Pirate Family

Chapter 463 Garrett's Conjecture

The great sea route, the new world, the oceans of all nations.

A silver-white three-barrel sailboat sailed on the sea, and the silver-white metal on the side of the ship exuded a strange light.

Huge waves beat against the hull, scattered into small water droplets, and fell into the sea.

The bow is a blood-red rose, and the vines of the rose spread to the side of the ship.

It's just that this ship looks out of place compared with the surrounding ships, because it is too "new", and there is no trace of battle on the ship, which is extremely rare in the chaotic new world.

But when they saw the two flags hanging on the ship's flagpole, everyone would suddenly realize.

Because the two flags are the Red Lips Skull and the Misty Moon.

These two patterns represent two huge forces in this sea.

One of the four emperors, the Charlotte family of Charlotte Lingling, and one of the Shichibukai under the king, the Vinhill family of Vinhill Lorne.

And in this sea, there is only one person who can hang these two flags at the same time, and that is the eighteenth daughter of the Charlotte family who just got engaged to Lorne. On the black list of the underground world, the bounty is more than 500 million Bailey's woman.

"Crimson Rose", Charlotte Garrett.

It can also be called Vinhill Garrett.

Few of the pirates who can sail to the new world are idiots. They may be greedy or desperate, but they will never die.

Attacking this ship is tantamount to death.

The ship docked at the south pier of Cake Island, and well-trained "Homiz Chess Soldiers" had long been clustered on both sides of the road. When a woman in a blue cheongsam stepped off the splint, the chess soldiers immediately followed behind the woman.

"Sister, you're finally back! I miss you so much!" A woman wearing a panda headgear threw herself on the woman in a cheongsam and looked around the boat, asking suspiciously.

"Why didn't my brother-in-law come back?"

"Lorne has his business." Garrett said with a smile as she touched the panda-headed girl's head affectionately.

"That's why I didn't come."

This girl named Bowaer is her twin sister and one of the few people she can completely trust in Cake Island.

"Really." After complaining a few times, Povar didn't say much. After all, Lorne commanded such a large Vinhill family, so it was impossible for him to be as idle as she was.

"Mother should still be in the castle." Povar said, "We can still have an afternoon tea when we rush back."

"Don't worry," Garrett stopped suddenly, and waved to the Homiz chess soldiers behind her. These chess soldiers immediately dispersed and walked towards the tall cake castle in the center of the island in a uniform manner.

"Let's go to the Church of Holy Truth first."

She didn't mobilize the crowd when she came back this time, but just sent a message to Dahai.

That is, the Waynhill family has a close relationship with the Charlotte family, and if any power wants to make a move, they have to weigh whether they can bear the anger of the two major forces.

"To the Cathedral of Holy Truth?"

A strange look suddenly appeared on Povar's face.

The Cathedral of Holy Truth is located in the southern town of Cake Island. The white buildings look a little out of place among the colorful dessert huts.

Because Charlotte Lingling was adopted by the nuns of the Holy Truth in the early years, Wan Guo itself does not reject the mission of the Holy Truth. Most of the people of Wan Guo are believers of the Holy Truth.

Garrett and Povar crossed the long street and came to the church. At this time, the church was worshiping. A priest in a black robe with a rather young appearance stood at the top and presided over the service.

The appearance of the two caused a commotion, and some people were whispering about them. After all, the identity of the Charlotte family is too special in Cake Island.

It's like meeting a princess and prince on TV.


The young priest said softly, his voice was not loud, but full of appeal.

The whole church fell silent.

"God loves the world."

The young priest said gently,

"You shall lift up your head without spot,

You too will be strong and fearless.

You will forget your sorrows, and even remember them like water that flows by;

Your days on earth will be brighter than the noonday, and in spite of darkness it will be like the morning."

"Although there is darkness, it is still like morning." All the believers said in unison.

Povar looked at the young priest with stars in his eyes, while Garrett was expressionless.

Ever since she learned that the Pope of the Holy Truth Church is also a member of Lorne, she has not been very interested in this so-called church.

The service ended quickly, and believers left the church one after another. When everyone dispersed and only Garrett, Povar and the priest were left in the hall, the priest slowly walked in front of the two sisters and first smiled at Povar.

"We meet again, Your Highness the Nineteenth Princess."

Then he bowed lightly to Garrett.

"Good afternoon, Your Highness the Eighteenth Princess."

It seems that Povar didn't stop coming to this place. Garrett squinted her eyes, but didn't say much.

After all, Povar has grown up.

After several people walked into a small room, Garrett said calmly.

"Lorne asked me to tell you some news."

"He was attacked on Whitebeard's ship, so he suspects all forces have been infiltrated to varying degrees."

"I want you to check it out."

She didn't take Povar's existence into consideration. After all, the latter was her twin sister, and she knew the identity of this man before.

"I understand." The priest nodded. As a spy, what he fears the most is not to expose his identity, but to be planted by other forces as a spy by his side.

I don't know.

The incident on Whitebeard's boat sounded a wake-up call for Lorne, and he began to check his own people.

After Garrett said these words, she got up straight and took Povar away, but seeing the scene of the latter still reluctant to part, Garrett was also quite helpless.

"Where are we going now?" Povar asked curiously. She felt that her sister seemed to have matured a lot after getting engaged, and she carried a sense of vigor and resoluteness in everything she did.

Is this the adult world?

"Do you still remember the dark-skinned pirate I fought against in the battle for the fourth star?"

Garrett suddenly spoke.

"I want to see him."

Mihawk once entrusted Lorne to help him find out the identities of the biological parents of the girl who was with him.

At that time, Garrett still felt strange, why she felt that the girl's blood was a little familiar when she saw that girl for the first time.

Now, she wants to verify her guess.

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