Pirate Family

Chapter 476: Mouse

The topmost floor of the Sacrificial Tower is a study room, and a young man is sitting in the study room, reading a book seriously. Beside him, a strong bald man stood respectfully. He has a hideous dragon tattoo on his neck.

Suddenly, the man reading the book paused and said lightly.

"The bait is on."

The bald man was taken aback for a moment, and then a combative look appeared on his face. He licked his lips and said bloodthirstyly.

"I just don't know who is here."

"It's just a mouse that was kicked out and running around." The man reading the book said lightly, "In other places, his abilities might be a little tricky, but here, he's just a fish on the chopping board."

"Then I'll meet him first." The bald man said slowly, and then walked out of the room impatiently. Originally he was guarding Loxor Island, but since the entire Loxor Sea area was under the control of the Vinhill family, of course the Loxor Island in the center was not afraid of being invaded, so Lorne sent him to the North Sea to retrieve it. a fruit.

Then he stayed in the paradise and was responsible for guarding the empty island.

If it wasn't for Lorne's promise, the bait distributed before would definitely catch a big fish, and he wouldn't want to stay in this place where birds don't shit.

Now it's not easy to come a master, how can he contain the fighting spirit in his heart?

After closing his eyes and feeling the breath of the invaders from the Tower of Sacrifice, the man reading the book shook his head in disappointment.

"It seems that after the Sri Lankan incident, Yaze's spirit has been lost. I thought that such a person would be able to compete with me for the final throne."

He thought about it, and didn't get entangled in this matter anymore, but continued to read the book.

"Sky Island's medical books and Qinghai's do have some similarities, but the principles are not the same," the man said lightly, "There are even contradictions between the theories of the two sides."

There are several large characters engraved on the cover of the book in his hand.

"The Anatomy of God"


After Oya defeated all the soldiers in one breath, she panted slightly and said slowly.

"Be careful, the clothes these soldiers wear are weird. I just felt obvious obstacles."

Her cutting ability, although theoretically able to cut anything, is different from thing to thing, and it is quite difficult to cut it when meeting some extremely perverted strong people who are armed and colored. As for these soldiers, she felt that the difficulty of cutting them was no less difficult than those armed domineering masters.

"This is a special combat uniform made by the Vinhill family, which can effectively enhance the combat effectiveness of the soldiers." Solang explained tremblingly, looking at Oya in fear, this beautiful woman cut the enemy into pieces without changing her face Sui Mo was like a devil. He stared at the long knife that was still stained with blood in Oya's hand, for fear that she would chop him into a pile of minced meat if she didn't like him.

"I see." Oya didn't say much.

But at this time, the sound of orderly footsteps came from upstairs again, Oya frowned,

"Why are you here again? Doesn't this Vinhill family really take human life seriously? Where did they find so many soldiers who are not afraid of death?" After finishing speaking, he glanced at Will, his expression With some vigilance in it.

He was in stark contrast to these soldiers. Are you really afraid of death, or do you want something else?

"Maybe it's not a person, and it's not necessarily true." At this time, Vegapunk, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, he walked up to the wreckage of these soldiers, bent down, grabbed a handful of blood foam, and squeezed it.

In these soldiers, he saw the handwriting of an "old friend".

"Is it you?" Vegapunk said slowly.

"Whether they are human or not, I will turn them into corpses." Yaze stepped forward, and countless ghosts flew out of his body. He flew upstairs. He hates the way Vegapunk admires Lorne. This scientist can only serve himself!

As soon as the soldiers showed their heads, they were drilled into their bodies by ghosts, and then there were big explosions.

All ghosts exploded in their bodies.

He took a step forward and rushed to the building before the bodies of the soldiers fell down. He wants to kill all the people of the Vinhill family!

The second floor of the Sacrifice Tower is an extremely empty hall. Several machine guns are placed at the exit of the spiral staircase. The moment Yaze just rushed up, several lasers were automatically shot at him.


This kind of non-hostile attack was something that the domineering and knowledgeable could not foresee. Yaze couldn't dodge it in time, and was completely chilled by these laser shots.

The black air current flowed over the shivering Lilu who was hiding on the first floor. Lilu's face changed drastically. He must have retched, and countless black pieces spit out from his mouth, as if it was his broken soul.

But as he spit out more and more pieces, Lilu's body thinned at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a mummy!

The black fragments gradually condensed, and finally condensed into Yaze's body.

"Bastard!" As soon as the cohesion was completed, Yaze yelled, he was killed by several machines just now!

Auya remained silent, she had wanted to say it a long time ago, the fruit of Yaze gave him the ability to be almost immortal, making him fearless to "die". He had the life that others cherished, so he could do whatever he wanted. waste.

This is not a good thing, because once you meet an opponent who restrains Yaze's ability, this kind of behavior of wasting your life at will is tantamount to suicide.

But Yaze didn't seem to be able to listen to her words. She simply closed her mouth.

Fortunately, among the Vinhill family, there seems to be no opponent who can restrain Yaze's ability.

"I want to destroy this building!" Yaze said angrily, and a huge ghost flew out of his body, growing bigger and bigger like a balloon, and quickly changed from the size of a basketball to the height of a person.

But at this time, everyone heard a loud noise from upstairs, followed by a slight shaking.

"Hahahaha! You are finally here!" A man's excited voice sounded above the crowd, and then the ceiling shook violently.


A big hole was opened in the ceiling, and a bald man fell from the sky and landed in front of everyone.

"Do you know that I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

With a belligerent light on his face, he stared at Yaze standing in the front.

"Jodi!" Solang shouted involuntarily, he recognized the identity of the comer. It is the senior cadre of the Vinhill family, a man with a series of titles such as the humpback whale and the burning king! Jody, Carlos Jody!

"Boss spared your life, but you don't cherish it at all." Jody glanced at Solang, and then focused on Yaze.

"This is the helper you found! I didn't expect that the mouse that Lorne mentioned was you!"


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