idea, he will release all the murloc slaves imprisoned in Sri Lanka, and they will never trade murlocs again!"

Tiger said flatly that after offending Lorne, he became more restrained because he was afraid of being implicated in Murloc Island.

When he came to Sri Lanka, he actually wanted to let Kert release all the murloc slaves through peaceful negotiations. But Kurt just had a conflict with Huo, and the two hit it off and decided to join forces to solve Huo.

After the incident, Ket monopolizes Sri Lanka, and in exchange, he must release all murlocs.

"I believe that with the name of the sea knight Seiya, Kurt will not break his promise." Tiger glanced at Kerter and said lightly.

A knight is generally used to describe a person of high moral character. On Murloc Island, only their king Neptune has the title of "Great Knight of the Sea".

"Ha ha ha ha ha."

But at this time, a creepy laughter suddenly sounded. The corner of Huo's mouth curled up in a strange arc.

"Do you think you can eat me?"


A bullet fell from the sky, pierced the awning, and directly shot off the bloody whip that bound Huo.

After regaining his freedom, Huo Shu relaxed his muscles and said intoxicatedly.

"It feels so good to be free again."

Then he glanced at Tiger and Kurt again,

"The carnival has already begun, let's eat the appetizers for you two first!"

"There is an ambush!?" Tiger raised his big hand, and the water drops were like a torrential rain upstream, breaking through the awning, but what appeared in front of him was the sky that was divided into two.

Where did this bullet come from!

"Huo has a sniper under his command who is good at sniping from a super long distance! We can't catch him!"

As expected of an old opponent, Kurt immediately understood why he hadn't found the seagull Sinio before.

It turned out that he had already laid an ambush!

"Let's get rid of Huo first!"

Kete opened his hands, and his fingers turned into ten long whips flying in the wind.

"Blood Whip Dancing!" Countless long whips danced at random regardless of enemy and friend. Wherever the long whips went, whether it was the shivering audience or my subordinates who had been turned into zombies, they were pulled out abruptly. Deep blood groove.

The Blood Whip greedily absorbed the blood, quickly restoring Ket's strength, and he was ready to quickly resolve the battle.

After all, it doesn't feel good to have a sharpshooter staring at you from the sky.

Seeing Kurt's cruel side, Tiger frowned slightly. He suddenly realized that he seemed to have chosen the wrong partner for cooperation.

But that's the end of the matter, so I can only bite the bullet. He took a deep breath, spread his strength throughout his body, and rushed towards Huo.

"Murloc Karate·Sprint Fist!"

According to the data, this Huo's body is not strong. You can easily get rid of him.

"Is the hatred for me so great?" Huo said sarcastically, then took a step back, and a thin pirate stood in front of him.


The fists of the two collided, and Tiger felt an incredible force in the pirate's fist.

You can't even get the upper hand!

The pirate's cloak burst, and a thin boy with black hair appeared in front of everyone.

He calmly raised his hands to protect Huo's face.

Those are a pair of ferocious ghost hands!

"Ghost Hand Yaze!"

Tiger's pupils shrank, and he immediately recognized who the pirate standing in front of him was.

He couldn't imagine that this Huo could control the two Qiwuhai kings at the same time!

Moreover, he felt that his strength was slightly weakened the moment his fist collided with Yaze's ghost hand.

Although not obvious, as a fighter, he is extremely sensitive to his body.

A group of ghosts and spirits flew out of Yaze's body, coordinating with the overwhelming shadow bats.

The whole square seemed to have turned into hell.


Outside the city, Shanks and Mihawk exchanged swords, and the two took a step back tacitly. The biting sword energy twisted the surrounding environment into pieces.

Shanks felt more and more excited. This man named Hawkeye, whether it is speed, strength, or moves. They are all on par with themselves.

He hadn't encountered such an evenly matched opponent for a long time.

"Come again!" Shanks shouted excitedly, and then found that Mihawk seemed to have fallen into a moment of trance, so he asked suspiciously.

"What’s wrong with you?"

He doesn't like to be victorious.

"It's nothing, I just felt the breath of an acquaintance." Mihawk shook his head and said lightly.

As a swordsman, it would be embarrassing to lose one's mind during a duel, but it did surprise him that that person appeared in this place.

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