Pirate Family

Chapter 496 Giant nation

A small boat wrapped in black scales was floating on the sea, and an island appeared in front of them. A golden palace stands at the highest point of the island, and at the apex of the palace, there is a red totem.

"The Royal Palace Island is ahead," Ulay finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the island. The voyage along the way was really calm, and he didn't encounter a single attacking sea beast, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"After we disembark, let's go to Dongcheng to visit His Royal Highness Loki. I believe that with his influence, we should be able to find the person you are looking for soon."

Ulay said honestly, it seems that he trusts Lord Loki very much. After Ulay docked the boat on the shore, he said softly to Lorne. Lorne nodded. On the way, he stopped by Ulay to give a brief introduction about Kingdom Island. Odin, the king of giants, commands the royal family and the entire kingdom of giants, Elbaf, with his powerful strength. He has two sons, one is the eldest prince, Thor, who is called the "Hero of Thunder". The other is the second prince, Loki, known as the "Hero of Wisdom".

Ulay is a member of Loki's guards, and he is highly regarded by Loki.

Lorne nodded. After all, he wanted to find a man who weaves a straw hat. In the huge Elbaf, it was like finding a needle in a haystack. With the help of the natives, it would be much easier.

The avenue of Kingdom Island is paved with tiny cobblestones, but this "smallness" is only relative to the giants. To Lorne and Gion, it seems to be piled up one after another. Stones, if you want to move forward, you must jump from one stone to another.

"Hahahaha, let me help you." Seeing the two of them like this, Ulay squatted down and asked Lorne to jump on his shoulders, but Yuyuan rejected Ulay's enthusiasm and wanted to After thinking about it, he sat on the shoulders of his best friend.

Kingdom Island is much bigger than the giant village. Many giants were wandering in the street. After seeing Ulay, they still greeted them warmly.

After Ulay dealt with it one by one, he didn't stay long, but soon came to a solemn castle.

"Ulay, you're here!" A giant in a half-body armor wanted to come over and hug him after seeing Ulay, but his expression changed dramatically when he saw Lorne standing on Ulay's shoulder.

"Why did you bring a human over here?"

"This is my friend. He wants to ask His Royal Highness Loki for help." Ulay touched his head and said honestly. "Is Lord Loki in the castle now?"

"Yes, but..." As soon as the giant said it, he saw Ulay walking inside, and quickly stopped him, with a hint of hesitation in his face.

"What are you, Jeno?" Ulay frowned and said dissatisfied. "You don't want me to see His Royal Highness Loki?"

"That's not what it means..." The giant named Jeno quickly denied it. This Ulay is a famous reckless man with a single tendon. He didn't want to be misunderstood.

"Then what do you mean?" Ulay became more and more dissatisfied. He brought Lorne here just to help Lorne, but this Jeno stopped him like this, which made him feel ashamed.

"The problem should be with me, to be precise, with my human identity," Lorne, who had been standing on Ulay's shoulder, said at this time. "Tell me what happened."

Even if he is blocked, he is still extremely calm. This is the courage of someone who has been in the upper class for a long time.

The giant named Jeno was relieved, and finally spoke cautiously.

"If it was some time ago, Ulay, of course you would have no problem bringing a human here, but not now..."

"Why not?" Ulay suddenly hated Jeno, speaking in a twisted manner, without any appearance of a giant.

"Because His Royal Highness Loki saved a human woman some time ago, wanted to marry that woman, and was even willing to give up his status as a prince. However, His Majesty Odin categorically rejected it."

"That woman was also imprisoned by His Majesty Odin, so now His Royal Highness Loki is annoyed when he sees humans, and can't help but yell."

"His Royal Highness Loki fell in love with a woman? Or a human?" Ulay said in disbelief. This is a big deal, because in order to ensure the purity of their blood, the royal family of giants will only choose female giants who they think have excellent bloodlines to marry. . So the princes did not have the right to choose their spouses.

But there are exceptions to everything. Once His Royal Highness Loki gives up his status as a prince, there will be no such scruples. Logically speaking, with Lord Odin's enlightenment, why would he refuse?

"I don't know why. Anyway, after the conversation with His Majesty Odin, both of them were in a bad mood. After His Royal Highness Loki returned to the castle, he kept himself locked in the house. From time to time, there were sounds of things being thrown."

"Even so, do you still want to go in?"

Jeno looked at Ulay, and said cautiously, it seems that even if they are both under Loki's command, there is still a distinction between the two.

Ulay glanced at Lorne, as if waiting for his decision.

"Go in." Lorne said lightly, he really wanted to see what kind of person this prince named Loki was.

The castle was extremely dark. Even in the daytime, huge candles taller than a person were lit. The candlelight illuminated the corridor, leaving behind interlaced candle shadows, making the originally majestic castle a little more gloomy.

"What kind of person would a person who lives in this kind of place be?" Jion asked softly, pressing close to Jasmine's ear. It is quite rare to see the prince of Albaf, the legendary giant country, but aren't the people who live in such a gloomy place the villains in the story?

Everyone came to a black iron gate, and a man's deep voice came from inside.

"Why, I love you so much and am willing to give up everything for you! Why can't the two of us be together."

"It's such a romantic thing for a prince to save a princess in distress, but why are you the daughter of that woman!!!"


His final voice was hoarse, piercing through the thick wall and reaching everyone's ears.

"Look, His Royal Highness Loki has been like this recently." Jeno shrugged helplessly at the crowd, and then knocked tentatively on the Black Iron Gate.

"Loki, Ulay is here."

"Ulay?" A man's voice sounded from inside the iron gate, "Let him wait."

After a while, a pale giant slowly opened the black iron gate and appeared in front of everyone.

"My good brother, you are finally here." The giant opened his hands to Ulay, and the two hugged each other heavily.

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