Pirate Family

Chapter 478 Killing You Again and Again

This is the blind spot in everyone's heart. When they knock down the enemy, they will instinctively think that they are already safe, so they will let down their vigilance. Using this tactic, Aoya has already assassinated many powerful people, including even some prominent figures.

The moment Jody turned sideways, Oya didn't even think about it, and the other hand slashed at Yaze's body from another angle.

Two swords, one horizontal and one vertical, are inevitable!

This woman is more dangerous than Azeri!

This is Jody's judgment. If it is an ordinary strong man, he will definitely feel hatred in the face of Aoya's assassination, but who is Jody? It was a strong man who came out of that hell. He gritted his teeth and gathered all the armed colors of his body on his arms. The dark and thick arms collided with the dagger entwined with cutting breath!

But at this moment, Jody suddenly felt a burst of weakness, and his body movements became a little more unnatural. Is this the ability of Yaze that the boss said?

After killing him, he was indeed weakened.


The two made a screeching sound like metal rubbing, and a sharp sword energy entwined on the dagger, which easily cut through the domineering defense of Jody's arm. Jody's face changed drastically, and he quickly took a few steps back, but it was too late .

The dagger tore Jody's skin, and blood splattered on the hall. Jody leaned against the spiral staircase on the first floor with a solemn expression. .

He clutched his right arm, blood dripping continuously down the arm to the ground.

Bring together into a small stream.

On the arm, there was a huge gap, the bones were faintly visible, and blood continued to flow out of the gap.

Oya, if you don't make a move, it's enough. Once you make a move, you can instantly turn the tide of the battle. This is the assassin!

At this time, on the top floor of the Tower of Sacrifice, a man and a woman who were reading a book stopped their hands at the same time. Said softly.

"Brother Jody seems to be injured, shall I go down and have a look?"

"En." The man replied flatly without lifting his head.

The girl who got the answer showed a happy smile on her face. She walked out of the room, and a pair of white wings grew out from behind her, like an angel!

"Now, how many times can you kill me?"

On the first floor of the Sacrifice Tower, Yaze showed a playful smile on his face. He and Aoya have cooperated with this trick many times, so they are naturally close, and many powerful people are carried in their hands.

Suo Lang closed his mouth again, his mood fluctuated like a roller coaster ride. When Jody "killed" Yaze just now, he thought it was all over. He understands the rules of the Vinhill family, and this group of villains will not let any traitor go.

But the development of the matter turned around. He didn't expect that Jody would be hit hard in an instant before he was proud of it for a long time. Sure enough, none of these famous big pirates had a name in vain.

"Hehe." Jody snorted coldly and did not continue to argue.

He was careless, the reason why he was severely injured was because he miscalculated the weakening of Yaze's ability to himself, did not adjust the state of his body, and did not expect Aoya's ability, did not think that this woman's ability would be of great help to the armed color Domineering has such a powerful restraint effect.

But if you lose, you lose. Jody didn't intend to argue at all. As a pirate, the winner is king!

He snorted coldly, took off the remaining clothes on his body, and wrapped them around his arms. His body was strong enough to his level. Although recovery was not as good as those awakened from animal fruit abilities, as long as the bleeding was stopped, it was still easy. of activities.

"One hand is enough to deal with you!" Jody said proudly. He stretched out his remaining right hand and waved at Yaze.

His eyes were full of provocation.


How could Yaze bear this kind of provocation, he bowed his body and rushed towards Jody, with ghosts flying behind him like ghosts walking in the night!

"Explosive Tiger Kill!"

"Grasp of the Ghost Hand!"


The pitch-black fist collided with the ferocious ghost hand, and a shock wave spread from the place where the two collided, raising countless dust.

"Did you hit me just now?" Yaze laughed ferociously, he felt that this man who was as fierce as a beast, his punches were not as fierce as before. He controls a ghost, attached to Jody's arm,

"Here!" Jody yelled, a dark force was transmitted from his arm to Yaze's body. Back then, he was almost beaten to death by Wei, the former director of the city, and Jody also learned from it secretly. One move of Wei's dark force technique, and later he learned his priest fighting technique from Lorne.

At this time, he has completely mastered the technique of burying energy.


The ghost attached to Jody's arm exploded violently, Jody's whole body was blown away, his left hand drooped weakly, and there were scorching marks on his skin.

But Yaze didn't feel complacent for a long time, his face changed, and he felt something strange in his body, as if a ball of energy was running around in his arms. When it was about to reach the position of my heart, there was a sudden explosion!


Yaze's body was blown to pieces! Like a rain of blood, black air filled the hall once again.

Yaze, died again!

Outside the Tower of Sacrifice, the first five-man team of pirates had arrived, the leader with a dumbfounded expression, let a cloud of black air flow into his body, and then, Yaze once again came out of his body Crawled out, like a ghost returning from hell!

"Damn! Damn!"

Yaze yelled crazily, he didn't expect that he had died three times without doing anything!

Although death was an insignificant thing to him, dying at the hands of Jody, a humble opponent, made him feel humiliated.

Before his body was completely condensed, he couldn't wait to rush into the interior of the Sacrificial Tower. The humiliation he suffered could only be washed away by the blood of his opponent!

But the moment Yaze stepped into the sacrificial tower, a door Lorne made of silver-white metal went down, replacing the door blasted by Yaze, and isolating the inside and outside of the tower.

"Why, are you committing suicide?"

After the door fell, Yaze calmed down, looking at Jody standing in front of him with a sneer on his face.

This man, his proud fists have been destroyed, what can he use to fight himself?

"No," even so, there was no trace of fear on Jody's face, he looked directly into Yaze's eyes, and said lightly.

"It's just that I'm afraid you will run away."

"If I can kill you the first time, and the second time, I will definitely be able to kill you many times."

Jody said calmly, her tone extremely determined.

Thank you book friend Ruijin for the monthly pass!

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