Pirate Family

Chapter 495

"Hahahaha! Brother Lorne, did you rest okay yesterday?" When he arrived at the village, Ulay was already standing in front of a huge sloop waiting for him. The outer layer of the sailboat was covered with a layer of black lumps, like the scales of some kind of animal.

At this moment, Wu Lai was wearing an animal skin battle skirt, with his braids coiled up high, and he was extremely capable, not at all like he was drunk last night.

In this regard, Lorne can only secretly lament the drinking capacity of the giants. The two chatted for a while before Jasmine rushed over with Gingyuan. At this time, Gingyuan's expression was normal, as if she had completely forgotten about the embarrassing incident just now.

However, I don't know whether it was intentional or not, Gion kept hiding in Lorne's eyes and didn't meet his gaze. Sure enough, no matter how chic and capable a woman is, she will inevitably be a little cautious when facing this kind of thing.

But Ulay didn't notice the difference between the two, or in his head, there was no concept of embarrassment at all.

"Everything is ready, let's go!" Ulay shouted, and then proudly introduced Lorne. "This ship is the spoils I got when I went out to sea and met a Neptune alone and defeated it alone. The ship made of its skin has the curse of its dying. Ordinary sea beasts dare not offend at all."

"This kind of boat is very rare even in Kingdom Island." Ulay said proudly.

Being able to defeat the sea kings without any injuries is exactly his confidence in challenging the hero test.

Lorne nodded. The curse Ulay mentioned should be the body odor of animals, just like some canines like to pee around their territory to tell their own kind that this place has an owner. And the sense of smell of sea beasts is no weaker than that of some canids, so this situation of the Curse of Rain is caused.

He selectively didn't mention to Ulay that he and Gion had once been killed from a nest of sea kings. At that time, the blood dyed the whole sea red, and the stumps of sea kings were floating on the sea like hell. .

"Are we leaving here?" Only then did Gion come to his senses and said in surprise.

This woman was really drunk and forgot everything about yesterday.

"Yes," the honest Ulai thought it was just a garden forgot, secretly thinking that human memory is really bad, but he still explained carefully. "The giants live in this small island in the windless belt, and each small island gathers one or more giant tribes. And Elbaf is the collective name for these giant tribes."

"Any island of giants can be called Elbaf. But in the eyes of you humans, Elbaf should refer to the largest and strongest King's Island, which is located in the middle of all giant islands."

"The giant royal family rules this small island, and also rules all the giants living in this windless belt."

"The one who signed the contract with you humans and allowed the giants to become admirals was the giant king, Lord Odin! It is worth mentioning that the human being who signed the contract with the giants was as strong as a monster, not inferior to Legendary giant heroes. His strength has been recognized by the giant king!"

His words also answered one of Lorne's questions, why would the world's most powerful country, Elbaf, which is closed to the world and ignores the world government, allow the giants to become vice admirals? It turned out that the two sides had negotiated a long time ago .

But as strong as a monster, Lorne raised his head, glanced at Gion, and asked. The latter's face was reddish, but he nodded slightly.

"I still remember the name of that monster," Ulay said, "Monkey D. Garp!"

A family of giants always admires the strong, no matter who he is. Ulay never concealed the adoration in his words.

Lorne nodded. If it was Garp, everything would make sense. After all, he is the symbol of the navy. Some time ago, Lorne learned about what Garp did more than 20 years ago from a certain source, and he understood what kind of monster he was.

"It's just that the man named Garp is not the only human who came to Elbaf. There were also two groups of people who came here more than ten years ago." Ulay opened up the conversation box, eloquently Said.

"They seem to be a group of pirates, and their captain is a man with a very unrestrained laugh." The lifespan of the giants is very long, and what happened more than ten years ago is still yesterday for Ulay.

"After coming to Elbaf, they visited all the small islands, and later helped the giant royal family solve the wild beast riots on the ancient island. His Majesty Odin thanked them very much, and specially bestowed on them the title of Captain Hero."

"The man who got the title of hero with a human body," Ulay said, "His name is Roger. Gol D. Roger!" After finishing speaking, he glanced at Lorne, "It is said that This name is very famous overseas, you should know him, right?"

