Pirate Family

Chapter 470: The Text of History!

The pirates opened their mouths wide, as if they could stuff an ostrich egg inside. Just like the previous residents of Didi Island, they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

Their invincible boss, just failed?

"Cough cough." Even though Gru, who was split in half, was still alive, he stared fixedly at the black-haired man with half of his eyes, and coughed up a big mouthful of blood.

"With this kind of strength, it is impossible to be an unknown person in this sea. Who are you?"

"I'm just a pirate." Lorne inserted the long knife back into the scabbard of the previous pirate, patted the other's face, and said with a smile.

"Thank you for the knife, but I really want to kill your boss with too much force."

"You don't blame me, do you?"

"No, no! Gru did a lot of evil, forced us to attack here, and was beheaded and killed by the adults. He deserved it!" One of the pirate's skills is to follow the wind, and he quickly knelt down in front of Lorne, Said bitterly.

It seems that he is really a good person with good conduct. After speaking, in order to show his loyalty, he stepped on half of Gru's body.

Gru ignored the pirate's offense. He stared at Lorne's face. After a while, he found that incredible name from his memory and matched it with the man in front of him.

"I remember, I remember!"

"You are that devil! I didn't expect you to leave your territory and come here." At this time, he suddenly remembered what happened to Whitebeard a while ago, and suddenly realized. "It turns out that the old man with the white beard chased us down because of you!"

Even though he guessed wrong, it was a coincidence that he connected everything together. Gru said angrily.

"Master Sea Knight Seiya will not let you go, I am waiting for you in hell!"

"I thought you would talk so much only after winning, but I didn't expect you to be so noisy when you lost." Lorne frowned, and he snapped his fingers, and the opaque circle of light around him gradually dissipated. Gru's body was cut in half, and his ability to live up to now is entirely dependent on the fruit of his operation. In other words, his life and death are completely controlled by Lorne.

This body has not been created for a long time, even if it has been strengthened by Jia Zhi, it is only in the early 200s in terms of power. Compared with ordinary people, he may be considered a superman, but in this new world where strong people emerge in large numbers, he is nothing.

The reason why Lorne was able to defeat Gru so cleanly was because the two-color domineering perception is common. Lorne can use this body to display the same powerful domineering as the main body. And because it was the second devil fruit he ate, Lorne's understanding of the devil fruit was much smoother than the first one.

Now, he has been able to support "ROOM" for a long time.

"I'm waiting for you!" As if understanding his fate, Gru stared at Lorne resentfully.

"Wynhill Lorne!"

His body gradually lost its vitality, only those eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, staring at Lorne full of resentment.

A pirate with a great future, who was still flaunting his power just now, has just died like this, in a remote corner of Didi Island. If there is no accident, no one will know about it for the rest of his life.

Of course, Lorne would not regret Gru's life. Choosing to become a pirate is equivalent to putting his life on the gambling table. This time, he just lost the bet.

He slowly walked in front of Peng Ke. There were traces of CP agent training on this man, but Lorne didn't care about it.

"Hey, you're not dead, are you?"

"Ahem." Peng Ke spat out a mouthful of blood, but still said firmly. "I can't die for the time being, thank you sir for saving your life."

When he was lying on the ground, he witnessed the whole process of Lorne beheading Gru. In a sense, Lorne was the savior of the entire Didi Island.

"It's good if you're not dead." Lorne waved his hand, and a knife appeared in his hand, and Lorne "sewed up" Peng Ke's body with this knife. The fruits of his surgery can theoretically cure any disability or disease in this world.

Although Lorne's medical skills are not as good as Luo's later, after a period of hard work, it is still very easy to deal with this kind of battle injury.

After being rescued, Peng Ke stood up slowly, and was about to bow to Lorne, but was stopped by Lorne.

"Don't try to thank me, I'm just a pirate, pirates only have interests in their eyes."

A strange smile appeared on Lorne's face.

"I'm very interested in that stele you just mentioned."

Kind people can't accomplish great things, and Lorne has been to this point today, and his heart has long been as hard as iron. If there is no Gion, and these pirates don't provoke him, he is likely to sit idly by.

After all, in this chaotic era, how many people can be saved by the power of one person?

After hearing about the "Stone Tablet" and what happened this time, Peng Ke froze. Just as he was about to say something, the pirate whom Lorne borrowed a knife jumped out and said flatteringly.

"Yes, boss, we found an indestructible stone tablet and put it in a cave behind the clock tower. It should be the most valuable thing on this island."

"Take me there." Lorne nodded.

"Did you hear that, the new boss is yelling at you to take him to find that stone tablet!" The pirate immediately turned around and yelled viciously at those "companions". The pirates who found the "stone tablet" looked at each other, but they hadn't reacted yet. However, he took a look at the remains of Gru's body that was still standing aside. With a plop, a pirate knelt down in front of Lorne.

Someone took the lead, and the other pirates knelt down in front of Lorne like the first person who was a decent scholar.

Peng Ke squirmed his mouth, wanting something, but he still didn't speak in the end.

He vaguely felt that this man called Lorne might be far more terrifying than the previous Gru.

Several defected pirates led Lorne across the long street, and came to a clock tower built against a mountain, and then walked to the back of the clock tower, and found a cave as tall as a person. A pirate walked in the front with a torch, illuminating the road ahead for Lorne. After walking for about a hundred meters, the surrounding environment became empty.

A huge red square stone tablet stands in the middle of the cave. It is covered with tadpole-like writing.

The most valuable thing on this island is not the so-called gold and silver jewels, the so-called antique baileys, and the so-called thousands of slaves, but this stone.

"Historical text!" Lorne immediately recognized this stone tablet, which was the historical text that buried the secret eight hundred years ago. He stroked this stone lightly, and there was a warm feeling from his fingertips. It seemed that his accidental act of kindness had yielded such rich rewards!

At this time, Peng Ke followed them and came to the cave, watching Lorne stroke these words with an extremely ugly expression.

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