Pirate Family

Chapter 490 Duel (2)

The time went back a few seconds, and Lorne saw that Ulay "predicted" his location in advance through his knowledge and arrogance, and stabbed him with a spear, without the slightest panic. He raised his silver scalpel and swiped at the spear.

With the cutting edge of the scalpel, it cut the spear as thick as a pillar into two pieces, and then chopped off Ulay's confident head.

The whole movement was done in one go, and when Lorne landed, there was a loud noise behind him, and Ulay's body fell to the ground with a bang.

Lorne is very satisfied with the effect, the result of the operation is exactly as he expected, as long as it is used well, there are infinite possibilities. Ulay too believed in her own judgment, thinking that her blow would definitely defeat her, so she didn't use armed defense.

As for the body without armed protection, let alone an ordinary giant, even if it is Kaido, who is called a monster, Lorne is confident that he can cut him apart.

The giants who watched the duel widened their eyes, and couldn't believe what they saw in front of them.

The strongest warrior in their village was defeated like this?

The whole village could hear needles falling, and it was as silent as death.

"What happened, is the duel over?" At this moment, an old giant broke through the crowd and came to the field, asking anxiously. But when he saw Ulay lying in the field, he was stunned.

"Village Chief, I'm sorry." Uke supported the old giant and comforted him. "Ulai died in a fair duel, and did not let the glory of the ancestors be dusted!"

Until now, none of the giants wanted to rush over to avenge Ulay. Because in every giant's heart, a duel is an extremely sacred thing. Once you step on this battlefield, you are betting everything on yourself!

Even if you die in battle, the corpse belongs to the victor!

It's an honor!

"Lorne seems to have overplayed his hand." Gion lowered his voice and asked Jasmine next to him, "What should we do now?"

Jasmine looked at the battlefield with a complicated expression. Although she hated Ulay very much, she didn't hate him so much that she wanted him to die. But the matter has come to this point, and she has nothing to do.

"The giants attach great importance to glory, and Lorne's safety can be guaranteed, but his plan may not be realized." Jasmine said, "Wait a minute, take Lorne out of here immediately, and leave the rest to me. "

Gion nodded, killing the village head's son and leaving unscathed was enough. But the focus now is not this, Gion Meimou looked at the arena, feeling a little worried.

Lorne, will he really listen to himself and leave here obediently?

After all, Lorne's stubbornness is as famous as his madness!

"You are the man that Little Jasmine brought back, right?" The village chief of the giant tried his best to calm down, walked up to Lorne, lowered his head, and said calmly.

"Can you return little Ulai's body to us, I will bury him in the ancestor's land and return to the ancestor's embrace."

The old giant's beard was gray, hanging down to his waist and abdomen, like a white waterfall. His dark muscles were covered with battle marks, and on his left shoulder was a shoulder armor made of the skull of an unknown giant.

He is very strong! Or it used to be very strong! Lorne made such a judgment the first time he saw the village head of the giant. This old giant might not be as powerful as Ulay, but his experience was far from what the young Ulay could match.

For such a strong man, even if Lorne wants to deal with it, it is very difficult.

A faint power centered on Lorne and spread in all directions. His power was actually able to compete with the old giant.

Lorne tilted his head and said with interest.

"What if I can't?"

The old village chief's face changed drastically, and he could hardly stand still. But the glory of the giant race made him suppress the anger in his heart, and said through gritted teeth.

"Aren't you willing to leave even the last bit of dignity as a soldier to Ulay?"

He snorted coldly, grabbed half of Ulay's spear, and wanted to challenge Lorne.

If his own son loses, then he, the old man, must get his place back! This is the simple thinking of the giants.

But at this time, a weak voice sounded behind the village chief,

"My lord father?" Ulay's head suddenly opened his eyes, and he asked suspiciously. "I'm not dead?"

"Ulay didn't die at all, how can I return the body to you." Lorne said with a smile at this time.

The ability of the fruit of surgery is to create a surgical space, and the people surrounded by this space, as long as Lorne is willing, can cut him into thousands of pieces of flesh without taking their lives. As long as they are combined in the end, they can be alive and kicking again.

"I'm actually a doctor. Just now I found something wrong with Ulay's neck, so I couldn't help but perform an operation on him."

Lorne walked up to Ulay's head, lifted his huge head, and carried it to his headless body that fell on the ground.


The neck and the head healed together tightly. Ulay sat up and touched his neck subconsciously without feeling a single scar.

"I'm really not dead?"

Ulay stood up and said excitedly to his father that only after "died" once will he know how precious "living" is.

"The neck is also much more comfortable. The dark wound from being bitten by the ancient Devilsaur is all healed! This man is not lying!"

The village head giant was very embarrassed at this time, he was ready to challenge Lorne. Unexpectedly, his son did not die, and his years of old problems were cured.

But the simplicity of the giants made him quickly forget this embarrassment. He lifted Lorne up and put him at the same level as himself.

"Thank you! You are indeed the one chosen by Little Jasmine! This kind of courage makes this old man feel ashamed!" His face was flushed, obviously he was not lying.

"So I decided to hold a banquet tonight! Come and welcome our distinguished guests!"

Jasmine and Jingyuan who were standing next to each other looked at each other, both of them were a little confused by this sudden change.

"Just now, that shouldn't be swordsmanship, right?" Jasmine asked tentatively after a long time.

"Certainly not!" Yuyuan said, as a rare female swordsman, she has some understanding of most schools in the world, so I can be sure that what Lorne used just now is not some kind of swordsmanship, besides, where in this world? What kind of swordsmanship can bring people back to life?

"This should be Lorne's devil fruit ability!"

Gion looked at the thin figure in the battlefield, his eyes couldn't restrain his curiosity,

The biggest secret of the Vinhill family, Lorne's fruit ability, may be able to surface today.

Thank you book friend zjzza for the monthly pass! Thank you~!

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