Pirate Family

Chapter 459 Admit!

What to do, Lorne felt that the pirates around him were looking at him with hostile eyes, and several big cadres surrounded him, not giving him a chance to escape.

He was sure that he never knew the pirate who assassinated Whitebeard, because it was impossible! It has no other effect except to anger the beasts.

"Ahem, Lord Lorne, I will leave everything to you." The pirate named Otto coughed up a mouthful of blood, with a strange smile on his face, and suddenly bit a particle in his mouth, Then he spat out a big mouthful of black blood, and slowly closed his eyes.

He took poison! All eyes were on Lorne.

Calm down, must calm down!

Lorne pressed his temples to calm himself down.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly attack Dad?" A man who looked nine points like Otto threw himself in front of Otto, wailing. He reached out to touch his brother's face, but when he touched The moment he saw Otto, Otto's face began to change, the muscles on his face squirmed, and he became another person in a short while!

A pale young man. Except for his hair color and bloody clothes, he couldn't find any similarities with Otto.

"Obviously, the real Otto is dead." Lorne said, he must clear up his grievances, otherwise the group of angry pirates would not let him go. Although this body is just a clone, this clone has eaten the "fruit of surgery" that Lorne has worked so hard to get, and Lorne doesn't want to lose it unless it is a last resort.

These pirates obviously didn't believe it, and wanted to rush up to get rid of Lorne, but at this moment Whitebeard waved his hand suddenly, and he waved to Marco, who heard this, pushed away the crowd, and walked in front of Otto. And pinched his face with his hands.

"What are you doing?" Otto's elder brother is still in the pain of losing his younger brother. His name is Aoun. He and his younger brother grew up in a slum. Their dying proclamations fueled their ambitions.

He and his younger brother went to sea overnight and came to the new world after going through untold hardships. Later, they fell into a desperate situation. If the old man with white beard hadn't passed by and rescued them, they might have been reduced to dry bones on the seabed.

He really regarded these people on board as his own family.

"Just now it wasn't a mask or something, but it was indeed his skin. There is no doubt that your brother was switched at some point." Marco said in a deep voice. Gao Chao, they spent their time together day and night, but they couldn't tell the difference.

"Recently, has your brother acted strangely, or have you encountered any strange things?" Marco stood up, glanced at Aoun, and asked.

"Strange behavior, my brother and I have been together day and night, and we haven't found anything." Ao En looked puzzled, and he turned his head to see Vista holding a knife, and suddenly realized.

"By the way, a few months ago, my brother and I were ordered to go to Donghai to give pensions to the second captain's family and to bury the second captain in his hometown."

"When we came back, we spent a day at Bubble Island. Otto went out for a drink in the middle of the night. You know, Otto is usually taciturn and likes to drink. But that day he came back after not drinking for a long time, and he was still covering his mouth. Chest, gasping for breath, I asked him what happened and he refused to say."

"At that time, I was still joking about whether he was beaten while flirting with a girl."

"He didn't answer me, but he became more silent afterwards."

Aoun patted his head and suddenly realized.

"It must be like this, it must be that time, Otto was dropped!"

"Help me find out whose territory this Bubble Island belongs to." Marco said coldly.

"There's no need to investigate." Lorne already understood at this moment that this incident was aimed at him, a premeditated frame.

"Bubble Island is my territory."

"It's you bastard who killed Otto, I'm going to kill you!" Ao En roared angrily, raised his long knife and rushed towards Lorne. But the broken flagpole appeared in front of him out of thin air, blocking him.

"Please think about it carefully," Lorne said loudly, pointing to his head. "Am I, Lorne, a fool?"

All the pirates were silent for a while. Lorne's label in the eyes of the world may be crazy, maybe stubborn, maybe unscrupulous, maybe not a person who made a name for himself with tricks, but he is definitely not a fool.

"If I wanted to assassinate Lord Whitebeard, why would I choose to do it on my own territory?" Lorne said slowly when he saw that everyone had calmed down. At the same time, he began to think, who is planting himself?

The ability to change one's appearance, not too much, not too little, removes the Devil Fruit, and Wano Country's Disguise Technique, the return of life learned after mastering the Six Forms of the Navy.

"Because you have already figured out how to deal with it," Aowen stood up and looked at Lorne resentfully.

Lorne "heard" that Ornn's heart was beating faster. Looking at his face that seemed to be flushed with anger, Lorne rubbed his temple.

"Then the second question, there is always a reason for everything in the world." Lorne looked around at Aowen in front of him, "Why did I assassinate Lord Whitebeard?"

"You are ambitious and covet your father's throne!"

Lorne closed his eyes, the whole world could only hear the beating of his heart,

bang bang bang!

The one beating the loudest in front of me is Aoun's, and in the distance there is a vigorous one with a white beard, but the other captains are beating smoothly, and their emotions cannot be heard.

It would be great if it came from the main body, and we could directly control Otto before he made a move, so as to avoid his splashing dirty water. Although clones can also use perception, they are too weak and can only be used to strengthen their own five senses, not to manipulate others.

The surrounding hearts were getting closer and closer, and it seemed that if Lorne couldn't come up with anything to say, they were going to do it directly.

"Yes!" Lorne opened his eyes suddenly, with a frenzied expression on his face. With a wave of his hand, he put something into his sleeve before speaking slowly.

"Well, I admit, that's exactly what I ordered."

Pirates: "????"

He stretched out his hands, making a gesture of catching him. Although Marco was confused, he still walked forward and handcuffed Lorne's hands.

"These are handcuffs made of sea stones, don't try to escape." Marco said coldly, "To be honest, Dad used to think of you as the future king of this sea, but I'm very disappointed now."

"Really disappointed."

"No king has come to the end by means of inferior means."

"Stop talking nonsense, it's nothing more than winner and loser." Lorne raised his head, just in time to meet Whitebeard's eyes.

There was no wave in those old eyes.

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