Pirate Family

Chapter 467: Things Pirates Should Do

"Knowing that our Boss Peng Ke is very powerful, why don't you surrender quickly!"

Even though he was grabbed by the neck, the young man still yelled stubbornly.


But Gelu didn't pay attention to him, instead he increased the strength of his hand, the young man's face turned red and he couldn't speak.

"Let him go," Peng Ke walked towards Gru, and the pirates surrounding him consciously gave way. "I'll fight you."

"I am very optimistic about you. With your strength, you shouldn't be buried in this place." Gru said with a smile. "Come with me, I will take you to see the stars and the sea!"

All the pirates around were stunned, who is his boss Gru? That is a strong man who broke through the fiercely competitive paradise! They are the overlords of the new world, the confidants of the sea knight Seiya, and it is an honor to be valued by Gru. Several pirates who wanted to survive had already started to think about how to curry favor with this bearded and strong man.

"Stars and seas?" Peng Ke sneered, "Are you worthy?"

"Perhaps you didn't understand. As long as you are my right-hand man, I will retreat immediately. I promise not to invade this town again." Gru coaxed me. Although he is Sea Knight Seiya's confidant, the entire Bloodthorn Pirates, except himself, are just trash, which has always been his heart disease. Every time he goes to the boss of Saiyan, he will be ridiculed by several other pirates who are of equal status to him.

The man in front of him named Peng Ke, although he doesn't know where he learned the Sixth Form of the Navy, but judging by his agility, from Gru's point of view, this Peng Ke's going to sea should be close to 100 million with those bounties Pirates are on par. If you practice a little more, you might not be able to become a master and assist yourself.

He planned this way, so he acted as a corporal. After all, a capable subordinate is worth much more than a barren island.

"Hehe." Peng Ke stopped ten meters away from Gru. He rubbed his arms to ease his sore muscles. With a smile on his face.

"That sounds great."

"So you agreed?" Gelu put down the young man in his hand and smiled slightly.

Sure enough, no man in this era can refuse the sea.

"No," Peng Ke didn't speak. When he walked in front of Gru, the smile on his face disappeared, and turned into a gloomy face.

"I decided to reject you, and then drive all of you bastards out of Didi Island!"


Peng Ke's calf suddenly exerted strength, and his whole body suddenly disappeared, and a little dust was raised on the ground.

"Iron Breaking Fist!" He appeared behind Gru, concentrating all his strength on his left fist, which exuded a metallic luster, like a lump of iron.

It was a technique he learned at the Navy Type Six - a variant of the Iron Block. When Peng Ke was studying, he found that when using iron blocks, people had to hold their breath and concentrate, the body could not move, and the whole person was like a target. So I suddenly thought, if I only iron part of my body, can I avoid this shortcoming.

After continuous experimentation, he finally worked out the technique of turning body parts into iron blocks. He is extremely confident in this technique, and by cooperating with Shave, he has achieved unexpected results. Even a few other outstanding students did not dare to resist this punch head-on.

boom! The iron fist hit Gru's back forcefully, and Peng Ke could already imagine the scene where a big hole was blown out of the chest of this arrogant pirate.

"Captain Peng Ke!"

The young man who had just been released was lying on the ground, panting heavily, looking at the scene in front of him, his eyes were full of admiration.

As expected of the invincible Captain Peng Ke, he could already imagine the scene of this arrogant pirate being blasted with a big hole in his chest.

"Good skill, you really came from that place." Gru coughed, and the parrot on his shoulder turned his head and said strangely.

Peng Ke's face changed drastically, and a smear of blood flowed out where his fist touched Gru.

"It seems that you rejected me, but it doesn't matter. I'm just an ordinary CP agent. If you lose it, you lose it." Gru turned around and took off the cloak on his body. Spikes as sharp as blades.

The moment Peng Ke made his move, he had already recognized Peng Ke's moves. He should be an agent of the CP system. Navy Six Styles is a compulsory course for CP agents. When he was in the paradise, he had fought against these elusive killers several times, so he was very familiar with their moves.

"I am a thorn man who ate the thorn fruit, and can grow spikes anywhere on the body."

Gru's nickname is Blood Thorn, precisely because he likes to have spikes all over his body during battle, and the flesh and blood of the enemy will dye these spikes red.

"Since you are so ungrateful, then I will send you to hell." A cruel smile appeared on Gru's face. He looked around and saw the militiamen who were facing enemies. "But you won't be alone, because your companions will be with you soon!"

Gru's left leg was bent, and a sharp spike grew out of his knee joint. A violent knee bump hit Peng Ke's abdomen.

"Iron block - the whole body is hardened!" Peng Ke couldn't dodge in time, and condensed his Qi into his whole body, turning his whole body into an extremely hard iron block.


But there was a trace of sarcasm on Gru's face, and the spikes at the knee joints were covered with a layer of black domineering, easily piercing through Peng Ke's defense. penetrate his whole body.

"A bumpkin is a bumpkin, do you think iron is a high-end technique?"

"In front of domineering, he is nothing!"

"Cough, cough, cough." Peng Ke coughed out a mouthful of blood, and collapsed on the ground. His abdomen was covered with domineering spikes and pierced a hole, and blood flowed out of the hole continuously. He struggled and wanted to stand up and continue fighting, but a black leather boot stepped on his face fiercely.

"I invite you because I think highly of you. Since you are shameless, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Gru waved his hand and yelled at the pirates around him.

"Little ones, go find all the treasures in the town and bring them here. I want to show them what it feels like to lose everything!"

"Let's do something that pirates should do!"

All the pirates cheered excitedly, they were not surprised by Gru's victory. They scattered in all directions and rushed towards the depths of the town. And all the residents of Didi Island who were helping Peng Ke cheered, their mouths were wide open, and they stood there in a daze, speechless. They couldn't imagine that the invincible Captain Gru, the patron saint of Didi Island, was defeated like this.

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