Pirate Family

Chapter 477

Solang was terrified when Jody looked at him, but he took another look at Yaze who was standing in the front, and his whole body stiffened. He said bitterly.

"Yes, I will take back all the dignity that your Vinhill family took away from me!"

None of the people present cared about Solang's anger, just like when two lions were dueling, they never cared what the sheep thought, even if this sheep was their prey and caused them to fight reason.

It doesn't matter at all, in the eyes of a lion, there is only another lion!

Yaze stared at Jody. He didn't know why Jody, who should have appeared in the factory, was here. However, since he met him, there was no reason to escape.

He is the Qiwuhai under the king, the most dazzling new star in this sea, how could he be afraid of such a little-known little guy like Jody? !

"Ghosts are good at dancing!" Yaze waved his hand, and countless black ghosts flew out of his body, all black and dense, like a large army!

Here are all the souls he collected.

"There are a lot of acrobatics." Jody touched his head, smiled honestly, then waved at Yaze, and disappeared.

Jody appeared in front of Yaze, with the black domineering arms wrapped around his arms, and he punched Yaze hard in the abdomen.

But him!

As a senior cadre of the Vinhill family, he has been following Lorne's elders since advancing into the city. He has never lacked opportunities to get devil fruits, some of which are quite powerful, but every time, he refused. .

Because Jody only believed in one thing all his life, and that was his own fist!


Yaze's face became distorted, and his whole body was directly sent flying, hitting the wall of the first floor of the Sacrifice Tower.

There was once a competition within the Vinhill family. Without the use of abilities and weapons, the strongest fighting ability was not Enel, who used lightning forging all the year round, or Lorne, who was good at priest fighting, or the natural skin A fat tiger with thick flesh.

"Is this what you are capable of as the king's Shichibukai?" Jody sneered, and his body disappeared again, appearing in front of Yaze.

"Killer Whale Chisel!"

His hands were clenched into fists, and he kept blasting towards Yaze's body embedded in the wall.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The fists were as fast as lightning, making it difficult for people to see his movements clearly. At this time, Jody had completely turned into a killing machine.

Killer whales are the largest regular predators in this sea, known for their ferocity and cruelty. Every time Jody punches, it feels like a killer whale is struggling to hit Yaze's body.

Blood seeped down from the wall and fell to the ground, with a hint of coquettishness.

"Explosive Tiger Kill!"

Jody took a deep breath, concentrated all his strength on his right arm, and the armed color on his fist was domineering and black as an abyss, and he slammed towards Yaze fiercely.


This impenetrable wall made of unknown material began to crack, and the cracks became bigger and bigger, gradually covering the entire wall.

The tower of sacrifice began to shake violently, as if a major earthquake had occurred!

A man upstairs who was reading a book put down the book in his hand, frowned, but then relaxed it again.

"It seems that Jody has been wronged all these years."

After saying this, the man waited until the shaking subsided a little, and began to read again. Beside him, there was a girl with long white hair, who was also quietly reading a book.

On the first floor of the Sacrificial Tower, Suo Lang stared blankly at the scene in front of him, opening his mouth wide in disbelief.

He couldn't connect the lump of meat in front of him with the famous king Xia Qiwuhai, the unruly and powerful big pirate, the ghost hand Yaze.

That's right, if Jody didn't make a move, he completely overwhelmed Yaze with a move, without giving the opponent a chance to resist.

The black airflow flowed out from the lump of flesh and rushed into the body of the strong man Toke. The man accepted all this with a muscular expression, his muscles atrophied, and at the moment when his consciousness was about to disappear, his eyes suddenly recovered. Turning to Qingming, he looked at the black shadow gradually gathering in front of his eyes with resentment.

The lips squirmed slightly, as if issuing the most vicious curse in the world.

"I am waiting for you."

After being resurrected, Yaze looked at Jody with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Lorne must have told you about my ability,"

"Fisher Tiger has killed me fifteen times, Seaman Jinbe has killed me seventeen times, and Hawkeye Mihawk has killed me twenty-one times."

"How many times can you kill me?"

After acquiring this ability, the last thing Yaze is afraid of is death. His frontal combat ability is not strong, and there are countless people who can kill him in this sea. But in the end, these people were defeated by their own hands.

Without exception.

Yaze's favorite thing is to watch those people who think they have invincible power, after killing themselves many times, their power is weakened and collapsed.

When he was resurrected, he had already given an order to the pirates who were going to the arsenal, telling them to come here immediately.

These pirates are the remnants of Lilu and Tok, and there are hundreds of them in total. Each of them is controlled by Yaze and can become the embryo of Yaze's resurrection.

That is to say, Yaze has hundreds of lives on Sky Island alone. What is this Jody fighting against him?

"Enough to kill you and never get up again."

Jody said disdainfully, the power gathered on him.

But at this moment, Jody suddenly felt a chill down his back. This was a warning given to him by his domineering knowledge. Without even thinking about it, Jody instinctively turned sideways, a sharp dagger rubbed against his back, and melted down.

With the cutting edge on the dagger, Jody's fragile shirt instantly shattered into pieces.

As an assassin, Oya understands that the most important thing for an assassin is to learn how to kill the enemy.

You have never been stronger in this world, and the one who wins must be your rules. The strong may not win, but the strong must win! As an assassin, her destiny is to strike when the enemy's vigilance is weakest.

Therefore, she didn't do anything when Jody appeared, because she didn't know Jody's strength.

She still didn't do anything when Jody provoked, because in her opinion, winning was the greatest challenge.

When Jody killed Yaze, she still didn't do it! Because she knew that death was nothing to Yaze.

She was waiting for the best opportunity, so when Jody was ready to deal with Yaze, she moved.

Her body twisted into an incredible angle, and she stabbed behind Jody!

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