Pirate Family

Chapter 469 The Secret of Didi Island

Gru looked at the mountains of jewels piled up in the square, with a greedy smile on his face. He squatted down and grabbed Peng Ke's hair, and smiled ferociously.

"It seems that your place is quite rich."

These gold and silver jewelry, Bailey antiques, roughly calculated, at least worth hundreds of millions of Baileys, even if they are sold in the black market of the underground world, they are more profitable than they usually rob a smaller merchant ship.

Peng Ke had been tormented by Gru and was exhausted. "All the money is for you, let the residents of the town go."

"Hehe." Peng Ke sneered and said nothing. He looked around at the shivering residents around him. The price of an adult male in the black market is about 500,000 Baileys, and it will be even higher if he has special skills. According to their body, appearance and age, the price of a woman in the black market ranges from 300,000 to 10 million pele.

There are a thousand families on Didi Island, which is a considerable fortune. It's a pity that his "Blood Thorn" is just an ordinary three-barrel sailboat, which can't hold so many people, so he can only pick some high-quality slaves.

And the rest, he didn't intend to let go.

After all, this Didi Island is located on the edge of the sea of ​​giant whales and belongs to Whitebeard. These people have seen their own appearances, and once Whitebeard finds out, with his character, even if he fled to Lord Seiya's territory, he would be caught out.

Gru didn't want to ruin his life for a moment of kindness.

Prudence is the virtue of pirates.

"Tie up these people." Gru commanded his pirates, and tied up all the residents of Didi Island who were powerless to resist.

When Peng Ke saw Gru like this, a trace of despair flashed in his eyes. In previous CP missions, he had seen many greedy pirates. So he guessed what Gru was thinking.

"Boss! I found out!" A pirate ran up to Gru, panting, sweating. "We found a square stone tablet, which was engraved with strange characters. But the stone tablet is extremely hard, no matter how we carve it with a knife, chop it with a sword, or even bombard the surface of the stone tablet with a musket, nothing will remain Not a trace."

"Is this thing the reason why you stay here?" Gru glanced at Peng Ke, who had already closed his eyes, his heart ashamed.

He threw Peng Ke to the ground, took out his pistol and aimed it at his head.

"The weak must have the self-awareness of the weak! Do you think you can hide anything from me?"

All the residents closed their eyes, they didn't want to see their hero die.


A shot was fired, and thick smoke billowed from the muzzle of Grew's pistol.

But Peng Ke's head did not explode as the pirates expected. Grew's bullet grazed Penko's ear and hit the ground.

"The boss missed?" A question arose in the hearts of all the pirates, but they didn't dare to say it in front of Gru, lest they be angered by the boss who couldn't hold back his face.

Only Gru's face is gloomy. As a pirate who has experienced many battles, his marksmanship is of course excellent. Although he is not as good as those gifted sharpshooters, he can still hit each of the ten shots within a hundred meters. Seven or eight shots. At such a close distance, of course he couldn't miss.

The reason for the miss was that Peng Ke's body suddenly shifted two centimeters to the side strangely at the moment Gruzi was ejected from the chamber!


The entire square was silent, only the sound of one person's footsteps came slowly from outside, he walked very lightly, very slowly, and strolled in the courtyard.

But this voice, heard in Gru's ears, made him surprisingly dignified. He instinctively felt that the person who came was far more troublesome than Peng Ke.

"who is it!"

Gru suddenly raised his pistol, aiming the black muzzle in one direction.

bang bang bang!

Three consecutive bullets whizzed out from the muzzle of the gun, and it didn't matter whether they would hurt the slaves.

Gelu didn't care about the safety of these slaves at all, and he thought it was worth it to use a few humble lives to eliminate a potential danger.

But the moment the bullet was about to touch the residents of Didi Island, it suddenly disappeared out of thin air. A pair of white and slender hands pushed away the few people who were still in shock. A young man with black hair was wearing a casual shirt. People walked into the square.

"The last thing I want to hear is an underdog barking after a win, harsh and obnoxious."

"who are you!"

Gru fired a few more shots, but without exception, each shot suddenly disappeared the moment it touched the black-haired young man.

"Ability user?!" Gru frowned. He realized that bullets were meaningless to this ability user, so he threw away his pistol, gathered his strength, and countless spikes grew out from every joint of his body.

Facing this unknown opponent, Gru has already used all his strength. Now he is slightly bent, with countless spikes growing from his back, like a huge hedgehog.


Black domineering entwined around these spikes, Gru took a deep breath, jumped forward, hugged his legs tightly, and rolled towards the black-haired young man.

Like a ball full of spikes.

"This is the boss's hedgehog form!" Gru's younger brothers shouted excitedly. They remembered that their boss had once been on the battlefield, and incarnating in this form completely crushed the navy's defense line, and countless marine remains were broken. Hanging on black spikes like a demon from hell.

In that battle, Gru achieved the title of blood thorn.

The sharp spikes tore through the ground and rolled towards the black-haired young man aggressively. But the black-haired man took his time and casually pulled out the sword of a pirate beside him.

"Lend me your sword."

"Even if you use the Supreme Sword, you won't have any chance against Boss Gru!" Although the pirate whose sword was borrowed was afraid, he still said stubbornly.

"Wait to be turned into meat, bastard!"

"Really." The black-haired man said lightly. "Although I don't really like you, Boss Gru, one thing he said makes sense."

"That means the weak must have the self-awareness of the weak,"

"And what about your self-awareness?"

He lifted the knife, and the black armed color domineering covered the blade. This ordinary pirate's long knife turned into a murder weapon.

"As long as a knife can kill, it is a good knife."

At this moment, Gru had already rushed in front of him. At this moment, Gru was very excited. If it was a one-on-one contest, he might not necessarily be the opponent of this mysterious man, but if the opponent was so arrogant and did not evade his attack, then don't blame him for being ruthless.

In One Piece World, only the winner is right!

"Kill you, this knife is enough!" The black-haired man said lightly, and an invisible circle of light centered on him instantly enveloped the entire square.

"ROOM Precise Scalpel!"

He held the knife and slashed vertically, a flash of light flashed across the knife.

Gru, the earth, and the buildings behind him were all split in half!

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