Pirate Family

Chapter 509: The Remnants of the Old Era

In the giant prison, in a certain dark and damp cell, an old man sitting in the corner suddenly opened his eyes, looked up, with a sneer on his face.

"It seems that the old man is really old."

After saying this, the old man shook his head, and covered himself with a tattered quilt.

"Don't pretend to be asleep, I know you found me."

But at this moment, Thor's voice rang in the old man's ears.

"Being trapped for so many years, it's rare to see the sun once." Behind him, a giant follower brought the torch in front of the cage, and the fire illuminated the old man's face, and what appeared in front of everyone was a blind and scarred old man. face.

"You forgot, my eyes were gouged out by that old man a long time ago, how can I see the sun?"

The old man gave a dry laugh, stood up, and "looked" at Thor through the steel cage.

"How long have we not seen each other, about twenty years?"

The old man said slowly.

"Well, if you count from the time you came to Elbaf and began to wreak havoc, it will be twenty-one years, if you count from the time you were defeated by your father and thrown into this prison, it will be twenty years and six months."

"Has it been that long?" The old man was stunned, as if recalling something, and said lightly, "Then I don't know what His Royal Highness Thor is looking for me, a bad old man."

"Attention, it's His Majesty Thor now." The long-braided giant behind Thor corrected.

And Thor didn't care about this slip of the tongue, but stretched out his hand to the old man,

"I know that the life of human beings is much shorter than that of us giants, but you are not a bad old man now, I know your strength. You are the overlord of the sea, Lockes' right-hand man, Roger His sworn enemy is as strong as that woman."

"And I'm not who I was back then. You and I can continue to join forces to dominate Elbaf, and even the entire sea!"

"Then he was slapped to death by that old man like in the past?" The old man sneered. After that incident, he left the pirate group he was in before, and then re-founded a new pirate group. Just when he was about to launch the final attack on the supreme honor, Thor sent someone to find him and said that he wanted to cooperate with him.

Thor wanted Elbaf's throne, and he wanted Elbaf's help to avenge the pirate group. The two hit it off, and the old man came to this country with his hands.

Unexpectedly, this was the beginning of his nightmare. After several months of wreaking havoc in Elbaf and the surrounding archipelago, the old man met the strongest man in this country, Odin, who was in his prime. The two had an earth-shattering battle at sea, and even destroyed a Neptune lair in the surrounding sea area. In the end, it ended with the destruction of the Old Man Pirates.

The old man himself had his eyes gouged out, and he was imprisoned in this dark cage for twenty years. These twenty years have smoothed the old man's edges and spirits. Had he had the choice, he would never have come to this place in the first place.

"I know you blamed me for not giving you enough information, but I wasn't in Elbaf at the time, and I didn't expect the old man to attack you directly. By the time I returned to Kingdom Island, it was already too late. I You can only hide it and not expose the cooperative relationship between you and me."

"Then why are you here now?" the old man asked flatly, hitting the nail on the head.

"Because, now, the whole Elbaf belongs to me! The old man you are afraid of will never be able to open his eyes." Thor had a smug face, his younger brother was really stupid, so Cooperate with him and let him get the throne he dreamed of before without any effort. It also made the old man sick with anger.

The pills he gave the old man added something else that would make him sleep forever. Now as long as Loki and his remnants are all dealt with, then his brother Elbaf will fall into his own hands.

"However, my ambition is not just to be a giant king. I want to fulfill the dream that even the ancestors of the past generations have not achieved, and dominate the entire sea with the body of a giant!" Thor stretched out his right hand to the old man,

"Join me, let your reputation once again resound through the entire sea."

"After all, it would be a pity if a strong man like you died here in obscurity, Wang Zhi!" Thor was very sure of the strength of the old man. Although he did not witness the earth-shattering battle between the old man and the old man, but the This man named Wang Zhi had once fought for hegemony with Roger the Pirate King, which was why I found him in the first place.

"Hehe," the man named Wang Zhi sneered, "Since you control the entire Giant Kingdom, wouldn't it be a good time to get rid of me, a bad old man? After all, the me I am now is meaningless to you."

"No, your Wang Zhi's prestige is the meaning." Thor said lightly, "After all, I have never set foot on that sea. If I rashly lead the entire Elbaf warriors out to sea, it will definitely cause an uproar. The so-called world government is vigilant, just like the giant soldier pirates a hundred years ago."

"So I need to use your reputation to pull up a large number of pirates, and then quickly rule the new world, and after the pirates of the new world are integrated, the giants of Elbaf will join the battlefield and separate from the world government contend."

With a trace of fanaticism on Thor's face, "I will let the whole sea know why Elbaf is the most powerful country in the world that cannot be shaken!"

"Besides," Thor's voice changed, "Even after the old man's downfall, the whole Elbaf is not completely under my control. I still have a council of elders on my head."

The Council of Elders is a council composed of Elbaf's highly respected heroes. Although it has no real rights, it can influence the entire Elbaf by virtue of its own prestige. Even the original Odin respected them.

However, with the passage of time and the fact that Elbaf has not produced new heroes who can convince the crowd, the elders have gradually aged and passed away, and now there is only one person left in the entire elder council.

Aged 334 years old, the former leader of the giant soldier pirates, the oldest hero in Elbaf, the man with the title of "Cliff Beard", Yaruru.

"I will create a mess, making others think that Loki has suddenly gone mad and caused a scene in the prison."

"I will let you out in the chaos, and you take this opportunity to help me kill our only obstacle, Yaluru."

"Let your name, Wang Zhi, be heard first in Elbaf!" Thor said enthusiastically.


At this time, a fat mouse ran past the crowd in a hurry, as if it was about to do something urgent.

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