Pirate Family

Chapter 460: Heart Replacement Surgery!

"Why haven't you come back after so long?"

On the sea in the distance, Gion glanced at the pocket watch in his hand. It had been an hour since Lorne boarded the Moby Dick.

She walked on the boat distraught.

"Are you worried about him?" Jasmine suddenly asked while reading the book.

"Who is worried about him?" Gion immediately retorted, "I'm just afraid that he will betray the navy and cooperate with Whitebeard."

"If it's just like this, don't worry at all." Jasmine closed the book and pushed her huge eyes. "Lorne is not a fool, he knows the importance."

"This is the truth." Gion understands that most of what Lorne owns now comes from his status as the king's Shichibukai. Because of the "special immunity", he can develop his power unscrupulously. The navy is in trouble, and it is not a good thing for both sides.

At this time, a sea fish with a slender body like a ribbon jumped out of the water. This fish is very common in this sea. It is delicious and not aggressive. It is the favorite of fishermen. Because of its slender body, fishermen call it silk fish.

"Silk fish, dead fish."

Gion murmured to herself, she looked worriedly at the Moby Dick lying on the sea level like a giant whale in the distance.

Does this portend something?


"Just stay here." Marco escorted Lorne into a dark prison cell. Lorne couldn't help smiling when he saw the dark and humid environment. I finally tasted what it was like to be imprisoned.

However, the environment here is much better than that of "Infinite Hell", at least there is still a little light.

Otto's body was thrown beside Lorne, and he had a weird smile on his face before he died.

In a cabin, Ornn's face was still gloomy, and a few pirates who usually had a better relationship were drinking with him.

"Don't miss your brother, the pirates floating in this sea have already put their life and death aside." A bold bald pirate comforted him.

"As father's son, you shouldn't be afraid of death!"

"Besides, Otto is not wronged by death. Doesn't this draw a king Shichibukai to avenge him?" Said the pirate who thought the sharp-mouthed monkey race, but as soon as he finished speaking, he was caught by the bald pirate He beat his head hard.

"You talk like that! Don't say that a mere king descends to Qiwuhai, even the other four emperors, can't compare with our brother's life!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I said the wrong thing!" The monkey-cheeked pirate quickly apologized, and he turned aside Ao En, who seemed to be immersed in the grief of his brother's death, and did not respond.

"Sorry, I still want to be quiet." Aoun said slowly.

"That's right, let brother Ornn be alone for a while." The bald man said loudly, and hurriedly greeted the cabin where the other pirates left.

"Thank you, Da Gemu." Aoun nodded. After all these people left, he waited for a while before walking to the bed, and took out a piece of wooden stake at the foot of the bed.

The stake is hollow, with a tiny phone bug looming inside.

Aoun carefully woke up the phone bug.

"Blue, blue, blue." The voice of the phone bug echoed in the room.


Lorne closed his eyes and sat quietly in the cell. After a long time, he heard the sound of the door opening. A steady but slightly weak voice came.

"Tell me, what exactly did you want to say just now?" After a simple bandage, Whitebeard has almost recovered. Accompanied by Marco and a pirate, he walked to the front of Lorne's cell and asked condescendingly road.

To be honest, he didn't believe that this kind of thing came from Lorne's hands, not because he believed in Lorne's character. None of the pirates in this sea had character at all, but he didn't believe that if Lorne If you want to assassinate yourself, you will use such a simple plan, so simple that it can even be called a rough plan.

This is no different from dying.

"It seems that Your Excellency Whitebeard still believes me." Lorne opened his eyes, struggling to escape from his body into a square, and a heart beat weakly in this square. This is Otto's heart that he had cut off with the ability of "Surgery Fruit". After Otto took the poison, his heart was still beating, and it was fixed at that moment after being cut off by Lorne.

"This is something to prove my innocence." Lorne said slowly, he raised his hand, raised the Hailoushi handcuffs and shook them at Whitebeard.

"Let him go." White Beard said lightly.

"But," a pirate said hesitantly, but hearing his father's firm tone, he still swallowed the words that came to his lips. He took out the key and unlocked Lorne's Hailoushi handcuffs.

"This thing is really the nemesis of those with abilities," Lorne loosened his muscles and bones after loosening the restraint.

"Don't talk nonsense! What do you want Dad to see!" the pirate holding the key said viciously,

"Don't worry." Lorne glanced at the pirate, waved his hand, and saw a flash of a knife, and another heart cube appeared in his hand.

"You!" The pirate saw a square gap in his chest, and looked at Lorne in disbelief. He turned his head, found his father and moved, and looked at Lorne coldly.

"ROOM Heart Replacement Surgery!"

Lorne put Otto's heart into the pirate's chest. The pirate's body twitched for a while, and then moaned faintly. After a while, he opened his eyes blankly. .

All this happened in a blink of an eye, before everyone had time to react, the heart replacement surgery was completed.

"Wooooow." He let out a beast-like howl of unknown meaning, then ignored the white beard behind him, walked out of the door, and walked towards the cabin.

"What the hell did you do!" Marco grabbed Lorne by the collar and lifted him up.

"Show the truth," Lorne said lightly, "Don't you dare to face the truth?"

"You*!" Marco wanted to swear, this man killed his companion in front of him, did he really think they were easy to bully the Whitebeard Pirates?

"Let him go, Marco." Whitebeard said. , He lowered his head and glanced at Lorne. "I hope you don't lie to me, otherwise, even Caesar can't save your life."

After finishing speaking, Marco let Lorne go, and then put Lorne handcuffs on sea floor stones, and pushed him into the cage.

"If anything happens to my brother, I won't let you go!"

After finishing speaking, he followed the pirate and ran out of the cell in a hurry.

At this time, only Lorne and Whitebeard were left in the cell.

One is inside the cage and the other is outside.

Thank you book friend Ruijin for the two monthly tickets!

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