Pirate Family

Chapter 483: Hero (2)

Under normal circumstances, Oya would definitely notice the strangeness of the girl, but at this time, her attention was completely attracted by Lorne's words.

Why, can you be so calm? Don't you care about this girl's life or death at all?

Or, everything you did before was fake? It is to create a weakness in front of the world, and once someone wants to blackmail you through this weakness, they will fall into your trap!

Aoya instinctively wants to analyze Lorne through the ability of psychological appearance.

This seemingly gentle man was stripped of his cocoon in front of Oya's eyes. Layers of camouflage were stripped off by Oya. When Oya removed the last layer of Lorne's mask, what appeared in front of her was the face of a demon. smile.

An unruly demon who despises everything!

"Why, did you hesitate?" Lorne smiled and walked towards Oya step by step. Oya subconsciously wanted to retreat, but there was a wall behind him.

There is no way back!

"If your belief can only support you to this point, then I can tell you responsibly." Lorne stopped three meters away from Oya, and the remaining air waves blew His long black hair.

Like black snakes dancing in the wind!

"You and your master will be buried in this place!"

"Besides!" Lorne stretched out his right hand to Oya, pointing at her with his index finger.

"You may not be able to capture the hostage in your hand."

"Come on, give her to me."

In Oya's eyes, Lorne's image began to change from a demon to an amiable old man, who was her teacher when she was studying psychology. Before she met Yaze, she was the closest and most respected person.

"Teacher Essek!" A trace of confusion flashed in Oya's eyes, she subconsciously let go of her hand holding the girl, and pushed her towards Lorne.

"Yes, that's it, little Oya did a good job." In Oya's eyes, the amiable old man praised herself, she lowered her head, and two clusters of red clouds appeared on her face, as if she was suddenly praised by the teacher without knowing it. Overwhelmed elementary school students.


But just when the girl was about to fall to Lorne! A black figure flashed past, snatching the girl from Lorne's face.

"I almost fell for you!" After robbing the girl, Yaze took two steps back, stood beside Aoya, and slapped her awake.

The female killer looked around as if she had just woken up, her eyes were blank, and she didn't realize it until she saw the girl in Yaze's hand!

"A demon who can control people's hearts!" She blurted out a sentence, this is how the sea evaluates Lorne!

"As expected!" She pinched her arm. The pain made her sober up a lot. At the same time, she was afraid that she subconsciously pushed the girl towards Lorne just now. If Lorne got the girl, then he and Yaze would lose the last straw to save their lives!

Among the seven martial arts under the king, there may be some disputes about who is the strongest person. Some people think it is the eagle-eyed Mihawk who is unparalleled in swordsmanship, while others think it is the famous tyrant bear. There are still many people I think it is Crocodile who can challenge Whitebeard and retreat.

But when it comes to who has the weirdest abilities and who has the most surly personality, everyone will think of a name.

Vinhill Lorne!

He is a devil fruit capable user, there is no doubt about it, but he has been in the field for so many years, he has experienced many battles, big and small, and has made countless enemies. But no one can tell exactly what Lorne's fruit ability is!

This is the scariest thing Oya sorted out after collecting all the information about Lorne. His ability is still a mystery to this day!

Only later, after Yaze became King Shichibukai, learned from a vice admiral who had fought against Lorne that Lorne's ability could create illusions, allowing the enemy to see some illusions of nothingness.

Other than that, don't know anything.

Oya is a cautious person, she never likes to fight against unknown enemies, so she tried her best to prevent Yaze's revenge on Lorne. But Yaze, who was blinded by hatred, how could he listen to Aoya's advice.

But already standing in this battlefield, you must go all out!

"But one thing is confirmed now." Oya stared at Lorne firmly, "It's not that you don't care about this girl."

Lorne smiled slightly, but this warm smile made Oya panic in her heart. Her intuition told her that she had forgotten something important.

"You can try." Lorne said softly.

At this time, the incident returned to the original point. Aoya and Yaze hijacked the girl and stood nervously by the wall.

"The disobedient little girl should be taught a lesson."

Lorne could see their emotional changes, and they were as intoxicating as poppies.

"What did you say?" Yaze asked subconsciously, he couldn't see through this Lorne at all. But the moment Lorne spoke, Jody moved, and this beast-like man rushed towards Yaze with a ferocious face.



One punch directly hit the girl's soft lower abdomen, and the huge impact penetrated the girl's body and hit Yaze directly.

"Ahem!" The ghost-like Yaze coughed up a big mouthful of blood and splashed it on the ground, his eyes were full of disbelief. The severe pain made him let go of his hand, and with a plop, the girl fell to the ground.

"I'm curious about one thing, if you can't be resurrected now, can you still be as arrogant as before!"

Jody punched Yaze's head, but was blocked by a ghost hand.


Yaze heard the sound of his hand bones breaking, but at this time, he no longer had a ghost, so he could only compete with Jody by virtue of physical skills.

At this time, the gap between those with strong physical skills and those without strong physical skills became apparent. Even though the ghost-like Yaze had the upper hand in terms of strength and speed, but in this kind of fist-to-body fight, he couldn't Completely back Jody suppressed out.

This beast-like man seemed not afraid of getting hurt at all. Every punch was aimed at exchanging injuries with Yaze, but within a few rounds, the two of them turned into blood men again.

"I told you to stop, did you hear that!" Aoya let go of the girl in Yaze, and at the moment of the girl, she grabbed the girl again, and then pointed the sharp dagger at the girl's white and slender neck.

She was completely stunned. In Lorne's eyes, what was this girl named Anxi? He was not worried about her life or death at all.

Could it be that he felt that it was impossible for him to cause any injury to the girl?

Oya thought about it, this is very possible, because the girl's ability is healing type, the serious injury in the eyes of ordinary people may not be a big deal in her eyes. So she gritted her teeth, and the dagger melted violently.


A slender arm was cut off and fell to the ground.

"In this way, it will be impossible to recover at all!" Oya wanted to show Lorne his consciousness!

But she didn't notice that even though her arm was cut off, the girl didn't make a single sound, nor did she bleed out a drop of blood.

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