Pirate Family

Chapter 486: The Hero (End)

Oya finally stood up, and gave Lorne a meaningful look, as if she wanted to keep everything about Lorne firmly in her heart. At this time, Jody pushed a button next to the gate, and the silver-white metal gate cracked a gap, and Oya walked out of the sacrificial tower slowly through the gap.

After walking out of the tower, she turned around and stared at a white tower.

On this day, here, she lost everything about herself!

An energetic girl with short flaxen hair passed her by. The girl was eating an apple with a relaxed and contented face, which was in stark contrast to the sad-looking Aoya.

This should be a cadre of the Vinhill family. In an instant, Oya made a judgment, but she didn't choose to do it.

Because beside the girl, there are countless black butterflies dancing.

The gate of the Tower of Sacrifice closed slowly. Lorne carried Yaze's head and entered the basement of the Tower of Sacrifice. A dark door appeared in front of them.

"Is this Hailou Stone?" Yaze frowned slightly as he felt a disgusting aura coming from above the gate.

"The secret room made purely of Hailou stone is quite luxurious."

"After you die, I will put your ashes on a boat and let it drift on the sea." Lorne threw Yaze into the secret room, "Don't worry, I won't It is my promise to take action against Aoya. The premise is that she is no longer an enemy of the family."

"It's really romantic!" Yaze lay in the secret room, his skin touching the floor felt a sense of weakness, making him unable to move. He didn't pay attention to the second part of Lorne's words, because he was the same kind of person as him, and they were extremely proud people. This same pride gave them the same bottom line, that is, they would absolutely fulfill every promise they made.

"Say your last words, and I will convey them to you." Lorne said flatly as the door of the secret room closed slowly.

The moment the door closed, Yaze suddenly showed his white teeth and smiled coldly.

"He will never let you go, I am waiting for you in hell!"

Click, the door closed, and the entire secret room was plunged into darkness.

In the empty island, a ragged, blood-stained woman who was running wildly froze for a moment, then touched her pocket, felt a burning sensation from her fingertips, and two lines of tears slowly flowed down.

In the office of the World Government Headquarters, Mary Joya, and the Five Old Stars, a small white note in a certain drawer suddenly ignited out of thin air. Sparks danced in the eyes of a tall old man in a suit and goatee.

"It's going to change." He said suddenly.


Great route, new world, calm belt.

On a huge naval warship, Lorne was lying on the deck of the warship basking in the sun while reading a book. Suddenly a smile appeared.

"What happened? Are you so happy?" A slender woman in a three-point bikini next to her took off her sunglasses, looked at the man beside her, and asked curiously.

"It's just thinking of some happy things." Lorne smiled slightly, and finally solved a serious problem in his heart. Why isn't this worth being happy? But he wasn't going to share this with Gion.

"Oh." Gion nodded silently, and did not continue to ask, everyone has their own secrets. She picked up the juice next to her, ready to quench her thirst.

"Maybe it's because I've fallen in love with you, but I'm not sure? If you wear a little less Lorne, maybe you will be happier."

At this time, a loud voice suddenly came from the side, and the giant female lieutenant general Jasmine said indifferently, and at the same time looked at her best friend with some envy.

Every woman loves beauty, even giants are no exception. She also seems to show off her perfect figure like Cheng Jingyuan, but in the navy, there is no size that suits her at all!

"Pfft!" Jion spit out all the juice he drank in his mouth, and looked at his best friend resentfully, his face flushed.

Just when she was about to refute, the phone beside her suddenly rang.

Blue, blue, blue.

She quickly ran to the side and picked up the phone bug. After hearing the caller's voice clearly, she put away all the sloppiness on her face and became extremely serious.

But he couldn't hide his shock at all.

After a while, she hung up the phone bug.

"What's going on?" Jasmine asked curiously. Except for the harassment from another admiral who was a replacement for the teafish, there were only a few teachers who could make Gion so nervous.

"This is the call from the Marshal of the Warring States Period. He told me that a major event has happened." Gion said slowly, and looked at Lorne who was lying lazily basking in the sun with deep meaning.

"Yaz is dead."

"What?" Jasmine said in shock, she could hardly believe her ears.

"One of the Shichibukai under the king, the ghost hand, Francis Yazer, died. His life was stuck and turned into a mass of ashes," Gion said word by word. She understood what the news would cause in this sea. turmoil, but she still decided to speak out.

"Yaze has made countless enemies, and it's normal for him to be killed." Lorne said calmly without raising his head. "You don't suspect that I did it, do you?"

"Normal? He's one of the Shichibukai under the king! It's normal for you to just die in an unknown corner like that!" Yuen had a headache, and she could almost imagine that the news of Yaze's death would be overwhelmed. What will happen after passing it out.

"You just issued a reward of one billion in the underground world, and Yaze died in a blink of an eye. What will other people think when they find out about this?"

Of course, she didn't doubt Lorne. During this period of time, Lorne had been with her, and there was no chance to do anything.

The original intention of Qiwuhai under the king was to suppress the great route by relying on the power of the great pirates. But once a certain king Qibuhai dies like this, it will cause a serious blow to the reputation of other king Qiwuhai.

With Yaze dead, the pirates will only see one thing, that is, there are irreconcilable contradictions among the seven princes. Regardless of whether this matter was done by Lorne or not, this hat was inevitably placed on Lorne's head.

"Can't Shichibukai die under the king?" Lorne sneered, "The wave of the new era has arrived, and everyone, whether it is me, or even the high-ranking Four Emperors, will not be spared. It's okay to die. what?"

Gion was silent. She didn't understand what Lorne was referring to as the wave of the new era, but the recent pirates were indeed rampant. Several major events happened one after another, causing heavy losses to the navy. Even Teacher Zefa Lost the ability to fight forever.

"So now you can tell me what happened when I stood in Sri Lanka that day?"

Gion frowned and said, the bustling Sri Lanka turned into ruins overnight. After Lorne escaped, he immediately issued a reward to Ya Ze, who was also Shichibukai under the king, as if he had become a deadly enemy overnight.

She didn't know what happened on that bustling island that day.

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