Pirate Family

Chapter 485: Hero (4)

"You are too weak." Lorne said lightly. Whether it is Yaze or Huo, they can rely on their own fruit abilities to navigate the sea, but once they lose the abilities they rely on, they will It will become fragile and unable to compete with those powerful masters.

So Lorne built this cage and added a layer of sea iron to the wall of the tower of sacrifice. High-purity sea iron has similar characteristics to sea stone, which can effectively isolate the fruit capacity. Moreover, just in case, fearing that Yaze would commit suicide and escape if he saw him, Lorne was still hiding in the dark and never made a move.

Fortunately, the facts proved that this assumption was correct. Yaze, who was imprisoned in the Tower of Sacrifice, lost his ability to resurrect infinitely after all the puppets died.

At this time, after being healed by Anxi, Jody, who had fully recovered, grabbed Oya who was lying on the ground, and was about to send the pair of fateful mandarin ducks to that place.

Anxi next to her seemed to understand something, and quickly covered her eyes.

Brother Lorne said that he is not allowed to go there by himself. Now that Anxi knows what will happen if she is disobedient, she will definitely be obedient!

"Actually, I pity you very much," Lorne easily dodged Yaze's charged punch, which was his last counterattack.

"Although I don't know how you were controlled by Huo, but after Huo's death, you should have a bright future. The future sea is destined to have a place for you."

Lorne was telling the truth. He was quite optimistic about Yaze before. He even believed that among the young generation in this sea, apart from those powerful people in the original book, only this Yaze had the ability to compete with him. But Yaze should never have done it. After Huo's death, he actually wanted to wipe out all the powerful people in Sri Lanka at once.

If he succeeds, he will of course become famous in one battle, eradicating all his competitors here. But if he failed, he would offend all the strong men at the same time, and he would never recover!

"But since you choose to be my enemy, then your adventure is over."

Lorne grabbed Yaze's head, pushed open a hidden door, and dragged him down.

This sacrificial tower actually has buildings underground!

The Tower of Sacrifice was built by Lorne in imitation of the temple on Bika Island. The so-called sacrifice is to sacrifice the life of the living to the gods!

The biggest secret of Sky Island is the secret room on the top floor of the temple. Any capable person who dies there will keep the devil fruit they have. Lorne also used that secret room to steal Ratzinger's blood fruit.

After several years of research, he finally grasped the way that the secret room kept the devil fruit. It was not some wonderful metaphysics, nor was it a devout prayer before the ceremony. But science!

In every devil fruit, there is a devil hidden. After the death of the host, the devil will escape from the host's body and look for a fruit to possess. In the secret room, the devil couldn't escape at all, and had no choice but to choose to possess the fruit that had been prepared long ago. Wait until the texture of the devil fruit is completely condensed, and it will become the corresponding devil fruit.

As for the secret room of the temple, Lorne had sent someone to move it here a long time ago, and placed it at the bottom of the tower of sacrifice!

Oya struggled to get up, just in time to see the scene where Lorne grabbed Yaze and walked down.

Her eyes were full of despair, because she understood that she had lost, completely lost!

"Let her go! This matter has nothing to do with her!"

At this moment, Yaze suddenly spoke.

"Now start to take into account the companionship?" Lorne said playfully. He thought that people like Yaze were men who used all their companions as tools to realize their ambitions.

"The so-called man is to have the consciousness to bear his own mistakes!"

Even though he was seriously injured and picked up like a toy, Yaze still said stubbornly, as long as he is not dead, he is the mighty king Shichibukai!

"Good enlightenment," Lorne nodded, "but why should I promise you, you are all my captives, why should I give up a powerful ability for your enlightenment?"

"Also, it's not in my character to let an enemy who knows my secret go away."

He could see Oya's fruit ability clearly, and he could easily cut through Jody's armed defense with a small dagger. If this ability is obtained by a swordsman, it will be even more powerful.

And under Lorne's command, there happened to be a swordsman!

He wasn't going to play a game that made the two of them part and play with other people's feelings, he was going to let the two of them die together!

Although violent mood swings are delicious, what Lorne wants now is the fruit ability of the two of them.

"I understand," Yaze said lightly, "so I'm going to make a deal with you."

"Take a piece of information in exchange for Oya's life."

"You won't say no."

"Oh?" Lorne suddenly became interested when he heard what Yaze said. "Tell me."

Yaze's lips squirmed slightly, and Lorne frowned first, then became clear, and finally waved gently at Jody.

"Let her go."

After hearing Lorne's words, Jody let go of his hands without asking why.

He respects every decision Lorne makes!

After the assassin was liberated, he didn't choose to do anything, but directly knelt on the ground with a plop. Two lines of clear tears flowed from the corner of his eyes.

Counting this time, Yaze has saved her twice!

She wanted to say something to beg for mercy, but this strong woman couldn't open her mouth no matter what.

"I'm willing to trade my death for Lord Yaze's life!" After a long time, she sobbed. Although he didn't understand what Lord Yaze used to make that demon change his decision, it must be a very precious thing.

She is willing to die in exchange for Lord Yaze's life!

Lorne stopped, absorbing Oya's mood swings intoxicatedly, and despair was the most delicious emotion.

But Aoya's begging for mercy is doomed to be ineffective, because Lorne will never let Yaze leave no matter what.

But Yaze saw it very clearly, he angrily scolded Aoya.

"You stupid woman, what are you doing kneeling there! My Yaze crew never needs to bow their knees to anyone! Stand up for me!"

Aoya was stunned by Yaze's sudden reprimand, and she stayed where she was.

"Besides, I never regarded you as my companion, and wanted to exchange your life for mine! You are not worthy!"

"Now, stand up with me immediately and get out!"

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