Pirate Family

Chapter 475 Ghost Fairy

Sure enough, Yaze nodded. Jody knew that he was the prisoner who followed Lorne and escaped from the city. Although the bounty has not been increased because of the amnesty of the world government, few people dare underestimate him.

But who is this Lear? I've never heard of it, just an unknown person!

Yaze let out a heck of disdain, and Lorne was as arrogant as he expected, and arranged two people to defend such an important place.

"Where are they?" Yaze continued to ask, the rider struggled, but the pain from his soul forced him to lower his head. Finally succumbed to this endless torture.

"Master Jody is in the factory, responsible for supervising the group of workers. Lord Lear is in the Tower of Sacrifice on Angel Beach, and is in charge of Prime Minister Sky Island."

After speaking, he pointed in the direction of the island, and he could vaguely see a tall minaret standing among the low buildings.

Because the pirate ship was too conspicuous, he was afraid that the people on the island had already prepared, so Yaze ordered all the pirates to follow the rider to the empty island in small boats, and the troops divided into two groups to go to the factory and the tower of sacrifice to place volcanic rocks. explosives.

Yaze never doubted the loyalty of these pirates, because he injected a ghost into each pirate's body. No one can bear the pain of being eaten by the soul. He took the lead and rushed to the forefront. There were Oya on his boat, Vegapunk who had never spoken since he set foot on the empty island, Solang who betrayed the Vinhill family, and Thor whose body was controlled by ghosts. Ke and Lilu both,

He wanted to stand on the top of the highest sacrifice tower and watch Lorne's ambition fall.

"Hey, Will, are you back so soon?" As soon as they landed, a middle-aged man with a kind face greeted the rider warmly. Yaze noticed that there was a pair of small wings on the back of this middle-aged man. Is this the aborigines of Sky Island?

"Well, I went outside to greet the guests." The rider named Will replied with a normal expression, and he did not dare to disobey Yaze's order. He didn't want to try the pain that came from the soul a second time. The middle-aged man glanced at Yaze and the others without doubting their identities at all.

Perhaps in his opinion, the people who appeared on Sky Island were either residents of Angel Island or members of the Vinhill family, so there was no need to doubt their identities.

"Thanks for your hard work. With you here, our life is much more at ease." The middle-aged man patted Yaze on the shoulder and said with a smile.

After the Vennhill family took over the "God" and "High Priest" to rule Sky Island, their lives have undergone an earth-shaking change. The food from Qinghai, which was quite rare before, is now at your fingertips. No one dared to make trouble on the territory of the Vinhill family. Even the original Sandias lowered their heads under the strong force of the Vinhill family. The current sky island is unprecedentedly peaceful.

The price is that the people of Sky Island go to the arsenal of the Vinhill family at a fixed time to complete some prescribed work.

"Thank you Uncle Sam." Will replied with a smile, but the moment Sam turned around, a sharp dagger pierced Sam's heart.

Yaze looked at the middle-aged man who fell down with disbelief, and frowned slightly, "Who allowed you to touch my shoulder?"

This kind of violent behavior made even Oya, who knew him best, look sideways. When did Yaze become like this?

"Uncle Sam." Will wanted to help Sam who fell to the ground, but Yaze gave him a hard look.

"Don't do meaningless things, or you will end up worse than him."

"Lead the way!"

"Yes." Will trembled all over his body, struggled, but withdrew his outstretched hand. Take up the responsibility of leading the way.

At this time, Angel Island was sparsely populated, and everyone passed through Angel Street without meeting many people. Will didn't stop until he came to the Tower of Sacrifice, and said hesitantly.

"Here is where the high priest is, but no one is allowed to enter without permission."

"It's not that troublesome." Yaze stretched out his hand and pressed it on the gate of the Sacrificial Tower. This silver-white metal has a warm feeling. Pressing his hand on it, Yaze vaguely felt that his strength had been weakened. One point.

It was like touching a sea tower stone with extremely low purity.

"Is it ready to explode soon?" Yaze said lightly, since he has come here, there is no need to hide.

The ghost flew out of his arms, stuck to the gate, and then,


With a loud noise and thick smoke, this seemingly solid door was blasted into a big hole.

Beep beep!

The siren of the Tower of Sacrifice rang loudly, and a group of soldiers dressed in strange silver-white uniforms rushed down with weapons in hand.

"There are intruders!"

As soon as they went downstairs, they saw Yaze and his gang who had blown open the gate. They couldn't help but raise their weapons and aimed at Yaze's head.


Several laser beams shot out of their weapons, and they arrived in front of Yaze almost in the blink of an eye.

Yaze's face remained unchanged, and Wil trembled. Solang seemed to recall some embarrassing memories, and his face was ugly. And Vegapunk stared at the weapons in the hands of these soldiers with great interest. This was a scientific system completely different from Qinghai, and he was very interested.

At this time, Aoya, who had not made a move, moved, and she appeared in front of Yaze in an instant, taking out two sharp daggers in her hands. Then it cut towards the several lasers rushing over.

The originally indestructible laser was cut into several smaller rays by these two daggers and shot in all directions. The first floor of the Sacrificial Tower was blown up beyond recognition, surrounded by thick smoke.

The people standing behind her were not harmed in any way.

She is the "cutter" who ate the "cut fruit", and in theory she can cut anything she touches into pieces. And her movements are fast and graceful, as if she is dancing.

On the battlefield of Daslothar before, she danced lightly while cutting all the enemies into minced meat and flying in all directions on the battlefield. This scene was recorded by Morgans who stayed in the dark. Ghost Fairy" title.

"Although I'm sorry, I still have to inform you," Ao Ya said lightly, and her body instantly appeared beside these soldiers in strange costumes.

"Since you have decided to take action against Yaze, you must be prepared to die!"

With one slash, all the soldiers turned into foam!

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