Pirate Family

Chapter 474 Four hundred seventy-seven

Vegapunk ignored Yaze's rude interruption, but stared at the increasingly restless sea level.

"I understand! So it is like this!" Suddenly, he seemed to understand something, and said suddenly.


A jet of water rose from the bottom of the sea to the sky, and scattered water droplets fell on the deck.

"Now, what should we do?" Lilu asked tremblingly, this mighty king, Shichibukai, came to the paradise from the New World just to enjoy this natural wonder?

He really couldn't understand the world of the strong.

"Go up."

Yaze said lightly, but he couldn't contain his excitement in his tone. That bastard Lorne's base camp is in the sky. As long as he destroys his base camp, that arrogant man will understand what it's like to lose everything!

"What?" Lilu felt that he had heard wrong, went up, are you crazy? This pirate ship will be easily torn apart by the mighty force of nature.


He heard the sound of a bullet being loaded, turned his head and saw that beautiful woman in a cheongsam was holding a delicate pistol, looking at him indifferently, the black muzzle was pointed at his forehead.

"Gulu." Lilu swallowed, he might not die if he went up, but he would definitely die if he resisted Yaze's order. He quickly ordered his men to row the oars, and sailed towards the huge water column rising into the sky.

The moment the pirate ship touched the water column, Lilu felt that he had completely lost control of his body. He jumped up with the pirate ship and flew horizontally towards the vast and boundless sky.

The water splashed on the ship's side, and the weak pirates hugged everything around them tightly, for fear of being thrown out. Only Yaze stood at the bow with a proud expression on his face.

"Lorne, your ambition has come to an end!"


"I am coming!"

The boat soon came to a cloud layer. Lilu had never felt so much pressure on him from the soft cloud layer, like a huge wall with no end in sight, and they were like a runaway train, heading towards this The giant wall crashed.


The boat broke through the cloud and floated down on top of this cloud. So much for the power of the current.

In the vast expanse of white surroundings, there was only a huge gate standing in front of them, like the gate of heaven.

"It turns out that the legend of the country above the clouds is true." Aoya looked at the surrounding environment with a ripple in her beautiful eyes. Even Vegapunk, who has always been calm, was a little moved. The existence of Sky Island simply subverted his world view of a scientist who never believed in God.

"Where is that bastard Lorne's arsenal?" Yaze looked around, but he didn't see the arsenal that Suo Lang was talking about, so he quickly grabbed the collar of the bald old man who was hiding aside, and lifted him up.

"Sky Island, Sky Island is even higher up," Suo Lang pointed to the gate of heaven not far away, struggling to say, the air at high altitude was already extremely thin. Coupled with the fact that Yaze grabbed him, Solang felt that he was almost out of breath.

Yaze ordered the boat to move forward, and soon came to the gate of the kingdom of heaven. This huge gate looked more and more majestic when viewed from a close distance. Only there was a plaque hanging on it, with the price of Vinhill engraved on the plaque, which made Yaze a little displeased.

"Hehe, you're so arrogant and ignorant, you're beyond your capabilities." Yaze said disdainfully, "Does Lorne want to declare that the sky belongs to their Vinhill family?"

After speaking, he raised his hand, trying to knock down the unsightly plaque. But Suo Lang hugged his hand firmly, begging.

"Once the Gate of Heaven is destroyed, the arsenal's alarm will sound, and the Vinhill family will know that there is an enemy invasion. This is very detrimental to your plan."

Yaze thought for a while, but still stopped, not because he was afraid that the people of the Vinhill family would be prepared, but because he didn't want them to evacuate here.

A gift, of course, has to be taken by surprise to be a surprise, isn't it?

"Hehe, after I destroy Sky Island, I will destroy this unsightly thing." Yaze turned his head, glanced at the plaque on the Gate of Heaven, and said coldly.

Behind the Gate of Heaven is a cloud bridge, which is winding and connects to the sky above. The pirate ship sailed quickly on the cloud bridge, and arrived at Baibai Sea in a short while.

A small island appeared in front of Yaze, and a huge arsenal could be vaguely seen working on the small island.

"That place is the arsenal that Suo Lang said." Oya said, "Now, what shall we do?"

For some reason, she always felt that Yaze's revenge actions were a bit hasty, but with such hasty actions, they easily came to the hinterland of the Vinhill family. It went smoothly as if it had been planned.

This feeling made Oya very uncomfortable. But Yaze has gone crazy and will not listen to her advice at all.

As a crew member, she can only follow the captain's orders.

"What should I do?" Yaze sneered. "Of course it was a surprise for him!"

After speaking, he glanced at the cabin behind him, which contained the volcanic rock explosives left by Huo, so much explosives, enough to raze this place to the ground.

"Go ahead." Yaze ordered. But at this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and couldn't help but think about it. He turned his head slightly, and a laser brushed his face and shot it. The scorching laser left a faint scorched mark on his face.

"Invaders, die!" Several heavily armed warriors, driving a vehicle similar to a motorcycle, rushed towards the boat, holding several strange weapons in their hands.

The muzzle of the rider in the front was emitting light smoke, and the attack that almost burned Yaze just now came from this weapon.

"The weapons of the Vinhill family, it seems that Lorne has gained a lot of benefits here!" Yaze's pupils opened, and several ghosts flew out of his body and rushed directly to the riders.




Ghosts entered the body, and the riders screamed in pain and fell on the sea of ​​clouds. The vehicle, which lost control, rushed forward on its own, and then exploded. Several pirates jumped into the sea of ​​clouds and scooped up the riders.

"Say, who is in charge of Sky Island now?"

The rider who was questioned was still struggling at first and kept silent. However, as Yaze continued to manipulate the ghost to eat his soul, his expression began to distort, as if he was enduring great pain.

This kind of torture from the inside out, from the soul is far more unbearable than the torture of the body, and cold sweat keeps flowing from the rider's face. After a while, he seemed to have collapsed, and said tremblingly.

"I said, I said, stop torturing me."

"The current person in charge of Sky Island is a cadre of the Vinhill family."

"They are, High Priest Lier, and Master Jodi!"

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