Pirate Family

Chapter 492 Campfire Party and

Lorne took the wine jug handed over by Jinyuan, which contained the fine wine she specially collected.

A swordsman, a drinker, who can drink may not be an excellent swordsman, but an excellent swordsman is definitely a drunkard. Maybe you will fall down when you drink, but you must be an alcoholic who is addicted to alcohol.

Even Jingyuan is no exception. As a rare female swordsman, she has a hobby, that is, she likes to collect fine wine from all over the world. The pot she handed to Lorne is her favorite.

Lorne opened the bottle cap and sniffed lightly, a faint fragrance came to his face, although it was not as mellow as the fine wine of Aughongmu, nor as strong as the fine wine of Giant Village. But it has a special flavor, delicate and fragrant, like the spring breeze blowing on my face.

The wine the woman drank, this is Lorne's evaluation of the wine handed over by Gion. But he is not the kind of special drinker, and he doesn't care about such details. He raised the jug above his head, and when he was about to taste different flavors, he suddenly seemed to remember something and froze.

He glanced at Jingyuan suspiciously, this woman must have no good intentions to show him any kindness.

"Tell me, what are you hiding from me?"

Lorne asked,

"No, no." Gion waved his hand, then picked up his flagon and shook it in front of Lorne, "I'll do it first, don't let me underestimate you."

Then he really lifted the wine bottle high, his throat trembling. Finally, I turned the bottle upside down and shook it a few times, but no drop came out.

Drank it down.

It's just that her face was flushed because she drank too fast.

Now that the other party has done it, Lorne can't refuse, so he can only imitate the way of Yuan, and drink the wine in the jug in one gulp.

Because of drinking a lot of wine with the giants just now, Lorne felt a little dry at the moment. Even looking at Jingyuan sitting next to him was a little blurry.

The two of them remained silent for a long time before Gion first spoke.

"Do you know that Jasmine and I were very worried when you dueled with Ulay before?"

"Worried about me getting hurt?"

"Smelly," Gion gave Lorne a white look. "We are worried that if you miss, you will beat Ulay to death. Then you will be driven out of the country by the giants, and let us run for nothing."

"Hahaha." Lorne laughed, he suddenly understood what Jion wanted to say, and Jion also laughed, maybe because she drank too much wine, she was a little more cute at this time, It doesn't have the power it had before.

"What do you want to say, just ask."

"I really hate dealing with 'smart people' like you." Jinyuan completely put back the cuteness on his face, and became quiet.

"I want to know, how did you manage to cut off Ulay's head and put it back in again? Is it your fruit ability?"

She had fought against Lorne before, and knew that Lorne's ability could create some kind of illusion and influence other people's judgment. But the previous scene was too real, even she, with precautions, did not find the slightest flaw.

"Well, it's indeed my ability," Lorne said in a deep voice. His surgery fruit was snatched from the navy. If the old guy from the Warring States period knew about it, it would be very troublesome. But since they don't know that they have two fruits, and they have never demonstrated their abilities in detail in front of the world, they can manipulate them a little bit.

Gion didn't expect Lorne to admit it directly, and quickly pricked up his ears to eavesdrop.

"My devil fruit is called the fruit of perception. It can manipulate other people's perception and create illusions. Like this," Lorne suddenly took out a small knife and slashed at Gion's slender arm.

Gion subconsciously used his armed domineering aura, trying to resist, but remembered that Lorne was demonstrating to himself, so he suppressed his instincts and let Lorne's knife slash at him.

Kacha, Bai Nen's palm was chopped off, and the severed palm fell into Lorne's hand. There was no trace of blood flowing from the cut between the wrist and palm.

"It's like this, you thought your arm was cut off, but it's still on your arm, and you can also manipulate it." Seeing that Gion seems to believe it, Lorne continued to talk nonsense.

Gion moved his fingers tentatively, and found that his fingers on Lorne's hand were actually slightly bent, "It turned out to be real."

"It's good that you understand," Lorne put Gion's palm back on his wrist, and the two were perfectly combined without leaving any traces.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and then said softly.

"So when you are facing me, seeing is not necessarily believing"

After Lorne said this, his ability to perceive fruit had already been figured out by many people, so he didn't want to keep hiding it anymore, so he simply announced it directly.

Because he wants to create fear, he wants everyone to know, even if I tell you what my ability is, those who can beat him can easily deal with him without knowing this, and those who can't beat him, even if they know so what?

What cannot be targeted is what cannot be targeted.

Gion was silent. What Lorne said was roughly consistent with the speculation inside the navy, but she still had doubts, because the scene just now was so real that even she couldn't find the slightest flaw. This strange ability, How to deal with it.

Just when she was about to continue asking, a strong voice sounded behind the two of them.

Ulay held a wooden barrel wine glass that was bigger than Lorne's whole body, and walked unsteadily in front of the two of them.

"Brother Lorne, so you're hiding here!" He glanced at Gion who was sitting next to Lorne, and didn't ask what they were doing here. After all, he had already decided not to harass Jasmine after the duel failed. So everything about Jasmine has nothing to do with him.

Ulay squatted down and grabbed Lorne who was about to leave.

"Don't be afraid, Brother Lorne, I didn't come to drink with you."

"That's good," Lorne obviously breathed a sigh of relief, and he was really scared to compete with the giants.

"Pfft." Gion couldn't help laughing when he saw Lorne's deflated look.

"You said before that the purpose of your coming to Elbaf was to find a man who weaves a straw hat?" Ulay touched his braid and said honestly. "I asked my lord father, there is no giant in this village who can weave straw hats."

"No?" Lorne was a little surprised, his father would never deceive him in this kind of place, would he?

Go to Elbaf to find a person who can weave straw hats, this is the only clue so far.

"But Brother Lorne, don't be depressed." Ulay comforted, "The Elbaf you humans refer to should refer to the Kingdom Island where the royal family of the Giants is located. Wait there and have a look, maybe you can get what you want. s answer."

Ulay said.

"Exactly. Tomorrow, I'm going to visit Master Loki and tell him about my participation in the Hero Trial. You can just go there with me."

Thank you book friend 20171204180900240 for the four monthly tickets! wow thanks!

The content of the latest chapter of One Piece is a bit explosive, let me take a moment.

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