Pirate Family

Chapter 479 Invincible Fruit

On Angel Island, in the factory, an old man in a silver-white uniform looked anxiously at the menacing pirates outside, and said worriedly to a girl with brown curly hair next to him.

"What should we do? Why haven't the people from the law enforcement team acted yet? Could it be that the people from the Vinhill family have already been defeated?"

His name is Lil, and he was the priest who betrayed all his companions on Bika Island and took refuge in Lorne. Of course, Lorne would not be stingy with those who surrendered to him, so he was asked to manage the factory on the empty island.

These years, Lear has been living in the shadow of Lorne, working with trepidation, and has never been to the empty island, so he doesn't know what the word "Venhill" means in this sea .

"Don't be afraid." The girl next to her said lightly, with a hint of softness in her tone, but she didn't have the slightest fear. While chewing gum, she looked nonchalantly at the clamoring pirates outside the factory gate.

Hearing the girl's words, Lil finally stopped trembling, and the fear in his heart dissipated a lot. He knew that this seemingly soft girl in front of him was Lorne's confidant, the woman who replaced the master craftsman Solange as the head craftsman of the Vinhill family.

And according to rumors, she and Lorne still had a story to tell, so with Lorne's character, she would never be put in danger.

"Could it be that Lord Lorne left behind?" Lear asked tentatively. He had stayed in the Tower of Priestess well, but was forced to be transferred to the factory by that reckless Jody to supervise these workers. them. And responsible for welcoming this big man who came from afar.

Lear didn't dare to be negligent, and he didn't even dare to guess whether there were any conflicts among the senior members of the Vinhill family. He was busy in front of the girl with an old face, but at this moment, this group of goddamn pirates hit Here it comes.

"No," the girl shook her head, but suddenly thought of something, and immediately changed her words. "No, Lorne did hold back!"

"What's that?" Lier was overjoyed, as if he had grasped the straw to save his life, he asked quickly.


"Ah?" Lier looked bewildered, and sized up the girl twice. Could she be some kind of hidden master?

The girl smiled calmly, lifted her hair, then walked to the gate of the factory, and said softly to the vicious pirates outside the gate.

"You guys, can you, don't attack here!"

"If you enter this factory, you will die!"

The leader of the pirates saw a soft girl, and they were even more arrogant. They attacked the gate of the factory frantically. Under their constant attacks, a crack finally appeared in the heavy gate of the factory.


The gate fell, and the leading pirate took the lead, stepped into the gate of the factory, heard the screams of the pirates next to him, and then fell to the ground.

Black butterflies fluttered in the air, constantly shuttled among the pirates, and attached themselves to every pirate who passed through the gate. Then, the pirate's body suddenly exploded.

It was like being planted with a bomb. Every attachment of a butterfly will take the life of a pirate.

The leader of the pirates watched the companions around him continue to fall, and the look in the girl's eyes changed from disdain to fear.

Seemingly noticing the pirate's mood, the girl smiled at him, showing two cute little canine teeth.

"I said, if you come in, you will die."


Yaze's eyes became extremely dark. No matter how special his devil fruit ability is, it belongs to the animal system, so he naturally possesses the transformation ability of an animal devil fruit ability user.

"You should be thankful, because you are one of the few people who forced me out of that form."

Yaze said calmly, two devil-like horns grew from his forehead, his skin became dull, and light green lines emerged on his skin. But any ability user is no stranger to this pattern.

Because this is the texture of the devil fruit's skin.

"This is the ultimate power of the ghost fruit, the ghost form!" Yaze opened his mouth, and his two fangs were extremely ferocious.

The whole sea knows that one of the king's seven seas of martial arts, the ghost hand Yaze's frontal combat ability is not strong, so he sneers at him. Few high-level pirates know that Yaze's fruit ability is extremely strange. Back then Admiral Sengoku was He took a fancy to Ya Ze's fruit ability, so he was put in the candidate list of Shichibukai under the king.

However, only Aoya knows that Yaze's so-called weak frontal combat ability is because he has never shown his "ghost form" in front of others. After entering this form, her strength and speed have been greatly improved, and her gestures can also trigger the explosion of ghosts.

The reason why he didn't like to use this ghost form before was because on the one hand, it was to hide his strength, and on the other hand, it was because of his personal bad taste.

He likes to torture his opponent slowly, watching him kill himself over and over again, and then his strength continues to weaken, becoming even worse than ordinary people. The final crash scene.

However, this man named Jody has completely irritated him. He is just a dog of the Vinhill family. Why should he yell in front of him?

He wants to defeat Jody in a place he is proud of!

Now Yaze has completely turned into a killing machine.

He let out a low growl, his calf suddenly exerted strength, and rushed towards the injured Jody.

"It's so fast!" It was also the first time for Oya to see Yaze fully displaying the strength of the ghost form. At this time, Yaze's speed was very fast, and her eyes could not catch Yaze's figure at all. Only then can he barely keep up with Yaze's movements.


Jody's pupils narrowed slightly, and he wanted to raise his hand to fight back, but before his arm was raised in front of him, Yaze had already arrived.

A ferocious fist accurately hit Jody's lower abdomen, blasting him into the spiral staircase.

"You had a great time beating me before, didn't you!"

Yaze's body disappeared again and appeared in front of Jody, and a knee bump hit Jody's chest hard.


Jody coughed up a big mouthful of blood, the so-called reincarnation of cause and effect, how he abused Yaze just now, the other party abused back.

"Do you know who is standing in front of you!" Jody punched Yaze in the chest and shouted angrily.

"It's me, the owner of the invincible fruit in this world!"

"The future king of this world!"

"How dare you speak to me in such a tone!"

Yaze roared, there are many things in this world that cannot be violated, they are preordained long ago, this is the so-called destiny.

And when he gets this fruit, he knows that his destiny is to become the king of this world!

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