Pirate Family

Chapter 466 Consciousness of the Weak

"So what should we do if a disaster occurs on an island in the middle of the New World like Didi Island?" Lorne said slowly, "As far as I know, there are only a few branches of the Navy in the New World. A branch is nearly half a month’s voyage from Didi Island.”

"Diddi Island is so remote, who would come here?" Jion said casually, but as soon as she finished speaking, she heard a few gunshots and some commotion outside. Gion's expression became a little embarrassed.

It can't be such a coincidence, can it?

"Beautiful big sister, it's alright, it's alright!" Xiao Bao rushed over in a hurry, pushed open the door, and found that both of them were sitting on the bed as usual, a little disappointed, but still shouted.

"There are pirates invading Didi Island. My mother tells you to hide in the room and don't go out!"

After finishing speaking, he reluctantly closed the door.

Lorne and Gion looked at each other in blank dismay.


"This is already the edge of the giant whale sea area, I don't believe they can catch up here!"

At the port of Didi Island, a pirate ship with a skull and thorns flag is docked on the shore. A pirate wearing a square hat shouted at the brightly lit city on the island with a knife.

"I've been in fear for so long these days, let's plunder it! Scoundrels!"

"Everything you grabbed today belongs to you!"

The man yelled that he was the Gru who escaped from the pursuit of Whitebeard's squadron after a very hard work, and offered a bounty of 190,000,000 (190 million) Bailey Gru the Bloodthorn, standing on his left shoulder was a brand new parrot, one of which did not speak, like a toy.

Countless pirates cheered happily, then raised their weapons and rushed towards the town.

After doing all this, Gelu looked at the blood-drenched man lying in front of him. This man seemed to be a hard worker on the dock. After seeing Gelu's arrival, there was no trace of fear on his face. He rushed over.

But how could he be the opponent of a pirate like Gru, who came to the new world after going through the cruel battle of the great voyage?

"I'll let you see the price of resisting me!" Gru said coldly. But what answered him was the man's contempt.

"Bah." A mouthful of bloody saliva was spat on Gru's body.


Gru didn't have the slightest expression on his face, and ended the man's humble life with a single shot, and then looked at the brightly lit town in the distance, with a bloodthirsty light on his face.

"This town is much tougher than the previous ones, but what's the use?"

"The weak must have the consciousness of the weak, and it is the destiny of the weak to be exploited by the strong!"

The fastest pirate saw a shop selling small jewelry on the side of the street. A young woman was sitting in the glass counter, staring blankly at the villain who rushed in.

"It turns out that there is another beauty." The pirate licked his lips, and there was a gleam of lust in his eyes. This period of depression made him almost go crazy, and now he can finally release his desire, and he will not be soft.

"Come and have fun with me." The pirate roared and rushed towards the woman. But just as he was about to touch the woman, a gunshot rang out, and a flower of blood exploded in his chest. A burly man slowly put down a double-barreled shotgun, with a little smoke still emitting from the muzzle of the shotgun.

"Another dirty pirate."

The man spat, and he comforted the woman.

"Find a place to hide it well." After finishing speaking, he rushed out of the shop holding a long gun. And conveniently shot a little pirate who didn't react in the head.

This kind of thing happened at the same time in Didi Island. The young men held long guns and rushed towards the pirates without fear. They were the militia guards spontaneously organized by Didi Island. Responsible for protecting the safety of Didi Island.

Because they cannot get the asylum of the navy, if they want to survive in this chaotic era, they must protect themselves. So they organized this militia guard, and over the past few decades, they have repelled many pirates who wanted to invade here.

Today is no exception.

"Notify Captain Peng Ke!" The man who rushed out from the jewelry store shouted immediately after joining his companions.

"The captain is fighting in front!" A childish young man responded, he knocked out a pirate who was about to attack him with the butt of his gun, and replied out of breath. "There are more pirates today than before. The captain is surrounded by a group of pirates. Go and help."

"Understood." The man nodded, and hurriedly ran forward. Sure enough, at the corner, I saw a bearded man being beaten by a group of pirates.

"Go to hell!" Under the cover of his companion, a pirate took out a dagger and stabbed at the waist of the bearded man. The dagger flickered coldly, but the moment it touched the man's waist, he found that the man's body was like steel. Generally, no matter how hard you try, you can't get in.


Just when he was startled, the bearded man hit his jaw hard with an elbow, and the pirate could even hear the sound of his jaw being smashed. The whole person was sent flying three or four meters away before falling to the ground weakly like a rag bag.


After knocking the pirate into the air, the bearded man bent his fingers, and then slammed forward. A pirate in front of him didn't react, and a bloody flower was blown out of his body.

It's like being hit by an opaque bullet.

"Be careful, he seems to be a capable person!" Seeing the strange scene, the pirates retreated one after another, but they didn't escape. You looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what to do.

Peng Ke stood where he was, without saying a word. But in terms of momentum, he has completely suppressed these pirates.

"As expected of Captain Peng Ke!" At this time, the man rushing over from the jewelry store heaved a sigh of relief. This Peng Ke is the legend of their Didi Island. When he was young, he was an idle gangster all day long. He disappeared for three years, and when he came back, he didn't know where he learned all the skills.

For example, teleportation, the body is as hard as steel, and the fingers emit bullet-like impacts.

After returning, Peng Ke did not rely on his own strength to oppress the residents of Didi Island, but set up a militia guard to protect them.

It is precisely because of Peng Ke's protection that Didi Island can survive in this troubled world.

"With Captain Peng Ke, what are those pirates?" An immature young man looked at Peng Ke who was like a murderous god in front of him, his eyes were full of admiration. But he suddenly felt a tightness in his neck, and the whole person grabbed his neck and lifted it up.

"Navy Six?" A man in a square hat and a parrot on his shoulder came up behind them. There was a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"It seems that this small place hides a big man!"

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