Pirate Family

Chapter 484: Hero (3)

The so-called awareness, since Lorne wants to see his own awareness, then let him see it!

But even after cutting off the girl's arm, Lorne was still smiling, and his smile made Oya terrified!

"What on earth is it that gave you the illusion that you have grasped my lifeline?" Lorne moved, and he moved when Oya spoke.

A circle of dust rose up on the ground, and Lorne moved in front of Oya with a shave, raising his right arm high.

"Perhaps you are a good companion in Yaze's eyes. But,"

"You misjudged one thing, and that is the price for angering me!"

"Anyone who offends me will die!"


A slap fell on Oya's face, and Oya flew directly. Oya spun in the air, unable to catch the hostage in her hand anymore, the girl flew out. But the moment she let go, a sharp dagger came out of her hand and stabbed directly at the girl's heart.

She thought bitterly, since this hostage is useless, let her die!


Aoya hit a wall, the wall couldn't bear the huge impact, and finally collapsed, exposing the outermost layer of silver-white metal.


When the girl was flying in the air, a dagger pierced her body from the back, and then her whole body was stabbed into the wall next to her. A drop of blood flowed out along the dagger, dripping next to a white-haired man.

The man bent down, took the drop of blood, put it in his mouth, tasted it, and nodded slightly.

"Why, are you holding Anxi hostage too?" Lorne turned his head and looked at the white-haired man with interest. The man was young, but he was extremely calm. Whether it was a bloody battlefield or a threat of life and death, there was nothing wrong with him. Can't let his mood fluctuate a little.

Just like a robot.

"No, it's meaningless." The man said slowly, his indifferent eyes looked directly at Lorne, "Whether it's threatening or anything else, it doesn't mean anything to you!"

"Because the corpse in front of me is not the girl named Anxi at all!"

"What!" As soon as this remark came out, both Aoya and Yaze blurted out a sentence with shock on their faces.

Isn't the hostage they took the girl named Anxi?

"Hehe." Lorne smiled. This illusion full of loopholes really did not hide from the man's eyes, and he snapped his fingers. The corpse nailed to the wall began to become unreal, and the white skin became thin and dry.

The long snow-white hair disappeared and turned into an ugly bald head.

The one nailed to the wall was Suo Lang, whose flesh and blood had been sucked dry by Yaze!

"Brother Lorne!" A timid voice sounded in the tower of sacrifice, and the white-haired girl stuck out her small head from behind Lorne, and asked weakly, "Can I speak now?"

"Of course." Lorne pampered Anxi's little head, then pointed at Solang's body on the wall, and said lightly. "See what happens to those who don't listen!"

"Yeah!" The girl nodded vigorously. If it wasn't for brother Lorne just now, he would be the person who became like that!

"Is this your ability? It really is weird." Vegapunk said lightly, but there was no panic in his heart. Whether he was with Huo or Yaze, they were simply alliances. Their life and death depended on It doesn't matter at all in front of Vegapunk.

As the top scientist, Vegapunk can work for anyone, even the man in front of him who destroyed two of his allies in a row.

The two men, one black and one white, looked at each other in the broken battlefield. After a long time, Lorne said slowly, "I finally see you, the legendary scientist, Dr. Vegapunk. "

"It's an honor to meet you too, big pirate."

There was another silence. Both of them were the type who were not good at complimenting others, but it was Vegapunk who spoke first, breaking the embarrassment.

"I can work for you, provided you provide everything I need."

He is a smart person, even if he is not good at talking, he is also a well-deserved smart person. At this time, normal people will show their value and make the other party value themselves, so as to survive. But he doesn't need to.

The words Vegapunk are more important than any rhetoric.

He needs to say what he can do and what he needs, and that's enough.

"As you wish." Lorne said lightly.

The two of them have established a cooperative relationship so simply, and it is the strongest kind. As long as the flag of the Vinhill family does not fall, this cooperation will not be terminated.

Regarding this, Lorne also sighed for a while. Vegapunk joined him so easily. The main members of the former overseas illegal research team have all gathered. The last piece of the jigsaw puzzle of the Gaji lineage factor has also been obtained.

With the addition of Vegapunk, Lorne believes that they will soon break through that bottleneck and reach the realm of God.

As long as the problem of the energy supply of the clones is solved, then, the clones of the strong, who can be mass-produced indefinitely and are not afraid of death, will become everyone's nightmare.

"So that's it, that's it!" After exchanging punches, Yaze and Jody struggled to take a few steps back. "It turns out that you have used your abilities to replace the real Anxi. We have always held Solang's body!"

Now everything is clear! Why did Lorne and Jody never take the threat of themselves and others seriously? Why did Lorne seem not worried about the girl's life or death at all?

Yaze thought of the scene where he and Oya grabbed Solang's dead body and threatened Lorne, just like a clown on stage, making people laugh at every move.

"Ahem," Oya crawled out from the ruins of the wall, struggled to stand up, she looked at the man in front of her, and her heart was full of fear.

So, is everything under his control from beginning to end? But what is his purpose in doing this? See yourself and others make a fool of yourself? Or is it that he has a quirk of playing with people's hearts? Oya didn't know, she couldn't see through the man in front of her at all.

Feeling Yaze's violent emotional fluctuations, Lorne showed a satisfied smile.

Sure enough, from despair to hope to despair, this roller coaster-like emotional fluctuation is the most fascinating.

But the biggest delicacy has been enjoyed, so it's time for this farce to end.

Lorne's momentum froze, and a terrifying power spread from his body.

Lorne has entered the state of "Reaper"!

He came in front of Yaze in an instant, all of Yaze's attacks were as slow as ants in his eyes, there was no need to think about it, the body instinct had already completed the dodge. One hand directly broke through all of Yaze's defenses and lifted him up.

The number of chapters in the previous chapter was wrong and cannot be revised. . . . Sorry for disturbing reading. . . . . . .

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