Pirate Family

Chapter 491 Hero Trial

"As expected of the man that Little Jasmine is looking for," Ulay said honestly, squatting down, and slapped Lorne on the shoulder. "I will never pester Little Jasmine again in the future, this is a man's promise!"

The huge palm hit Lorne's shoulder like a boulder. Lorne's knees were slightly bent, and he almost knelt down, but he still said without changing his expression.


Jasmine next to her looked at the two of them with a dazed expression on her face. How could she solve the matter that she had been having a headache for so long? Now Ulay and Lorne don't look like they were fighting each other before.

"Is this the so-called friendship of men?" Gion asked with a strange expression. "It's really incomprehensible."

Ulay picked up Lorne, raised it over his head, and shouted at the giants who were watching.

"I want to announce something to everyone," Ulay said solemnly, "I used to be too short-sighted, and I was one of the rare strong men in this world, but Brother Lorne made me understand what short-sightedness is. "

"Sora possesses brute force, so he can't do anything. If we go to meet our ancestors like this, it will tarnish the glory of our ancestors."

"Fortunately, Brother Lorne woke me up, so I decided to wait two days, on the night of the full moon, to participate in the hero trial!"

As soon as these words came out, all the giants stared wide-eyed and stared blankly at Wu Lai, while the old village chief looked at Wu Lai with mixed expressions, both worried and relieved.

Ulay is his most outstanding son, who inherited his youthful vigor, but he is too rigid about his children's personal relationship, and he is impulsive and irritable. Such a character is bound to cause trouble.

When Jasmine came back, he was still worried about whether Ulay would do something stupid because of it, but fortunately, the man brought back by Little Jasmine woke him up.

"What is the Hero Trial? From the looks of the others, it seems very formal." Gion asked Jasmine next to him in a low voice.

"The so-called hero trial is a kind of test. Every adult giant can choose to participate. The giant who completes the trial will be awarded the title of hero. But this trial is extremely cruel. All those who participate in the trial, every ten One, only one person can come back alive." Jasmine said in a concentrated voice, and she couldn't believe that Ulai actually chose to participate in the hero trial, "Every giant with the title of hero will have a very high status, even if it is The giant king should also be treated with caution."

"Then what is the content of the trial?" Gion asked,

"Within three days, hunt and kill ten different kinds of giant beasts alone." Seeing that Yuyuan was still puzzled, Jasmine continued to explain patiently, "The so-called giant beasts are those huge beasts, for example."

She said solemnly, "When we came, we met the kind of Neptune."

The giants value glory. Once they choose to participate in this heroic trial, their hearts are extremely proud, and they must be aiming at completing this trial. So they won't steal and play tricks, and they are desperately trying to challenge these giant beasts.

Either die in battle, or return with glory!

This also resulted in such a terrible death rate.

"However, before participating in the trial, I have to say one more thing!" Ulay raised Lorne above his head, "Let us welcome a real warrior! This man named Lorne!"

"So, at the banquet in the evening, let us welcome this warrior with wine and food! My friend, Lorne!"

Lorne stood on Ulay's palm, as if standing on a cloud, looking down at the world with his head down. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Ulay.

He had heard from Yuanyuan before that the giant race was extremely proud, and generally only looked up to two types of people, one was the venerable and the other was the elder.

And Lorne is naturally not Ulay's elder, so this young giant really regards Lorne as someone he respects.

Lorne, conquer him with strength!

At night, in the giant village, the thigh of an unknown giant beast was roasted on the huge bonfire in the center of the village. The fat seeped out from the thick flesh layer and dripped onto the bonfire, making a sizzling sound. With a little cumin and salt, the aroma of barbecue diffuses in the village.

Lorne was holding a plate, which contained a large bowl of sliced ​​barbecue. It was not that he had a small appetite, but that he was only a human after all, not a monster like Luffy, who couldn't eat more than his own body. Huge amount of food.

He found a corner and enjoyed this exotic food. His two faces were flushed a little more from drinking too much. The enthusiasm of the giants completely exceeded Lorne's imagination. When Ulay announced that Lorne was his friend, they rushed over to toast with Lorne.

At first, Lorne would not refuse anyone, but he didn't know what cruelty was until he really drank it.

How could a person compete with the giants for drinking? After watching the giants drink up the wooden barrel glass that was bigger than the bath barrel, Lorne had no choice but to toast.

Once or twice is fine, but he is facing a whole village of giants. But after a while, Lorne became dizzy from drinking, and escaped with difficulty.

He picked up a piece of roasted meat and put it in his mouth, the meat of the roasted meat seeped out from the meat layer, stimulating his taste buds. Just as he was about to chew slowly, someone patted his shoulder suddenly. He was caught off guard, and the thick piece of meat fell directly into the esophagus, causing him to choke.


"So you're hiding here." Gion handed Lorne a pot of wine, seeing the funny scene of Lorne drinking in a hurry, couldn't help but smile, "If others know, the famous big pirate Lorne, If you actually choked on a piece of barbecue, would you laugh your ass off?"

After getting acquainted with Lorne, she often joked with him. After all, Lorne is different from those pirates, and still has his own bottom line.

At least the Vinhill family under his command will not attack a small island for no reason, burn, kill and loot to their heart's content, and then completely destroy it.

"Try to be photographed while you're eating?" Lorne said coldly, the wine of the giants was extremely strong, and now he felt a burning pain in his throat.

At this time, Lorne missed the perception ability of his main body very much. If the main body was here, such an embarrassing scene would never happen.

After all, knowledgeable domineering cannot defend against actions without hostility and killing intent.

"You look so cute when you're angry." Gion laughed loudly, and she took out two more bottles of wine and handed one to Lorne.

"Want to have a drink with me?"

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