It's a matter of course for Lorne to take it for granted. Among the men galloping in this sea, is there anyone who doesn't know Roger, the One Piece?

However, Lorne got a piece of information from Ulay's words, that is, Roger and his gang had been to this place.

But thinking about it is a matter of course. With that man's adventurous character, if he didn't swim the entire sea, how could he be willing to die?

The boat went out to sea, and the giant village behind it gradually turned into a small dot. Looking at the calm sea level, Ulay muttered.

"Hey, it's strange, why are those Hydera youngsters gone today?" He looked at a huge piece of meat piled up on the boat behind him, and shook his head, "What a waste."

It is the custom of giant villages to bring a lot of meat to sacrifice to Hydera when they go out.

But Ulay didn't think much about it. It's a good thing that there is no Hydera to compete for food. He paused and continued.

"And there is another group of people who also came to this place."

"To be precise, there are four people, three men and one woman. The group is headed by two young men, and the other man and woman seem to be servants and lovers of one of the men."

"The first thing they did when they came to Elbaf was to go straight to the Kingdom Island, trying to seize the secret treasure of the giant family hidden deep in the palace. But it was discovered by the great Odin. One of the black-haired The man, before the Giant's Palace, challenged His Majesty Odin."

"His Majesty Odin is the strongest hero in the history of the giant race. He commands the entire giant kingdom with absolute force." Ulay said, "At the beginning, all of us, including me, thought that man killed himself. "

"But the facts were beyond our expectations. That man and Lord Odin fought from the moon to the sunrise, turning the kingdom's palace into ruins, and there was no winner."

"At the end, His Majesty Odin came out of the ruins together with that man, and personally named him a hero. He also rubbed a copy of the secret treasure of the giant family and gave it to him." Ulay praised. There was no jealousy in his tone, because the man's strength conquered all the giants.

"In order to commemorate that man, His Royal Highness Odin did not choose to restore the palace, but rebuilt a palace next to the ruins. To be honest, everyone will be shocked when they see the ruins of the palace for the first time. That kind of power , really belong to human beings?"

"Secret treasure? Can you still print?" Lorne's mouth twitched. He keenly caught the key words in Ulay's words, but he suddenly understood something, and asked tentatively.

"The secret treasure of the giant family you are talking about is not a stone engraved with words?"

"How do you know?" Ulay looked at Lorne suspiciously,

"I guessed it." Lorne said truthfully, the text of the history is scattered all over the sea, engraved with the forgotten history. I don't know what role the giant family played in that history.

"It's true. The royal family has guarded the secret treasure of the giant family for generations. No one knows what the words engraved on that stone tablet are, but if someone wants to destroy it, all the giants will regard it as an enemy."

It was obviously the first time for Jasmine to hear these secrets, and she listened very seriously, even the always indifferent Qiyuan pricked up her ears and remained silent.

"But to be honest, I suddenly feel that you and the man who challenged His Majesty Odin look somewhat similar, both with black hair." Ulay lowered his head, "But you are not as resolute as him, but softer. Many, but more like the women in that team."

No way? A golden light flashed in Lorne's eyes. "That person's name won't be..."

"That hero's name is Caesar!"

As soon as Ulay said this, there was silence on the boat, and everyone was even more shocked than when they heard Roger before. Because among these few people was a son of Caesar.

Sure enough, my father has been here, so is the woman in that team his mother? Lorne turned his head to the sea, as if going through time and space, and saw the earth-shattering war decades ago.

"Garp, Roger, and Caesar, these three people are the only three humans who have received the title of giant race as humans." Ulay said, and he glanced at Lorne, "Don't be discouraged, your strength may not be as good as They, but you are still young, if you work harder, it might be impossible to become the fourth human hero."

He stretched out his huge fist to Lorne, and the man who defeated Ulay should become such a legend, and his reputation would be extolled across the entire sea.

Do you think highly of me? Lorne smiled slightly, stretched out his fist, and lightly touched Ulay's fist.

"I will, I promise."

Lorne's ambition is not just a little giant hero, but the sea!

A man who can conquer this sea should be omnipotent!

On the other hand, Jing Yuan and Jasmine looked at the two men in front of them with bewildered expressions.

Is this what you call a man's friendship?

It's really simple.

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