Pirate Family

Chapter 494 Hangover

The Great Route, the Windless Belt of the New World, and the village of Elbaf.

"Thank you so much." Lorne nodded to Ulay, then picked up a jug of fine wine next to him, and drank it down in one gulp.

However, he drank two bottles of fine wine one after another, which made Lorne's expression a little ugly, and he subconsciously covered his mouth.


"Hahahaha, brother Lorne, don't hold back your drinking capacity." Ulay laughed loudly, raised his huge wine glass, and drank booze, a lot of wine flowed down the corner of his mouth to the ground , every drop can fill Lorne's flagon.

"You should take a good rest here, and then sleep, and follow me to Kingdom Island tomorrow." Ulay stood up, waved lightly to Lorne, and then staggered towards the direction of the campfire past.

"Who wants to drink with me! Don't be cowardly! Come on!"

"Pfft." After Ulay passed by, Gion laughed wantonly, and she pointed at Lorne lightly with her finger, "Now I have finally discovered one of your weaknesses."

"Nonsense, try drinking with the giants." Lorne picked up a tissue, which was given to him by Xiao Jia before leaving, and Lorne stayed with him all the time.

"I didn't mean that." Gion laughed more presumptuously, "I mean you like to stick to the end, that's what people often say."

She looked directly into Lorne's eyes, with a hint of a smile in her eyes, and said word by word.

"I will suffer at the cost of saving face."

After speaking, she picked up a piece of barbecue that Lorne had placed beside her before, put it in her mouth and tasted it. But as soon as she entered her mouth, she frowned slightly and said with a little disgust.

"It's cold, it's not tasty at all."

But at this time, Lorne's face had completely sunk, and he took out two more bottles of wine, and handed one of them to Gion.

"Come on, drink!"


Jasmine lazily opened her eyes when the sun's first ray of light shone on the eaves of the giant's village.

In the square outside, there was still an extinguished bonfire and the wine bottles scattered everywhere after the young men drank heavily. She smiled helplessly. Her giant race has such a shortcoming, that is, she likes to drink very much.

Once a banquet is held, you will never go back if you don't get drunk.

But she is one of the few exceptions. As a giant, she has an unexpectedly gentle and lively personality. She doesn't like fighting and loves reading. Knowing that the giants would never go home drunk, she went back to her home early, read a book for a while, and then went to bed.

"What a bunch of drunks." Jasmine frowned slightly as she smelled the smell of alcohol in the air, and then began to tidy up on her own.

At this time, a little giant came to her side lively and dancing.

"Sister Jasmine! Brother Ulay asked me to bring you a message. He is going to visit His Royal Highness Prince Loki. He wants you to see how the human hero is resting. If he is ready, he will be there anytime. You can go!"

Ulay strictly abided by his promise, after losing to Lorne, he would never pester Jasmine again.

Jasmine was also a little helpless about this. This is the nature of the giants, they don't know how to adapt, and they are very rigid. She squatted down, touched the little giant's head with a smile, and then took out a large handful of beautifully packaged candies from under her clothes.

"My sister is going to find him now, and I will leave this place to you, little Wu'an."

"Hold me!" The little giant named Wu An looked at the garbage in the square, then patted his chest, and said with blushing faces.

"Be sure to clean up here!"

The place where Lorne lived temporarily was a thatched cottage. The owner of the house was a pair of extremely powerful giant warriors. They won the title of "Heroes" when they were very young, and then resolutely went to sea.

I haven't come back until now.

It was the village head who helped them take care of this house year after year, and it has been almost a hundred years now.

Jinyuan pushed open the door of the house, and a strong smell of alcohol came to her face, she frowned and shouted inside.

"Ulay said he was waiting for you and would take you to meet His Royal Highness Loki!"

"Oh, is it already dawn?" A lazy female voice came out, and she said lazily, "Let me sleep for a while."

How could there be a woman's voice?

Jasmine turned pale with shock, and what was even more frightening was that this voice sounded extremely familiar, it was the voice of her best friend, Yu Yuan.

Jasmine quickly walked to the bed, and found her best friend lying on the huge bed, then hugged the quilt and wrapped herself into a rice dumpling.

And Lorne sat "beside" her, closing his eyes and meditating.

"Are you here?" Lorne rubbed his temples, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. The hangover made his head hurt so badly. But the pain was just a trivial matter. When he just woke up and found himself sleeping on the same bed with Gion, the cold sweat couldn't stop seeping into his back.

But fortunately, I and her clothes are still intact, and I haven't done anything out of the ordinary. Gion's sleeping posture is extremely ugly, and he likes to hug something. Lorne managed to exchange his arm with a pillow.

At this time, his arm was still a little sore.

But Jasmine didn't care about this, she looked at Lorne angrily, if she hadn't just woken up and didn't bring her sword with her, she couldn't help but draw out her sword and slash towards Lorne.

"You may not believe me when I say it. I didn't do anything." Lorne said helplessly. If it wasn't for the provocation from the garden, he wouldn't have competed with the garden. After Ulay passed, the two of them drank as high as a hill.

And he didn't expect that the drinking capacity of this garden was not as good as him.

At this time, Jasmine calmed down a little. She was also dazzled by anger just now. Although Lorne is a pirate, he still has his own bottom line compared to those rebellious outlaws. Besides, he is a pirate after all. I'm engaged to a man, if he does something like that, Big Mom won't let him go.

"I'm going to find Wulai, you stay here and take care of the garden."

After Lorne finished speaking, he got out of bed and walked out the door. After the door of the house was slowly closed, lying in the garden of Chuangrang, he suddenly opened his eyes. Her face was hot and bleeding red. , buried his head in the quilt and said in shame.

"What a shame!"

Yes, she was already awake when Lorne woke up, but she was thin-skinned and didn't know how to face Lorne, so she kept pretending to be asleep.

Seeing that her best friend was safe and sound, Jasmine finally felt relieved when she realized that she had wrongly blamed Lorne. But when he saw such a shy face on the normally capable Gion, he still couldn't recognize him jokingly.

"I told you to be brave, aren't you very good at drinking, why did you play yourself into it?"

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