Pirate Family

Chapter 464 Cruel world.

Why did she feel that the girl's blood was somewhat familiar? Maybe it was because she had met the girl's own father a long time ago.

After all, blood is the bond that conveys family affection.

Garrett soon saw the dark-skinned man. It was different from what he had seen before. Now he looked decadent. His faith had been completely shattered after losing to Garrett.

The moment he saw Garrett, he was stunned for a moment, and then immediately fell to his knees on the ground.

"His Royal Highness, are you looking for me?" the man asked tentatively.

"What's your name?" Garrett asked.

"My name is Uto, Mark Uto." The man knelt on the ground and said respectfully.

"Since you don't want to, why do you want to work for the Charlotte family." Garrett asked casually.

"No, I am willing!" Wu Tuo thought that Garrett was here to test him, and said in a panic.

"It is my blessing to be able to work for the powerful Charlotte family!"

"You haven't answered me why you work for the Charlotte family." Garrett asked with narrowed eyes.

"I was ignorant in my early years, and I offended the ships of the Charlotte family." Wu Tuo said bitterly. He was infected by Roger's declaration before his death, and decided to go to sea resolutely.

Because of his origin in the new world, his strength has grown quite rapidly, and he soon became a well-known pirate.

Having gained fame, he set his sights on these big pirates, wanting to step on them to the top. So he took aim at a fleet of the Charlotte family at that time.

But legends are legends after all, and their reputation was earned through bloody battles.

And it just so happened that Katakuri was on that fleet at the time.

As a result, there was no suspense. The new pirate group was smashed to pieces by Katakuri's powerful force as soon as they met each other.

Katakuri saw that he was strong, so he spared his life, but as a price, Uto had to serve the Charlotte family for the rest of his life as their slave.

Probably right. Jia Lei nodded, rolled up her curly wine red hair, and asked her last question.

"Then why did you try your best to win against me when you were fighting for the fourth general?"

"Because," Wu Tuo said with a bitter face. "At that time, Lord Katakuri told all the pirates who participated in the battle for the fourth general star,"

"Any one of us, as long as we win the final position, can grant us one wish."

"Then what is your wish?" Povar asked curiously.

"Right, status, fame, beauty?"

"No," Wu Tuo shook his head, tears flickering in his eyes.

"I want to go home."

"I miss my two kids."


Garrett finally decided to let Uto go back, and in her capacity, freeing a slave or two is not a big deal.

But in exchange, Uto must do one thing for Garrett.

After hearing Garrett's words, this resolute and strong man had an unbelievable expression on his face, and then kowtowed to Garrett until he knocked a small hole in the floor before stopping.

At this moment, his forehead was covered with blood.

Garrett remained silent, and led Povar away from the slave house, and walked back towards the cake castle.

This man still doesn't know what awaits him at home.

He will never see his son again.

Perhaps, if he had won that game back then, he could have saved all of this.

But if there is no if, Garrett smiled, she also has a reason to win.

"Perhaps, this is the pirate." Garrett murmured, remembering what Lorne said.

Lorne once said,

Pirates are destined to be the cruelest profession,

Because a dead bone buried on a deserted island may be the person in a girl's dream.

The work of pirates often unintentionally destroys the dreams of these girls.

So he never claims to be righteous, which makes him feel sick.

"Sister, what were you talking about just now?"

Powell asked.

"Nothing." Garrett touched the girl's head, and she suddenly understood why Lorne liked to touch his own head.

Because in Lorne's eyes, he will always be a little girl who will never grow up, and he will always be his umbrella.

And now, I can protect others too.

She looked at Povar caressingly, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

She will not let others ruin her dream!


In the Holy Truth Church on Cake Island, the priest in black robes stayed alone in the secret room for a long time after Garrett and Povar left, before lightly pressing a button on the table.

After a while, a nun bowed and walked in. She was wearing a loose nun's dress, covering her figure.

"What's the matter?" The nun looked up. There was a terrible scar on her face.

"Is there anything unusual about those people?"

"It's nothing different. They didn't realize that their identities have long been under our control. A large part of the information collected on weekdays is forged by us."

"Then find a chance and execute them all." The priest sat on the chair, thought for a while, and said lightly.

"Why? That's someone from the world government!" the nun said in surprise.

"Because Lorne just greeted me and said that there are spies lurking in various forces. Since he said there are, then there are."

"Understood," the nun said silently, "I will find a chance, assign a mission to them, and then create a shipwreck,"

The priest did not speak. He picked up the Bible and began to read it. The nun turned around, and when she was about to leave, she heard the priest asking softly.

"By the way, when you do it, remember to take off their teaching robes."

"I don't want the sacred robes to be stained with the blood of villains."

He was a survivor of the war in Beihai. After being rescued by the church, he converted to the Holy Truth.

In his heart, Holy Truth is the most important. Anyone who dares to slander the Holy Truth will suffer from his bloody means.

Even the reason why he obeyed Lorne's order was only because of the cooperation between the Church and the Sleeper, that's all.

If one day, the church decides to take action against Lorne, he will raise his butcher knife without hesitation.

"Keep your hands and feet clean and don't cause trouble to the church. Otherwise, you will know the consequences."

The priest said lightly, the voice came from behind the nun.

"Understood." The nun shuddered, she knew that the priest behind her was a complete pervert.

"Father Trafalgar."

Thank you book friend Ruijin for the two monthly tickets!

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